Just Friends ... Got It - Chapter 15

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*Gabby’s P.O.V*

“Lexi? Come here girl!”
I walked into the living room of my mom’s house and closed the door behind me. I set my bag down, waiting for Lexi to come after me, but she didn’t.
“Lexi? Where are you girl?”
I made kissy noises with my mouth, she usually responds to that.


I ran upstairs to my room but she wasn’t in there. I ran into my mom’s room, but she wasn’t there either. I walked down the hall, searching for her when I heard a loud bang from the kitchen.
I ran downstairs, nearly tripping on my own two feet. I grabbed the candy dish off of the dining room table and snuck into the kitchen, ready to attack.

Nobody was there.

“What the hell?” I wondered aloud, looking around. And that’s where she was. Lexi, her bowl shattered on the floor.
“Lexi?! What did you do?”
She put her ears back and her tail went down, along with her head. I picked her up and looked at the ceramic pieces of her bowl shattered all over the floor.
I set her back down in the hallway and picked up the broom. I swept the pieces into the garbage and went in the cupboard to get her other dog bowl out. She whimpered from behind me.
“Well, if you would have waited for me to come home and not tried to feed yourself, maybe you could have eaten out of your other bowl. But you broke it!” She whimpered again, giving me those sad puppy eyes. I put her food into the bowl she didn’t like and set it down. I picked her back up and kissed the top of her head.
“Stop breaking things, you klutz!” I laughed and set her on the floor. She walked over to her bowl and sniffed it and slowly started eating from it. I went into my room and picked out a fresh pair of tights and a big tee shirt.
“I guess I’ll stay home today.”
I took the clothes with me into the bathroom. I stepped into the shower, hiding in the corner of the small area until the water heated up to the perfect temperature.

After about 20 minutes in the shower, I stepped out and changed into my lounging clothes. I popped a hot pocket into the microwave and tied my hair into a bun.


“Ugh, that freaking phone!” I muttered as I ran into the living and fished it out of my bag.
I let it ring as I went back into the kitchen to get my hot pocket. I sat down on the couch and turned on the T.V.
Friends was on, and it was my favorite episode, so I decided to relax and watch it.
My tri-tone ring went off.
I glanced at the phone sitting next to me.

Emily <3
Voicemail (1)

I rolled my eyes and unlocked my phone and listened to the same annoying automatic lady speak to me.
“You have 1 new message and 2 saved messages, first new message.”
“Gabby, hey, it’s Emily. I know you don’t want to be bothered with me-“I chuckled, nodding to what she was saying.
“-But I’m sorry for kissing Niall. I know you found out about what happened, but I miss you. You’ve been my best friend for as long as I could remember. And after everything we’ve been through, I can’t just walk away from it like nothing happened. Best friends fight, everyone knows that, but it only makes the relationship stronger, right? I really like Niall and I know that deep down, you like Louis.”
My eyes widened and I stopped chewing on my food. How did she know that?
“I see the way that you guys look at each other … full of love and happiness. That’s what I wanted with Niall, but he loves you too much. Please forgive me Gabby, I love you like a sister and I miss you dearly. If you forgive me, then look outside your door. I left something there for you.”
“End of new message.”
I put my phone down and thought about everything that she said. She was right. I missed her. She is like my sister. Everybody makes mistakes, nobody’s perfect.
I laughed at the way my thoughts sounded like some Hannah Montana freak. I sighed and put on my slippers. I walked to the front door and pulled it open.
Nothing was there.
I looked around and went to go close the door when I heard someone.
“Does that mean you forgive me?!”
I turned around to see Emily standing at the bottom of the stairs, in her lounge clothes as well. I laughed and nodded and she laughed and ran up the stairs.
We grabbed each other and didn’t let go.
I pulled away and we looked at each other, laughing and crying like one of those chick flicks.
“I missed you, Gabs!”
“I missed you too, Em!”
We ran inside and I shut the door behind us as she ran and picked up Lexi, drowning her in a series of hugs and kisses.
“What made you call?” I asked her as we sat down to watch Friends.
“I was watching Friends, eating a hot pocket and lounging like we always did and it made me think of you.” I stared at her and picked up my half eaten hot pocket. I pointed to the T.V, wove around my food and presented my clothes by holding my hand in front of me and moving it up and down like the sale ladies at wedding dress stores. She started cracking up and she pointed out that she was wearing the same clothes.
She told me about her and Niall and about how much she misses Lexi and I’s company. I told her about me and Louis and she clapped and did a little dance.
“I knew you two were going to end up together! You both clicked as soon as you met backstage at the concert.”
“Yeah … about that. I’m going on tour with the boys …” I trailed off and her eyes filled with excitement.
“OH MY GOSH GABB! THAT’S AWESOME! I hope you have a great time, and you better text me every day and you better take loads and loads of pictures! AHHH I’M SO EXCITED AND I’M NOT EVEN GOING!” I laughed at how happy she was and her phone rang.
“Hey Ni, what’s up? … I’m with Gabby … Yeah … Okay … No problem … Okay, bye!” She hung up and gave me a gigantic hug, basically causing me to fall out of my seat.
“What was that for?!” I whined, getting up from the floor.
“Niall said, and I quote, ‘give her a huge hug from me and tell her I miss her and I’ll see her tomorrow morning.’ End quote.” She said, adding “Oh yeah, he misses you!” at the end.
“Oh yeah … he’s part of One Direction, too …”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding! Gosh, so violent!” I laughed and she playfully shoved me.

