Buttercup, Baby Girl, Princess - Chapter 19

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*Gabby's P.O.V*

I smiled as I ended the call with Harry. I was so lucky to have him as a best friend. He's so amazing. I walked downstairs where David was talking to Emily about Harry.

"He's in love with you!" Emily shouted, seeming a bit upset though. I rolled my eyes and wiggled onto David's back, leaning my head on top of his and my arms slinging around his neck. He looked at me, blue eyes sparkling, flashing a million dollar smile at me. I brought my hands up to his cheek and lightly smacked him.

"He's not in love me! He just loves me, in a friendly way! And I love him that way back!" 

"Princess?" Emily raised an eyebrow. 

"How did you-"

"He cut himself off before the word slipped his lips, but I'm not stupid!"

I groaned and jumped off of David's back. He laughed and flipped over to catch me.

"Being friends with two gymnasts makes me feel like a failure!" Emily sighed. 

"You are a failure." David said in a calm, sweet voice as if he was a mother telling her child to go to sleep. Emily threw a pillow at him.

"Anyway, visiting hours tomorrow start at six. I'll go if you like?" Emily suggested, giving me a small smile. I nodded and David laid his head on my lap, playing with my fingers. "I'll go, too." He smiled, staring at my hands. 

"Thanks you guys! You're the best!" 

"Can I crash here tonight? Sleepover!" David shouted like a girl, clapping his hands.

"You sleep on the couch!" Emily yelled over her chomping of the bear claw I suggested we get. He gave a thumbs up. "Whatever, better than sleeping with Brandon." 

I laughed at how wrong that sounded and he whacked a backhand to my ribs. 

"Your brother is such a loser!" Emily hollered, giggling. 

"No he's not ... I trailed off, Emily and David gaping at me. 

"I dated him. He's not a loser, he's sweet and caring and funny. He made a mistake and I hate him for it, but any girl would be lucky to have him."

"What the hell has gotten into you?!" David shouted, slapping my face. I winced, smacking him back. He just smiled and blew me a kiss.

"I'm just saying ..." I trailed off as I sadly trudged up the stairs and into my room, locking the door behind me. I pulled my phone out and composed a new text.

"I know you know that I hate what you did to me, but for the record, I don't think you're a loser :) -Gabby"


*Harry's P.O.V*

"So Louis, you had a little outburst at an earlier interview."

"Yeah, but Gabby and I talked it out. She apologized, I apologized and it's history now. I love her, I can't let that go."

A bunch of awe's escaped the audience and I felt sick. I should be happy for my two best friends, and I am! But ... sometimes I get jealous.

"And Niall?" 

"I just missed her is all, but she's still my favorite girl and I love her dearly."


"She's my best friend, I love her with all my heart. Until I find the perfect girl, I have Louis and Gabby. She makes me smile, laugh, she makes me ... happy. I'm just very happy with the thought of talking to her again. I'll do anything for her."

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