Chapter 8

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The girls didn't come today because Louis invited Rachel on a date and she really had to go. I was really happy for her. Jimin had lunch with his parents and brother. Me and Lisa stayed at home. We made a marathon of Harry Potter movies. She ordered Japanese food for us and so we stayed all day in our pajamas.

My parents arrived quite early. Jimin and his family only arrived at dinner time. I went to bed earlier because I wasn't feeling very well. I took a shower before I turned all the lights off. I couldn't sleep because my head was hurting me so much.

I heard the door opening and I suspected it was my mother but when I heard the bathroom door being opened I realized it was Jimin. After minutes it opened again. I turned on the bed side lamp. Jimin looked at me surprised. "I thought you were sleeping." He slowly said. I looked at him. My vision was blurred because of the headache.

"No." I closed my eyes. "I can't sleep." I laid again.

"Your mother gave me this in case you weren't sleeping and wasn't better." He said. I opened my eyes and he gave me a pill and a cup of water. "Hum, she also said it could be because of... Hum... that girl's things..." he was a bit embarrassed.

"Oh my gosh." 'My mother is really... well never mind!' "Sorry for my mother." I drank the water with the pill. "Thanks."

"Now you have to rest." He said and turned off my lamp. I laid back and I think he laid too. Even with the pill my headache was still there. It was hurting so much. I couldn't sleep. I was feeling cold too.

"You can't sleep, can you?" Jimin asked.

"No. My head is still hurting like hell." I said.

"Give me your hand." He said. He held it when I extended it. His hand was very warm. "Your hand is so cold!" He said.

"That's because I only have on sheet in my bed so it's cold. Remember me to put another one tomorrow." I said and kept holding his hand.

Suddenly his hand left mine and I heard a noise from his bed. Then my bed was the one making a noise and I felt a warm body closer to mine. "J-Jimin, what are you doing?" I asked nervously.

"You said you were cold. The only way I can help you is like this." He said with a kind voice. I turned myself to him and he pulled myself closer to his body. I thanked God that it was dark so no one could see how much I was blushing. "Better?" He asked. I could feel the warm breath coming from his mouth.


"What about your head?"

"It's hurting the same."

"Then try to sleep." He said and kissed my head.

I really tried to sleep but I couldn't. I was right beside Jimin. In a bed. Hugging. I could feel all his body against mine. 'Ugh what should I do!?' I could feel his breath in my head. He hugged me even more. One of his hand cuddled my hair.

Right beside his warm body I fell asleep and only woke up in the next morning. Jimin was still beside me. I opened my eyes to see him looking at me. "Morning." I said.

"Good morning, Roxy." He smiled. "How're you feeling? How's your head?"

"I'm okay. It's not hurting anymore." I said and yawned.

"That's good. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes." I answered. "How about you? You must have slept very bad. My bed is too small." That was good. We were laying in my bed and talking. I liked that.

"I slept very well with you, actually." He smiled. "Oh, the boys are calling." He said looking at his phone. "Can I answer it?" I nodded. Six boys appeared on the screen. "Hi guys!" Jimin said smiling. He wasn't showing me on the screen.

"Jimin!" Hobi screamed.

"How are you?" Namjoon asked.

"I'm fine. I just woke up now. And you?" He said.

"We're fine!" Jin said.

"Where's your fiancée?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh, she's here." Jimin said and looked at me.

"She's there with you? In bed?" Suga asked.

"Ohhh, Jimin!" They all screamed. I laughed a bit. I could see Jimin got a bit red but was laughing too.

"We want to see her!" Taehyung said.

"Can I show you?" He asked me. I nodded. Before he turned the phone to me he covered my mouth and a bit of my nose with the sheet. I just laughed. "Guys, this is all you'll see of my fiancée." He said and turned the phone to me. The boys looked at me.

"Hi." I said.

"Oh she has pretty eyes!" Hobi said.

"She's very pretty too but you won't see it." He laughed. I blushed with his comment. 'He thinks I'm pretty?'

"You made her blush now, Jimin!" Namjoon said and they laughed. I hide my face with my hands.

"Shut up, guys." He said hugged my head. "Guess what? She's an Army!"

"Really?" They all screamed.

"Yes." I said.

"And guess who's her bias?" Jimin screamed.

"No, don't say it!" I screamed laughing.

"It's mmm-" I put my hand over his mouth to shut him. He could take my hand of his mouth.

"It's me!" He screamed laughing.

"Ohhh cute!" They screamed and I hide my face. He kissed my forehead.

"We got to now bye!" He said and hung up. "Sorry they're a bit... you know. Crazy!" I laughed.

"They seem very kind." I smiled.

"Are you hungry? I'll make you breakfast!" He got up. I just stayed laying because I was comfortable. "Oh, come on!" He said and tickling my belly.

"Stop, Jimin, stop!" I screamed laughing. I was trying to push him away but he fell to close too me. Our faces were too close. I blushed and tried to step away. Everything that came to my mind was the prom night and the things we talked about. "Hum, Jimin?"

"Yeah?" He said and got up again.

"Hum... do you remember the prom, right? That things you told me..." I said shyly and sat.

"About me wanting to be your first kiss?" I nodded. "Of course I remember and I did not change my mind."

"W-Why do you say that things? W-Why do you want to be my first kiss?" I was so nervous by asking him that but I really want to know.

"I told you that the first person that kisses you must like you." He sat in the bed again. "But why are you talking about that now? Did you change your mind?" he came closer to me.

"I-I just don't know what to do. I know nothing about love and kisses and I'm afraid to screw everything up." I said. "I've never talked about this with anyone, I'm being very honest with you, Jimin." I sighed. "I guess I have to say yes because there won't be anyone like you that wants to kiss me."

"Why do you say that?" He asked and looked me in the eyes.

"Because I'm not the type of girl boys fall in love with. I'm not a beauty and I'm not the skinniest girl. I'm shy and I talk a lot of rubbish when I get nervous."

"I'll kiss you but you have to know something first." I looked at him again. "When I said you were pretty I was saying the truth. You're very beautiful, Roxy. Don't doubt about that." He made a little smile. "And don't be afraid of screwing it. It's new for you. I promise I'll show you everything you want to know and your curious about."

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