We had random conversations like we did before we had such busy schedules. Parties, sleepovers, YouTube videos, music, food and our jobs.
“I’m pretty sure I’m going to get fired.” I said, throwing a napkin at the T.V screen.
“You’re not going to get fired, I’ll cover for you!”
“I’m sure they’ll realize that I’m gone!”
“True … yeah, you might not have a job.”
I sucked my teeth to make that “tit” noise and I shoved her. She started giggling.
“I know though, but hey, I have money and I’ll just have to continue to tutor little Rosie Marie until I find another.”
“Yeah, thank God she has off for the next few weeks.”
We talked and talked until it was about 11:00pm.
“Well, I have to go. You need to get up early in the morning!” She jumped excitedly and hugged me. I gave her a big hug before she left and she ran out into the darkness. I closed the door and locked it behind her. I shut off the T.V, grabbed my phone and trudged up the stairs. I looked at my phone before I put it on the charger.

Louis <3
3 missed calls.

I quickly called him back.
“Hello?” he answered, a bit groggily.
“Hey Louis. You called?”
“Gabby! Yeah, I just wanted to hear your voice before I went to bed.”
I smiled at how amazing he just made me feel.
“Awe Lou, well go to sleep love. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Okay, babe! Don’t forget to pack, my love.”
“I LOVE YOU GABBY!” I heard Harry scream in the background.
“I love you, too Harry!”
“She said she loves you too!” Louis said, his voice distant.
“Give me the phone!” Harry commanded. I heard some shuffling before I heard someone speak.
“Hey love!” It was Harry.
“Hey babe, what’s up?”
“Nothing, just wanted to say hi. I love you!”
“Hi! I love you, too!”
“I love you more!”
“NO! I LOVE HER MORE!” I heard Louis shout. I laughed and I heard some more shuffling.
“You’re on speaker, hun!” Louis said.
“Okay … well … Hi?” I said, a bit lost on what to say, exactly. “I sorta feel the love from you two!” I joked.
“Well, we do love you.” Louis said.
“But just know I love you more!” Harry made his point.
“Not possible.”
“Way possible, she knows it.”
They were arguing, so I just listened and made sure I didn’t bother them.
“No! I love her more! She’s mine!” Louis shouted, causing me to lose at least 30% of the hearing in my right ear.
“Nope! I love her more! I’ll steal her from you.”
“No you won’t she loves me more!”
“No! She loves me more!” Harry whined. I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Um, guys? You know I’m still here right?” I giggled.
“We knew that!”
“Well I have to go, my loves! I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”
“Bye babe! Have a good night!” Louis said along with about a hundred “muahs” and kissing noises.
“Good night, Gabs! See you tomorrow … I love you.” Harry said, and I heard him chuckling.
“Good night Haz! Love you, too.” I hung up and looked for my suitcase. I took it out of my closet and filled it with things I knew I would probably need. Since it was roomy and I could fold my clothes very small, I was able to pack about 13 shirts, 10 pairs of pants, socks, undergarments and my sneakers. I zipped it up and pulled out a small duffel bag. I opened it and took out my gym clothes. I put my charger in the front pocket, my toothbrush, my deodorant, a few small items and I packed two more pairs of sneakers. It was a small bag, but it fit everything nicely.
I laid out my clothes for tomorrow. My red Super Mario tee, my black jeans and my red converse. Yes, I know, I have a lot of sneakers, but I prefer them over heels! I searched my closet for my black beanie and put it with my outfit.
Just then, my phone went off again. I answered it, not caring who it was.
“We’ll meet you at your house tomorrow morning at 6am. Make sure you’re up and ready!”
“Okay Liam! No problem!”
“Have a good night sleep, love!”
“You too!”
He ended the call and I put my phone on my night stand. I laid down and looked up at the ceiling. Lexi came in and jumped on my bed, cuddling her body against my waist. I stroked her back and just then, my phone went off again.

