Chapter 26

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*play song*

Jimin pov.

Hoseok was being really cautious and checking our surroundings every 30 seconds.

We were doing really well and getting quite far, though the lights were dim and it was difficult to see. I trusted Hoseok.

He suddenly stopped abruptly and Yoongi accidentally collided into my back.

Hoseok held up a a finger to his mouth and I understood. We pressed our backs against the wall and waited. I herd footsteps. Multiple. There was more than 3 guards..

Hoseok looked back at me and I saw the fear in his eyes but it quickly vanished as he put on a strong face and waited.

The footsteps finally disappeared and we continued to walk. Hoseok led us over to a corner and told us to stay put as he goes to check down the hallway.

Taehyung was holding Jungkook's hand and Jungkook gave him a reassuring smile.

I met eyes with Yoongi and he gave me a smile of his own and I smiled back. As long as Yoongi was with me I felt safe. I also met eyes with Seokjin and he made a funny face and grinned. I had to fight back my urge to laugh. I knew everything was going to be alright as long as I was with these people.

Everythings going to be alright.

Hoseok came back and waved, "It's clear."

I grinned back at him and we all stood up. He began to led the way but something felt off. I felt as though I could feel another presence.

Is..someone else here?..

"Hoseok.." I whispered.

He turned around, "hmm?"

"I think someone is following us.."

Hoseoks eyes hardened and he stopped to listen. I could hear faint footsteps and someone laughing. I froze. I looked back at Hoseok..

He was trembling and paler than Yoongi. His eyes were a storm of fear. Taehyung and Jungkook shrunk back against the wall fear clouded their eyes too. I suddenly felt my stomach drop and I felt goosebumps.

Taehyung whispered, "Boss.."

I met eyes with Yoongi and his was stone hard but his eyes were also filled with fear.

The footsteps got closer and I could see figures.. eight.. theres eight.

"Taehyung.. Jungkook.. I thought you learned not to try and escape.. and Hoseok. I thought you knew better than try to leave, I mean look who I have with me."

The man shoved someone with long hair and taped arms and they whimpered and yelled into the gag.

Hoseok clenched his fists.


"Hoseok, calm down. Nothing will happen to her if you don't leave. It's as simple as that."

The girl on the floor screamed as he roughly kicked her onto the floor. Hoseok eyes were no longer clouded with fear, instead they were dark and full of fury. He quickly ran to the man and punched him square in the nose. The man ended up flying backwards. Hoseok quickly tore off the tape and the gag as the other men crowded around the boss. He hugged her and with tears streaming down his face he whispered into her ear, "Run."

The girl shook her head and Hoseok pulled her up. "Listen to me. Ill be fine alright?.. Ill be fine. I want you to run. Go with them. Please, GO!!"

I assumed the girl was his sister. They embraced and she ran to us.

We all took off the rope and began running but I turned around in hopes of him right behind us, "Hoseok!!"

He turned to us and grinned sadly with tears continuing to stream down his face.

"It seems I was meant to stay here.. thanks for making me happy while it lasted.. I love you all."

The last thing I saw before I ran was Hoseok screaming as he went on a rampage.

I felt a lone tear roll down my face as I whispered "Thank you.."

Taehyung and Jungkook led us to the escape passageway and we ran down the dark corridor and once we hit the end Taehyung felt around for a switch. Once he hit it the wall lifted and I saw daylight. We all ran out and I spun around in the sunlight that I craved and Taehyung and Jungkook began crying as Yoongi and I embraced and he smashed his lips onto mine. He picked me up and spun me around and laughed.

"We're free!!"

The girl smiled sadly at us but glanced back at the door as if she was waiting for him. I knew he wasnt coming..

While Taehyung and Jungkook were prancing around in the field and Yoongi ran to tell them to be careful of fireants I walked over to Hoseoks sister.

"Im sorry about Hoseok."

She smiled softly at me.

"He was a good man. He treated and helped us so much."

She quickly shrunk and gasped, "Your.. the prince."

I grinned. "Thats me."

They've all reacted like this after finding out Im the prince and it makes me laugh everytime.

She quickly was about to bow but I stopped her. "No need. Just treat me like any other person."

She sadly smiled. "Ive missed him so much. When I finally get to see him, Its the last."

"He was a good man.."

I took off my jacket and rested it on her shoulders. "Warm up."

"Go on and enjoy it out here. Don't worry about me. Ill be fine."

I grinned and ran off to Yoongi and the others as she walked.

We're free.. we got out. Theres only one thing that was shoved to the back of my thoughts but now its one of the only things I can think of.

My father.

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