Chapter 12

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Jimin pov.

I woke up early and I rolled over to see Yoongi peacefully sleeping and looking goregous in the morning sunlight. I stared at him sleeping, noticing the little details on his face.

"How long is it going to take you to realize Im awake."

I gasped and ducked under the covers.

"You scared me.."

"And you think hiding under the blankets gunna help?"

"Shut up."

He laughed and stretched. I told him I had to go back to my room so I waved and left.

On the way back I was encountered by my father again.

"Where are you going this early?"

"To my bedroom." I tried to move to the side and continue walking but he blocked my path once again.

"What were you doing down here?"

I kept a straight face and kept my face looking straight ahead.

"Simply looking at the sunrise. Now if you'll excuse me."

I pushed his arm away and continued to walk to my room.

"You were with that boy weren't you."

I was going up the steps, "What I do is none of your concern father, as long as Im not breaking the rules I'm fine."

I continued walking to my room and once i entered it I went to the balcony and stared at the view. My balcony had one of the best views of the kingdom and the landscape behind it. If I could I'd stare at the view all day, maybe ill show Yoongi the view one day. I smiled at my thought and I daydreamed about his reaction and how he would make the view even better.

I sighed and rested my head in my hand and continued staring. Then there was a knock upon my door.

"Jimin, can I have a word?"

It was my father.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. "What would you like to talk about?"

He stepped into my bedroom and remained quiet for a few seconds before speaking.

"I want to talk about this boy you've  been spending quiet alot of time with."

It'll be okay.

"What about him?"

"Why are you spending time with a boy like him when you could be spending time choosing a wife?"

It's fine.

"Hes my friend."

He had a straight face but then he began laughing.

"Son, we dont befriend the lower class. We simply pretend we enjoy their presense and fake it. Royalty is only friends with royalty. Don't you ever learn?"

"But he is my friend and he means alot to me."

"Son, tomorrow you are going to be spending time searching for a wife. I have 3 ladies who are dying to meet you."

"Why can't I live my own life and be happy?"

"You don't understand Jimin. Your life isnt yours. I control your life, not only am I your dad but im king. I rule over this whole kingdom and you are part of this kingdom. Now behave before i do something about kitchen boy."

I'm tired of this.

I roughly grabbed his arm and glared at him, "First of all you're about as old as a bat and I'll be king soon. Second, I can live my own life because I own my own damn body. Third, you can't always control me, I may be your son but Im also a prince and this is also  my kingdom. Lastly if you dare lay a finger or harm Yoongi so help me I will do everything in my power for you to wish I wasn't your son. Yoongi treats me better than you ever have and my only source of happiness comes from him. If you take him away from me ill make this palace a living hell."

Once again I felt that fimilar sting on my face.

He gripped me by the collar and glared at me with hatred.

"Park Jimin. As long as I'm alive I will do as I wish cause im still king. You will not use those vulgar words or dare try to threaten me. I can have your dear Yoongi beheaded and I'll make you watch. Tomorrow you are not to speak with that boy and instead you will be speaking with those 3 lovely ladies. This is not a option, its a command. If I so see you mouth one word to that boy I will have you flogged myself. Do I make myself clear?"

I spit in his face.


He quickly went to slap me again but I moved out of the way. Unfortunately he used his other arm to punch me directly in the stomach and when I bent over he shoved me to the ground and raised his foot. I caught it and tried to hold it up with my hands but he kicked me in the ribs and I groaned. 

He walked to the door, hand on the handle, "You will not disobey me." And he shut the door.

I crawled my way to my bed and I sobbed into my pillow. I screamed and yelled into the pillow and sobbed till I couldn't cry any more and passed out.

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