“Hey babe, it’s Zayn.”
“Hey Zayn. What’s up?”
“Just wanted to make sure you’re ready for tomorrow!”
“Of course! Thank you.”
“No problem, love. I heard about you and my boy, Lou! Nice!” He laughed. I felt a small blush creep onto my face.
“Yeah …”
“I like it. But I still love you, no matter what.”
“And I love you Zayn!”
“I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”
“You definitely will! Good night, hun.”
“Good night.”

I ended the call when my tri-tone ring went off.

“I’ll see you in the morning, hun. Have a good night sleep :) xx –Ni”

“Good night, Niall :) x –Gabb”

I smiled and put my phone down. I was happy nobody hated me anymore. Emily and I were friends again and all the boys were being so kind to me. I turned onto my side and felt the cool breeze on my face. That was enough to knock me out.

Hey babe! Get up! Don’t be a loser and sleep in all day, get your lazy butt up! I’ll come out of the phone if you don’t wake up right now!
I sat up and dismissed the alarm Louis set for me. I knew lending him my phone would be a bad idea.
I rubbed my eyes and tried to keep my eyelids open. I looked to see that I got a text from Emily.

“I’ll be at your house to pick up Lexi before you leave in the morning. Xx –Em”

I sluggishly walked into the bathroom and jumped into the shower. I used my favorite shampoo, coconut milk. I washed up, shaved, exfoliated and rinsed my hair before I stepped out. I towel dried my hair and wrapped it up in a towel on my head. I went into my room and threw on my robe. The doorbell rang, followed by several knocks.
I ran downstairs and she was there in her pajamas.
“Good morning gorgeous!” She winked as she walked past me.
“Why thank you beautiful!”
Lexi came running after me, but leaped into Emily’s arms. I ran upstairs and got dressed. When I was done, I let my hair loose and carried my luggage downstairs. I ran back up to my room to grab my headphones, beanie and my ray bans. I sprayed on some of my favorite perfume, and closed the door behind me. I walked downstairs and sat down next to Emily, shoving my sunglasses and headphones into the small duffel bag I packed.
“Smelling good!” She said. I laughed and went into the kitchen. I looked for a quick bite when my eyes landed on a box of cereal bars. I grabbed two and threw one to Emily, who happily caught it.
“Okay babes, Lexi and I are going to head out now!” she said, pouting. I gave her a huge hug.
“Stay safe and call me when you land!”
“I will, I promise. Take care of my baby!” I said, while picking up Lexi. I planted a huge kiss on her head and set her down.
“I will. Love you hun!”
“Love you, too!”
She walked towards the door and stepped out. She crossed the street and waved back at me. I smiled and closed the door, waiting for the boys to come. I looked at the clock.
My hair was dried by now, so I put on my beanie and sat down on the couch. I played with my fingers when Louis came bursting through the front door.
I ran up to him and jumped in his arms.
“You ready to go babe?”
“Yeah hun! Let me just grab my keys.”
I walked over to the table while Louis took my bags for me. We walked out and I locked the front door, making sure everything was closed. I turned around, unaware that Louis was standing there. He held me close to him.
“Gabb, you look so adorable with your beanie!” I laughed and hugged him.
“And you smell so delicious!”
We laughed and put my suitcase into the back of the truck. We both hopped into the back of the truck. I sat next to Louis in the back, Harry and Zayn in front of us and Liam and Niall in front of them.
“Ready to go Gabby?” Liam shouted from the front.
Louis chuckled and I laid down, my head resting in his lap. Harry and Zayn turned around, Harry winked at Louis when he saw me in his lap.
“Wow Lou! You already want the girl to get down …” He trailed off. Louis slapped the back of his head.
“Shut up Harry!”
I sat up, a bit uncomfortable on what was just said, and leaned against the door.
“Babe, he was joking!”
“That’s okay, I’m better sitting up anyway.”
Zayn and Harry started cracking up. I giggled with them and glanced over at Niall. He smiled at me, and with a beautiful smile like that, I couldn’t help but smile back at him.
“Hey!” He said, not looking away.
“Good morning!” I smiled, not breaking eye contact either.
“You look really cute.”
“Thanks. You too.”
“Okay! So uh, what’s the forecast?” Louis asked. Niall winked at me and turned back around and started talking to Liam. I glared at Louis and his face turned red. He moved closer to me.
“I’m sorry, I get jealous.” He apologized. I held his face in my hands and smirked at him.
“I’m yours. There’s no need to be jealous.” I gave him a quick kiss, but when I pulled away, he pulled me back in for more.
“Hey you guys, save it for when we get to the hotel!” Zayn said.
“Sorry love!” I said, leaning forward and giving him a small peck on the cheek. He blushed and smiled at Louis.
“What about me? I love you!” Harry pouted. I laughed at him and kissed the tip of his nose.
“Awe, chucks!”
All four of us started laughing, when Liam interjected.
“I don’t get a kiss?”
Harry kissed his hand and slapped Liam’s cheek.
“Ow! Dude! That hurt!”
“Love hurts!” I shouted, causing all of us to giggle. Niall just sat quietly, looking out the window. Harry tapped his shoulder and he turned around. We all watched as Harry kissed his hand for about 5 seconds and slapped Niall’s lips. He blushed and shook his head.
“That’s from little miss cutie back there.”
“Awe Hazza, you shouldn’t have!” Louis shouted giving him a huge kiss on the cheek.
“I didn’t! I mean the other hottie sitting back there!” We all started laughing and I could’ve sworn the chauffeur even chuckled a bit. Niall smiled at me and blew a kiss and turned back around to look out the window.
“Stop blushing.” Louis whispered in my ear.
“Sorry babe!” I whispered back, along with a small kiss on his temple. I heard Zayn chuckle a little and my phone went off.

