Chapter 9

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Jimin pov.

It was dark outside but I took a walk in the garden anyway. I sighed as I looked at the flowers and sat down on the bench and looked at the night sky. I glanced back at the palace and I saw a figure on the roof. I stood up so see who it was. Slowly I saw the figure climb up onto the edge.

I recognized the figure and I felt my heart drop.

I sprinted up the stairs to the roof. I slammed the door open and ran out.


I sat up with a cold sweat going down my back. I realized I had tears streaming down my face. I curled up my legs and wrapped my arms around them.

I put my head down and the tears kept coming. "Yoongi.. what did I do.."

I cried into my pillow and fell asleep once again.

The next day I woke up with a puffy face and flushed cheeks. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a heartbroken man that was just too hopelessly in love, I laughed bitterly cause in a way I was.

I didn't even wash up I just brushed my teeth and headed off to breakfast. The servants and my parents were giving me looks but I didn't care. I caught Yoongi's eye and his expression wavered but he looked away. Why is it I feel my heart break and other piece everytime that happens.

I was desperate to know what I had done. I quickly finished breakfast and I headed to his room.

I hesitated before I knocked on his door. "Yoongi?.."


"Yoongi I know you're in there.."

More silence.

I herd rustling and my eyes watered. Hes in there.

I knocked again. But my voice cracked as I spoke.

"Yoongi.. I.. I miss you."


I waited for a minute then I let go of the door handle and headed back to my room. I had nothing else to do but lay in bed full of misery.

I closed my curtains and turned off the lights. I cried myself to sleep once again. No one woke me up for lunch.

Finally when it was dinner one of the maids woke me up for dinner and I just went down there with dry tear stains. It's only been but a few days since we've spoken but it's tearing my apart in such a painful confusing way I don't understand.

I felt stares but no one asked any questions. I finished my dinner silently and walked to his room, again.
I knocked.

"Yoongi, please answer me."

I rested my head against the door and let out a shaky breath.

"Yoongi.. please."

I herd rustling once again and a sigh from the other side of the door.

"Yoongi I know you're in there. Please talk to me.. what did I do?.." I whispered the last part.

Once again no answer.

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and some escaped out the corners of my puffy eyes.

I banged on the door once. And my voice cracked as I spoke.

"Yoongi please! I don't know what I did but I'm sorry.. please speak to me. Tell me what I did. I need you. I miss you."

I took in another breath.
"Please don't leave me alone.."

I slumped down to the floor and cried into the door. My heart felt like someone had ripped it out of my chest and stomped on it right in front of me.

I was clueless of what I had done. All I knew was that I wanted his forgiveness.. I wanted to see him smile. I wanted to see his face, to hear his voice. To have him by my side again, is this simply a crush at all?

"Yoongi.. please open the door.."

There was silence then after about 3 minutes, the door knob turned and it opened.

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