Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning to my annoying alarm clock blaring, telling me it was time to get up and go to school. I groaned and turned it off. I sat up on my bed, stretched, and rubbed my sleepy eyes. When I was fully awake, I trudged to the bathroom and turned the water in the shower on.

I stripped out of my pjs and used a hand to feel if the water was warm or not. When the water was at a good temperature I stepped in, quickly washing my hair and body and getting out so I could still have enough time to get ready.

Wrapping the towel around my body, I walked out of the bathroom and into my closet, debating on what to wear. I decided to wear a dark blue pull-over that says 'OMG IDC', black leggings, and black Vans.

See this is what I usually wear, not dresses and heels. I'm not a slut that goes to clubs and fucks guys 24/7, I don't like showing off my body at all. I'm the girl that people only talk to so they can get answers on the schoolwork because they're too dumb to do it themselves.

I brushed my hair, leaving it to become wavy, and put a dark blue beanie on over it. I brushed my teeth and put my contacts on. I would wear my glasses, but then people would make fun of me which I'd rather live without.

I grabbed my backpack and my phone, then I left for school. Skipping breakfast is a regular thing for my. It's pretty easy to get away with since my mom is never home, so I don't have I hear her lecture about how important it is to eat breakfast.

My mom is a nurse at the hospital, so she works all day as gets home late at night, hardly giving me any time to see her. My dad left when he found out my mom was pregnant with me, my mom hasn't seen him since, and I've never met him.


When I got to school I went straight to my locker and took out my Government/Politics textbook, stuffing it into my backpack.

"Autumn!" I heard someone say behind me.

I turned around to see Emily running up to me.

"Hey." I said and hugged her. "Glad to see you didn't get kidnapped and raped."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, but I did fuck some really hot guy last night. Aaaaand... I got his number!"

"Cool." I said, pretending to be interested, and shut my locker.

"Hey guys!" Amy said running up to us.

"Hey Amy." we said and hugged her.

"So, did you meet anyone last night?" Emily asked Amy and winked.

"Yeah, but we didn't do anything. We just danced." She said. "What about you Autumn?"

My mind went back to the boy who saved me from getting raped last night. "No, I left about 10 minutes after we got there." I half lied.

"Oh." Amy said.

"Well, we should probably go to our classes now." I said, trying to end the conversation.

We said good-bye, hugged, and went our separate ways.


When I got to my Government class I sat down in my seat in the middle of the classroom.

When the bell rang all the "cool kids" walked in and sat down in there seats. Luckily none of them sit next to me. No one sits next to me, that's the way Ms. Brown assigned the seats.

Ms. Brown walked up to the front of the class. "Good morning class."

All she got in reply were a bunch of groans and grumbles about how they want to go home.

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