“You do look really cute ;) xx –Niall”

I smiled at him and just before he put his phone away, I sent him a quick reply.

“Thanks hun :) You look really adorable, too. As always x –Gabb”

I watched him as he read the text and his cheeks turned pink. I put my phone away and looked at Louis who was talking to Harry and playing with his curls. I looked out the window and noticed we were on the highway. We just passed exit 15, so we have a long drive before we reached the airport.
“Yeah Harry?”
“Come here.”
“Don’t do it lad.” Louis said, his face turning red.
“I’m … sorta scared to!”
Zayn, Louis and Harry laughed, but I was still confused. I scotched over onto Louis’ lap and leaned towards Harry.
“What did you need?”
He planted a big, sloppy kiss on my cheek.
“Ew! Harry! You dog!”
All the boys erupted in laughter and I wiped my cheek on Harry’s shoulder. I sat back up, but I kept my head where it was and I watched Harry play on his phone.
“May I help you?” He asked, grinning at me. I shook my head and smiled, still not moving. I gave him a small kiss on the cheek and sat back down in my seat.
“What was that for?” He asked, blushing.
“For being you.” I smiled and ran a hand through his curls. He winked at me and turned to Louis and they started talking again.

*Harry’s P.O.V*

I pointed to Louis’ pocket, in which he had his phone. He nodded and took it out and we both sat back in our seats.

“What’s the matter man? –L”
“Your girlfriend is a flirt! –H”
“You couldn’t just say that out loud?! –L”
“No … she might hate me afterwards! You know she gets embarrassed easily. –H”
“Dude, she’s your girlfriend! –H”
“Who cares! You like her and I think she likes you … -L”
“Lou, don’t say that! She loves you so much! Have you ever seen the way she looks at you?! You’re her one and only my friend! –H”

I turned around and he smiled at me. He looked at Gabby, who was looking out the window, dosing off. He scotched over to her and she jumped, but smiled at him. He took her head in her hands and gave her a kiss. Her cheeks turned pink and when she saw me looking at them, they turned red.
“I told you two to save it for the hotel!” Zayn shouted. I laughed at him and he shook his head in a joking manner. Niall and Liam turned around and smirked at Louis. Gabby shoved her face into the crook of his neck and said something that made him giggle uncontrollably.
“Babe, I love you.” He whispered very quietly, but I heard him.
“I love you, too Lou.” She whispered and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. He smiled at her and when she moved away, he laid his head down in her lap. I don’t know why, but every time I see them together, they’re doing that.
I felt my phone vibrate in my hand.

“This is very awkward … -N”

I looked up at Niall who shrugged and sank into his seat and stared out the window.

