Chapter 25

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A/n: sorry for switching povs so much, also this chapter is unedited cause im a lazy shit.

Jimin pov.

The next day Hoseok and the others came back, Yoongi and I explained Seokjin's story and appearance while he was still sleeping.

"Alright, so I have a plan set and how we get out."

All 5 of us sat in a circle and listened in to Hoseok's whispering.

"So late at night Taekook and I will pretend we had just kidnapped you all and were taking you to a room. If we are questioned let me do all the talking, I'll play it off. There's a passage way I've found while guarding some rooms, it leads to upperground and a doorway to the outside. I already talked to the other guards and there will only be 3 tonight. That lowers our chances of being caught and questioned. As long as you all get out I'll be happy. If anything happens to me I want you all to go through with my plan and make it out together."

Taehyung quickly grabbed Hoseoks hand, "Im not leaving here without you Hoseok. Its ether all of us or none. Youve helped all of us so much and youve protected me and have cared for me so much the whole time I've been down here."

I noticed Hoseoks cheeks were colored a light pink and he looked away.

"Yeah.. alright."

Taehyung smiled before turning to talk about turtles with Jungkook. Hoseok had a sad look in his eyes as he watched Taehyung and Jungkook laugh together. I realized Hoseok has feelings for Taehyung.. I felt sorry for Hoseok. One sided love never was great. I turned to Yoongi and stared at his side profile. When he noticed I was staring he smiled and I felt a smile growing on my face as well.

"Mm.. whats happening?"

Jin had woken up.

"Mm? Who are you people?"

Hoseok and Taekook waved,

"Im Hoseok."

"Im Taehyung."

"Im Jungkook."

Hoseok stood up up and brushed off some dirt.

"We're here to help them escape." He pointed to Yoongi and I.

Jin shot up and ran to Hoseok.

"Please take me with you! Please!"

I smiled, "We were going to do that anyway."

Suddenly the door burst open and a man yelled, "Hoseok you need to clean up this mess, bring a mop!"

Hoseok sighed, "Coming!"

"Ill be back later. Eat some of the food we brought."

I had just noticed the bags resting near the door. Taehyung happily got up and grabbed the bags.

"We got chicken!!"

Seokjin's eyes brightened at the mentioning of chicken/food.

We all sat down and ate the food happily. I didnt realize how starving I was till I took a bite of the delicious meat. Yoongi sighed into the chicken leg and Seokjin was already onto his third. Taehyung was gnawing on the edge of the leg while Jungkook ate with a smile on his face.

Seokjin suddenly stopped and started laughing.

"Hey hey, why didnt the chicken cross the road?"

"Because we ate it!!"

I choked on the leg as Yoongi coughed, Taehyung was on the floor laughing and Jungkook just hid his face.

Seokjins laugh was one of the most interesting things Ive ever herd. It was like a windshield wiper.

Seokjin did wiggly eyebrows at us and then smirked and dramatically flipped his hair.

"My love for you is like diarrhea.. I just can't hold it in."

I fell onto the ground and laughed till my stomach hurt and Taehyung was on the verge of crying as Jungkook laughed and Yoongi just coughed some more.

"I have skittles in my mouth, you wanna taste the rainbow?"

Yoongi ended up spitting the chicken and Taehyung and I were laughing tears.

I havent felt this in a long time. This feeling of having people around me that cared and loved me. I felt it. I felt the feeling of pure, beautiful, actual happiness. Ive longed for it for so long. I grinned and so did the others.

We finished the food and we laid around talking and joking till Taehyung and Jungkook had to go and get ready.

It got serious after they left.

Tonight is the night, everything could go completely as planned or it could completely go wrong. It was a fifty fifty chance but at least it was something.

Yoongi, Seokjin and I looked at each other and smiled softly as we waited for Hoseok and the others to come.

When I herd a soft knock and the door opened revealing Hoseoks face I felt a wave of relief wash throughout me. Yoongi and I shared a glance and we walked out of the room into the hallway. Taehyung and Jungkook were waiting outside with their masks on and Hoseok quickly put his back on and nodded his head as Taehyubg and Jungkook loosely tied rope around our wrists.

Hoseok held a finger up to his mouth and we nodded.

We'll get out. We'll get out. Yoongi, Seokjin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Hoseok, I promise you we will. I believe we will.

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