Chapter 10

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A/N: I tried to make this a long chapter
Yoongi pov.

Hearing the pain in his voice made my heart break. I opened the door and my eyes widened at the man in front of me.

Down on the floor was Jimin, messy hair, puffy face, with tears brimming his eyes. I knelt down to him and brushed my hand against his cheek, guilt taking over my body.

I looked into his dark eyes, they were cloudy.


He flinced and began crying and lowered his head.

"Why are you ignoring me?.." He whispered.

I lifted his head and pulled him into my room. He sat on the bed hiding his face.

After a minute he spoke, "What did I do?.."

I could feel my own eyes watering and I sat next to him and put my hand on top of his.

"I'm the one that should be sorry.."

I began crying without wanting to and he lifted his head and he held my hand. Then he lifted his arm and pulled me into an embrace.

"What's wrong?", his voice was soft and soothing.

I wrapped my arms around him and I buried my face into his shoulder.

"I miss them.."

His arms tightened around me. "Your siblings?"

I sniffed, "My family.. I miss the farm, I miss my mom, I miss my dad, I miss everybody.. its just.. whenever im upset I shut everyone out. Im not one to open up to people or cry in front of them."

Then, out of no where he started laughing. He let go of me and laughed as he ran his hand through his hair.

"You had me thinking I did something wrong, I thought I fucked up."


His eyes looked more bright and he grinned at me.

"Let's go to the farm."


He squeezed my hand. "Let's take a trip to the farm."



I gave him my gummy smile and out of excitement I jumped and hugged him again.


I fell asleep in his arms. The next morning was peaceful. I woke up to see Jimin sleeping next to me. He was even beautiful while asleep.

My heart started beating quicker as I noticed how close we were. His hair fell onto the pillow almost too perfectly.

Suddenly he smiled, "Are you going to take a picture or are you gunna start painting a portrait of me."

I gasped and scooted all the way to the other side of the bed. He laughed and grabbed my arm, pulling me close again. I rested my head on his chest and listened to the sound of his heart as he played with my hair.

"What are you doing today? "

"Nothing. What do you want to do?"

I got off his chest and laid on the pillow. However he shot up like a rocket and grabbed my arm.

"Yoongi! Let's go to the farm today!"

I smiled giddily and nodded.

We were in the carriage on the way to the farm. Not sure if the neighbors took care of our farm or not, but I was excited anyway.

Jimin got out first and he held out his hand as I stepped off. I had to dress a little different since I was 'traveling' with the prince.

I walked out and I stared at the grassy fields and the flowers. The breeze was small but perfect at the same time. The clouds covered part of the sun but it wasn't too cloudy nor too sunny. I laughed as I began running in the fields and I laid down in the grass. Jimin laughed as he ran behind me and plopped down into the grass next to me. I closed my eyes and I breathed in the air and smiled. I could feel Jimins gaze on me but I was enjoying the feeling of being home that I didn't mind.

Suddenly he stood up and shoved me and yelled "TAG!!" I was startled at first but then I began chasing him until I tripped over a patch of grass and tumbled into him. I landed on top with my arms beside his head and we both laughed until we realized that I was still on top of him. He stared at me with a smile so bright it could make the sun jealous.

I looked at his lips and I could feel his eyes on mine. I slowly leaned forward but when my eyes caught his, my face heated up and I quickly got off. He got up and coughed and we went for a walk. Looking out the corner of my eyes I could see him stealing glances at me.

I walked happily in the field and watched the sunset.

Finally when it was time to go I walked to the carriage with Jimin and it was awfully quite. It was a comfortable silence though.

I waved Jimin goodnight and headed off to my room. I laid on my bed and sighed.

There was one thing in my mind that I couldn't get rid of. Jimin.

The field. The moment just seemed so perfect, his eyes were almost trapping me in a trance. I couldn't do that to Jimin though, not when I hurt him like that.

The farm made me happy, being there brought back memories but having Jimin with me gave me new ones.

I don't want to see him cry, I loved his smile. I loved his laugh and his giggle. He can be cute yet extremly entrancing at the same time. I wonder if he has a twin that he just switches places with, but yet I just want one Jimin, all to myself. I'm being selfish, he's a prince. There's many women that are better than me, many women that want to be his bride, when has a prince ever married a guy? I still question why did he notice me out of all people, why me. I'll probably be tossed away by him as he gets married anyway.

It makes me sad.. thinking that he's gunna get married. That he's going to have children of his own. Hes going to be a great king one day, he's.. he's  really something. And I'm.. I'm nothing. I'm just a server boy that needs money to survive. A server boy who couldn't even save his parents. A server boy who left his siblings. What good will he get by spending time with me.. I'm useless.  I just make everything worse, I even made him cry. I'm an idiot. I hugged my pillow and laid on my bed surrounded by my thoughts and darkness.

Jimin.. you dont know what you're doing to me. Dont smile at me like that if you're just gunna leave me.

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