“I know man, I’m sorry. –H”
“That’s okay, just … please help me. –N”

“So guys, I think we should learn a bit more about Gabby!” I exclaimed, looking at Niall. Liam and Niall turned around and he gave me a look full of gratefulness. I nodded at him and he smiled.
“Um … okay?” Gabby said, giving me a confused look.
“Okay, Louis, first question!”
“Okay! Um … who’s your favorite member of the band?” He asked, smirking at her. She turned pink and stared at him.
“Liam!” She shouted, making Liam laugh and give her a wink.
“Zayn next question please!” I said, nudging him.
“If you were an animal what animal would you be and why?”
“I would probably be a …” she took a brief pause and thought.
“I’d be a white chinchilla, because they’re soft and they look cuddly.”
“You would cuddle with a chinchilla?” I asked, a bit surprised.
“No, I’d be the chinchilla and someone would cuddle with me.”
“I volunteer!” Louis shouted, tickling the space underneath her chin. She giggled and pushed his hand away.
“Harry, next question please!” Liam shouted, smiling at me.
“If I asked you to kiss me, would you?”
“Why, are you going to ask?”
“Just answer the question!”
“I don’t know. Maybe.”
“Can you kiss me?”
Everyone started laughing at me, and I felt my face burn a little.
“Sorry!” She said, sticking her bottom lip out. That pouting face quickly turned into a grin and she winked at me. I winked back and blew her a kiss, which Louis caught.
“Liam! Next question please!” Zayn and I shouted.
“Why are you dating our boy Lou?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. All eyes quickly shot to Niall, who turned red and looked away. We all looked back at Gabby, who was also a bit embarrassed and put on the spot.
“Well, uh …” She trailed off. The tension was so high, I almost choked on it.
“Louis … he makes me happy. Whenever I’m with him, I feel so special and loved like never before. He can make me smile with the simplest of things and not only is he my boyfriend, but he’s my best friend. I trust him with everything and … we just have a connection.” She stated, not taking her eyes off of the tips of her red converse. My eyes automatically flicked over to Niall. Though he was still turned around, I saw his reflection in his window. He was chewing on his nails and his eyes were watery.
“Um … Niall? Next question?” Zayn said, giving me a weary look.
“Oh yeah. Uh … who’s your favorite female singer?” He asked, not once turning around.
“Niall, I-“
“It’s okay Gabby, just … female singer.” He said, still chomping on his nails. I turned to look at Gabby, who was just as red as her sneakers, her eyes watery too. Louis sat up and held her in his arms.
“Kelly Clarkson.” She said really quickly, still looking down. Louis held her face in his hands and looked at her. He pecked her lips, but she pulled away, shaking her head.
“Louis, can we switch seats real quick?” I asked him. He nodded and he unbuckled his seatbelt, and I mimicked his actions. I climbed over the seat and sat down and then he climbed into my seat, almost kicking me in the face.
“Sorry Hazza!”
I stared at Gabby, who stared back at me. I smirked at her and tickled her stomach. She giggled and tried to fight me off.
“I’m not stopping until you say something!”
“Harry … please … stop! Please!” She begged in between laughs. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and wrapped my arms around her arms, my head on her shoulder.
“Look at Louis please.” I whispered. We both turned to see him playing with a loose string on his shirt, not saying a word.
I looked back at Gabby, who was still staring at him, her face full of sympathetic passion.
“He loves you so much Gabby. Please don’t hurt him.” I whispered, still hugging her.
“What makes you think that I would do that? I love him too, he means too much to me.” She whispered back to me, playing with my hair. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she pecked my forehead.
“You’re giving me a kiss now?” I laughed, digging my head into the space between her neck and shoulder.
“You deserved it.” She chuckled. The vibration coming from her neck sent chills up my spine.
“You two look cozy.” Louis said, raising an eyebrow.
I only imagined how we looked.
I was basically holding her hostage, my head was cradled in her neck and I was snuggling with her, hugging her close to me like a puppy. She had her hand in my hair, playing and tugging at it and her arm was wrapped around me, her hand gripped onto my waist.
“You know, she is my girlfriend.” Louis said, sticking his tongue out at me.
“She’s my best friend!”
“You’re trading me Hazza?!”
“Well, you traded me first!” I said, holding Gabby tighter.
“If you hold me any tighter, you’re going to kill me.” Gabby gasped.
“Don’t let him get too close to her Louis. You might lose her to him.” Niall said, not looking at us.
I felt Gabby stiffen beside me, the heat radiating onto my forehead.
“Niall, that was unnecessary.” Liam said.
“It’s the truth. I would know.”
“If the whole point of me coming with you guys was to make me feel like crap, mission accomplished.” Gabby said, her eyes not moving away from Niall. He turned around and stared back at her. The tension grew from a ten to a ten thousand.
“Well it is true, isn’t it?” He asked, not breaking eye contact with her.

