I met Niall Horan! - Chapter 3

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“I’m Niall” he says sweetly, as if Gabby didn’t know his name. Before she could reply, she heard someone yell.

“She knows! She loves you!”

Gabby turned around and gave Emily that death glare. Her and Harry chuckle and turn their backs towards her.

“You love me, eh?” Niall giggles. Gabby turns red, she felt it in her face.

“Uh… yeah… s-sorta. She was joking.” She managed to say staring at the ground so she didn’t have to look at him.

“Oh.” He sounded disappointed. She looked up and his eyebrows were creased. “Did you disappoint him? Does he … like you?”

She shook the thought away from her mind and looked at him. His lips are so … perfect. His cheeks perfectly pink and his eyes … Oh my gosh his eyes.

“Gab! Girl! Say something! He’s waiting!” she heard Emily yell. Her and Harry started cracking up. She wanted to run over there and hit her with a book. Niall started chuckling.

“Your friend over there, you guys close?” he asks, smiling.

“Yeah. That’s Emily, we’ve been best friends since we were 2. She’s always been by my side.” Gabby told him. Though she was basically shaking in her shoes, whenever she talked about Emily, she got pretty confident. She was happy to have her as a best friend. Niall smiled at Gabby, and she couldn’t help but smile back.

“Can I have a picture?” she asks, already reaching in her bag for her camera.

“Sure!” he says, enthusiastically. He took the camera and did the same gesture Liam and Harry did, but when he did it, Gabby almost passed out. He slipped his arm around her waist and leaned his head on hers. She could’ve sworn he pulled her closer to him, because there was no space in between them. He snaps the photo and handed her the camera. Gabby thanked him and then asked “Can you sign my book?” He looks at the book in her hand and nods. She handed it to him and he skims through it, just like the others did. Just like Liam and Harry, he locks his eyes on a corner of the page, takes out his phone, types something, and puts it away. Why do they keep doing that? He signs the book and hands it to Gabby. She grins at him, with probably the goofiest smile ever.

“So, your name is Gabby, right?” he asks, shoving his hands in his pockets.

“Yeah.” She blushes. The way he says her name, there is just something about it that makes her so happy.

“It’s a pretty name for a pretty girl.” He blushes. Holy crap. “Did Niall Horan just call me cute?” She didn’t know how to reply when suddenly he grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek. She looked at him stunned. Her heart skipped a beat and she felt frozen.

“Oh. My. Gosh” she thought to herself. He snickered

“I said that aloud, didn’t I?” she asked him. He nods, still snickering. She joined in with him and started laughing.

“So, do you still sorta love me?” he says, very cheekily. She giggles, not really sure what to say. So, she decided to play along with his little game. She shrugged her shoulders and turned around but before she can walk away, Niall put his hand on her shoulder and spun her back around. They both laughed and sat on this table-looking thingy.

“I saw you when I was on stage today.” He looks down at the floor, his feet swinging back and forth.

She looked at him and smiled, even though she knew he couldn’t see her. He looked up at her and smiled back, and this time she looked at the ground. He did smile at her when he was performing. She thought it was a coincidence, but now she knew he really did notice her.

“What?” he asks, as if he could read her mind.

“I could’ve sworn you looked at me and-“

“Smiled. Stared.” He cut her off. Gabby glanced at him and their eyes locked. She nodded and he ran his hand through his hair nervously.

“Yeah. You just… caught my eye” he says and her heart flutters. “Me?” she thinks. “I never caught anyone’s eye before, now of all people, Niall notices me.” She takes his hand. Gabby has no idea where this boost of confidence is coming from. He looks at her hand intertwined with his and then back at her face. He turns red and locks his fingers with Gabby’s. They both smile widely at each other when they hear someone shouting. This time, it wasn’t Emily.

“Awe, Nialler! You’re blushing,” the beautiful boy looks at Gabby, “and who is this beauty?” he asks, smiling widely. Gabby and Niall quickly let go of each other’s hands and look at the floor.

“Louis, this is Gabby. Gabby, you obviously know Louis.” She looks at Louis, who is beaming with happiness.

“Of course I do! Hi” she smiles at Louis who now has his eyes locked on her book.

“What’s that?” he asks, snatching it from her hand. He skims through it and smiles. “This is awesome!” His eyes focus on a corner of a page and he (just as the other boys) takes out his phone, types something and then puts it away. Why the hell do they keep doing that? He takes the pen off the top of the book and signs it. He hands it back to Gabby. “Here you go, love!” She smiles and before he could run off, she asks him something. “Can I touch your arms?” she blurts out, feeling a bit embarrassed, but hey, she always wanted to do this. He chuckles and holds his arm out to her. Gabby felt his biceps. Holy crap, they are flacking muscular. She giggles, “Thanks. Not bad!” He laughs and she joins in.

“Hey, do you want a picture?” he offers.

“Definitely!” she replies, happy that he asked so she didn’t have to.

“Hold on, I know someone who can make this picture extra sexy.” Gabby is confused. What does he-

“Zayn! Get over here, dude!”

And here he comes, strutting over, his smirk growing wider. Gabby started cracking up, and Niall starts laughing too.

“Yeah, what’s up bro?” he asks Louis, not taking his eyes off Gabby.

“We need a sexy picture. So, I need the best looking guy to take one with my friend Gabby here. But she already has me, so I thought, why not ask you to take one with us.”

Gabby and Niall started cracking up, and Louis is chuckling a bit himself. Zayn rolls his eyes. “Not funny, Louis!” he murmurs.

“So, I’m guessing you’re Gabby. Hi. I’m Zayn” he says, kissing her hand. She blushes. “Yeah, that’s me! Trust me I know who you are!” He smiles. Louis stands on her right and Zayn on her left. They each put an arm around her and Niall takes the photo. Louis starts telling Zayn about the book as he takes it out of Gabby’s hand and hands it to him. Zayn skims through it and does the same phone action. He signs it and hands it back to Gabby, smirking.

“You’re gorgeous.” He says, smiling. She felt her cheeks burn red. “Thanks.”

“Whoa dude, slow your roll! Niall got dibs on her first!” Louis interrupts. Gabby glances at Niall, his cheeks burning a deep red.

“Louis!” he yells, punching his arm softly. Louis laughs. Zayn continues to stare at Gabby. “Well, nice meeting you, babe” he whispers and he kisses her cheek. He walks off and gets swarmed by more girls. “Zayn just kissed me, twice.” She smiles the biggest smile. Louis says his goodbye and goes over to Harry and Emily. Emily is playing with Harry’s curls and he has his hands around her waist, pulling her to him. “Well, they’re hitting it off”. This is officially the best night of Gabby’s life. 

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