Dirty Thoughts or Guilty Ones? - Chapter 20

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                                           -Contains very little ... "sexual" content.-

*Gabby's P.O.V* 

Well, my mother was released from the hospital a few days ago and she's recovering amazingly. Emily said she'll watch after her as David and I went to gymnastic practice. I refused to go, but she said Louis and Harry will kill her if she didn't make me go, so I gave in. 

Louis has been sending me cute little texts and actually talking to my mom on the phone. She loves him! Just last night he said he bought me a special something, so I'm really nervous and my stomach is filled with butterflies. Just 3 more days until I see my baby boy again. 

The shows out in California have been great, according to the boys and their fans. I've got back into my old fangirlish ways and I've been reading some fan fiction and stalking twitter. I still go on Twitter. I try to avoid my mentions, I've been getting some hate. But hey, I knew that was bound to happen right? I answer a lot of questions that fans have been asking me, and I never noticed how sweet some of them are. A lot of them really like the thought of Louis and I together. Then you have the really rude fans, who hate me and wish I could die ... really depressing. Harry has been sending me cheeky little texts that I wake up to, telling me to continue to train so my body stays fit and things like that. Niall has been keeping close contact with me, more than the other boys actually. He's been asking me more personal things, like how my mom is and if I'm holding up okay. He's been really kind lately, and it's ... cute? Zayn calls me here and there, catching up on what's going on and Liam just texts me or joins in on a video chat. 

"I'll be back soon mom! Call me if anything!" I shout over my shoulder as I pick up my gym bag and David and I run out. She has been staying at my house so she doesn't have to be alone.

"Yay! My gymnast partner is back!" David squeals like a little girl, throwing our bags in the trunk and sliding into the driver's seat.

"Yeah I know! I'm so excited! I miss Violet and Drew!" I clap my hands together, thinking of my two close friends. David, Drew, Violet and I are inseparable at the gym. David is the king of the balance beam, Drew is the ruler of the steady rings, Violet is the master at the vault and I'm the best at the uneven bars and the floor exercise. They are both ... kind of my thing. 

David pulled up in front of Myra's Gymnasium and I know Myra sounds familiar. Yes, my aunt owns the gym.

"GABBY!" Violet screams and jumps into my arms as soon as I walk into the door. 

"HEY VI!" I screech as she pulls away, her smile wide and her pearly whites glistening in the light.

"Hey stranger!" I hear Drew chuckle, picking me up and kissing my face. 

"Drew!" I giggle as he puts me down and holds my hands.

"You look beautiful, girlie!" He winked and I rolled my eyes. "Sorry handsome, I'm taken!"

"Oh really? Mr. Tomlinson is a lucky man, eh?" He smirked, leaning his forehead on mine.

"I guess he is." I whispered, while moving close but flinching away.

"Pffft, tease." Drew rolled his eyes, and I laughed, already used to be calling that. Violet yanked me away from the boys and ran to the corner near the vault. 

"So ... you and Louis! How is he?"

"He's doing fine, I miss him-"

"No no, I mean how is he?" She smirked and I shook my head, I should've known she meant that in a perverted fashion. I felt my face burn as my eyes averted her gaze. 

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