Isn't She Lovely? - Chapter 1

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Tonight was the night! Gabby was finally going to herr first One Direction concert, with  her best friend, Emily. Gabby and Emily were getting ready to go the concert, but she kept getting nervous

"Stop pacing!" Emily shouts at her, startling her just a bit.

"I'm nervous! Emily, we have backstage passes! What if one of the boys bump into me and I fall on my face?! What if they think I'm ugly?! What if-"

"Stop it! No more what if's!" Emily interrupts. "You'll be fine! Think positive! What if one of them fall in love with you? Maybe a certain blonde headed Irish sex God." she says, snickering. Gabby take the nearest pillow and throw it at her.

"Ugh! You ruined my hair. This took a good 20 minutes to do!" she whined.

"Oh stop, you look fine." she replied. Emily knew that she loved the boys more than anything, but she had a soft spot for Niall. Whenever she watched an interview, seen a picture or basically seen anything that had to do with him, a smile will creep upon her face. Just thinking about bumping into him made her even more nervous. She read a bunch of imagines about Niall. Gabby hoped that one day, she can be his special princess.

"GIRLS! LET'S GO!" both of their mothers shouting from downstairs.

Emily and Gabby squeal and do excited jumps. 

"Wait!" she shouts. Gabby turns around, her body halfway out the door. "Checklist!"

"Right!" she replies, as they went down the list of things you couldn't leave without.

"Camera?" "Check." "One Direction shirt?" "Check. "One Direction bag?" "Check." "Tickets?" "Check." "Backstage passes?" "Check." "Lip gloss?"

Gabby looks up at Emily confused. "Lip gloss? Why would I-" she starts, but her mischievouss smile interrupts her. Gabby glares at her, which makes laughs spill from Emily's mouth. "Ugh! Let's go!" She grabbed her arm, which is still shaking from the laughter she's giving off.

"Okay girls, ready?" her mother asks. They both nod, a little too excited. 

"Alright, well have fun! Be careful!" Gabby's mom says. She kisses her forehead. Gabby and Emily run out the door into her mother's car. They both take the backseat and freak out. They couldn't believe that they were finally going to a concert. 

About 30 minutes later, the girls arrive at the venue and couldn't believe how many girls were there. Both girls expected a lot, but not that much. They both hopped out of the car and joined the crowd. The line was actually moving pretty fast. When teh girls walked into the venue, they looked for their seats. Front row isn't that hard to find. Up All Night was playing, but the boys were still getting ready backstage. About 20 minutes later, the lights went out and all that was heard was the band playing. Everybody screamed, and of course, the girls both joined. Lights then went on, but only on the stage. Then, they came out. The 5 boys everyone loved for what feels like ages. The crowd went nuts! And they felt like that's where they belonged.

"What's up everybody?!" Liam shouted into his microphone. Again, screaming arouse. The boys each took their turn talking, but Gabby was trying to get a good angle for a video. She got the whole thing on camera when Louis shouted "We are gonna start this show off with Stand Up." Gabby and Emily looked at each other and screamed. Gabby knew that was Emily's absolute favorite song on the album. Everyone was shouting the lyrics and dancing along. Gabby was recording all the boys, but paid attention to Niall most of all. The song finished and the crowd went wild. This pattern continued. After Stand Up, the order of the songs went Gotta Be You, I Want, One Thing then, finally, More Than This. More Than This was your favorite song on the album. She got really excited and Emily could sense that. She basically jumped on top of Gabby out of excitement. Liam's voice echoed through the place like an angel. Then Harry's. The boys then all came in for the chorus and everyone shouted it back. 

"If I'm louder, would you see me? Would you lay down, in my arms and rescue me?" Niall's beautiful voice boomed through the speakers and every started screaming his name. At one point, for about 3 seconds, he looked dead at Gabby and smiled. Her eyes widened and she almost passed out. Emily noticed him and she screamed because Gabby couldn't. Louis then started singing his solo and Gabby's heart melted. She loved his voice. The boys performed more songs and the night ended with, of course, What Makes You Beautiful. 

"Good night everybody!" Liam said.

"Thanks for coming out!" Zayn thanked the crowd.

The boys then each ran backstage and the show was over. Gabby and Emily freaked out! 

"DID YOU SEE HIM SMILE AT YOU?! OH MY GOSH!" she yelled. She blushed. 

"It was just a split second," Gabby replied, "No big deal. Just a coincidence." Both girls stood behind with about 15 other girls while everybody else left. Backstage, here we come. All girls walked together with security. Gabby heard excited squeals coming from each girl. Emily even let out a little squeal. Then, they all stopped. There they were. 5 amazingly perfect boys, standing right there. And there he was, his gorgeous blue eyes staring into Gabby's, smiling right at her. And this time, she knew it wasn't a coincidence.

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