*Niall’s P.O.V.*
This is awkward.
This is very awkward.
“No. That’s not true.” She spat out, her eyes getting glassy. That horrible pain called heartbreak came back and I felt like it was strangling me.
“Then tell me Gabby. What does he have that I don’t?”
Louis looked down, obviously uncomfortable. Harry was still clinging onto Gabby for dear life.
Liam and Zayn shifted uncomfortably and I was a bit … shocked.
“So your saying he treats you better?”
“I never said that!”
“Then explain to me what you mean by manners.”
“He’s not sarcastic and he has just the right words to say. He’s respectful. That’s what I mean by manners.”
“I respected you! I still do! I love you Gabby, yet you’re too blind to see it because Louis has you wrapped around his pretty little finger!”
Awkward, tension filled silence that I hate.
“Gabby?” Louis whispered. She broke our gaze and looked at him, her beautiful eyes on the verge of overflowing.
“Do you love him Gabby?” He whispered, his voice cracking at the end. She sat there in Harry’s arms, silent and still like a light snowfall.
“Don’t do this to her guys.” Zayn said, breaking the silence.
“If she loved me, she wouldn’t have to think about it.” I said.
“Exactly.” Louis said.
“Maybe I’m thinking about it because I know if I say yes, I lose you and if I say no, I lose him. Please don’t put me on the spot like this.” She begged, the tears finally trickling down her cheeks.
“I’ll give you time to think.” Louis said, turning around and looking out the window. My heart stopped. Did he just end their relationship?
“Louis. Please don’t do this to me. Please!” She pleaded, her sobs becoming more noticeable.
“I’ll give you time to think about your feelings for my buddy Niall here.” He said, glaring at me.
“Louis, dude, I’m sorry. Please don’t do this to her. She doesn’t deserve it.” I said, a lump forming in my throat.
“Let her think Niall, she needs silence.” He shot back at me.

“It hasn’t even been 24 hours since our last argument Louis.” She whispered after a few moments. He didn’t turn around, but he started crying silently.
“Twice in less than 24 hours you’ve made me feel … broken.”
More tears from both sides now.
“I’m sorry.” Louis said, wiping his eyes.
“You keep apologizing to me, yet you do it over and over Louis! Sorry is just a word unless you truly mean it.”
“So is the word love. And you’ve said it to me many times.”
“And I meant it. And I mean it when I say I love you. You mean so much to me Louis, but you make me feel worthless at times.”
“You’re not worthless! You’re perfect! Words can’t describe how amazing you are!”
“Then explain something to me. What if I do love Niall?”
My eyes widened and my heart pounded louder and faster.
“I’ll probably die because I love you so much and I need to know that I have every ounce of love in that beautifully big heart of yours.”
Harry looked at Gabby and smiled, so did Zayn and Liam.
“Well, don’t feel that way. You’re the one I love, Niall is my friend.”
My heart sank whereas Louis’ probably did a triple backflip and stuck a 10-point landing.
“So … are we … okay?” He asked her. She just nodded and remained in Harry’s arms.
“Sorry Niall. Bros?” Louis asked me, holding his hand out.
“Bros.” I smiled and took his hand. Everyone cheered as we heard the chauffeur call out from the front.
“We will be arriving at the airport in a short time.”
“Thanks man!” Louis shouted and he nodded through the rear-view mirror.
“I’m still keeping her though!” Harry exclaimed, smiling and closing his eyes as if he was a cat enjoying the company of his owner.
“She’s mine!” Louis shouted.
“No! She’s mine!” Zayn yelled.
“I love you Gabs!” Liam shouted.
“I will always love you!” I said, and smiled at her.
“In a friendly way Nialler, I love you, too.”
Louis nodded and I blew her a kiss in which she caught and smiled at me.
“I love you the most.” Harry whispered loudly, making it clear that he was the one that was holding her close this entire trip. 
Well, lucky lucky Hazza!
I hope you enjoyed chapter 15! :D I had to add that little Niall-Louis-Gabby situation at the end, it felt right.
Thank you for being so patient, thank you for the comments and the votes and thank you for reading. Just thank you for everything!
The school year is almost over, so I will be updating a bit more frequently than usual :) xxxx -Daniella

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