Hell no!

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Victoria sat there on the floor across from Raleigh who a waited an answer, she then scoffed. "No... I am not going to learn a barbaric g-"

Raleigh cut her off immediately. "Hey! I didn't picture my self in a room alone with a girl, doing ballet!"

Victorias face turned red knowing he was saying that with double meaning. "Well that's the only thing you would get to do with me alone in a room!"

He raised his eyebrow and laughed. "You want to bet on that baby doll?"

She attempted to kicked him gently by extending her crossed leg, he grabbed her leg before she could kick him and he pulled her towards him, she slid on the floor until the bottom of her butt bumped into his calf her leg now extended on his hip his hand on the bottom of her thigh maintaining her leg the way it was and the other one laid on his leg, she was so close to him her heart beat thundered in her chest, her pale cheeks turning red, his face close to hers, she was caving she could feel it her crush of her entire life this close how could she not take this opportunity.

Victoria was leaning up to him her eyes were shut, but then she snapped out of the trance and pushed herself away from him. She panted heavily, and her heart was screaming to be let out. She held to her chest and she brushed her hair back.

"Don't ever do that! I am not a toy Raleigh!"

Raleigh raised his hands again in a surrender type way. "I was not playing wi-"

Victoria stood up and cut him off, she was angered embarrassed and she felt stupid for falling for him like everyone else in the school, she felt like those girls who line up to wait for Prince Charming to pick them and then secretly turn into a frog and hop away.

"Yes you were playing with me! I'm just one of the many you want to do and dump!"

Raleigh looked shocked he had never had a girl snap at him like that and spit the truth out in his face.

"Well Raleigh to bad! I'm not one of those girls! I don't want to be played with, I don't want to be in the crowd of many.."

Raleigh made a face he was hurt by what she said. "Calm down Victoria I... I... I'm sorry... I just wanted to meet you, the real you."

She clenched her jaw. "By getting me in bed isn't the way to meet me!"

Raleigh stood up from the floor and scratched the back of his head. "Let's start that over..."

She looked at him she didn't speak through she didn't know what to say to him.

"I really do want to show you what football is like... And I really want to meet who you are..."

Victorias tiny fist were clenched in anger she didn't know what to say, what to do, before she could think it through she blurted out. "Okay Raleigh."

He smiled. "Alright! That's great! Football practice is tomorrow at 5, be there!" Raleigh had said this as he walked out of the classroom, Victoria watched this and she looked dumb founded. "Wait... What..."

She couldn't help think what just happened, she picked up here things, she couldn't get off of her mind what had just happens.

She walked out, signed out, walked out to her car and rolled out the windows rather than turning on the AC, she connected her phone to the AUX and began blasting some rock music as she drove.

She got to her home, where her mother laid on the sofa watching television and her father no where to be seen, she walked into the kitchen to see a McDonald bag laying on the counter, she sighed heavily and walked over to it and opened it seeing a Quarter Pounder, fries, and her drink with melted ice.

She made a face when she tasted the drink and threw it away and grabbed some water.

She could hear her mother snoring faintly and she grabbed her meal and walked up the stairs to her room and sat down on her bed, taking off her shoes and her clothe staying in her minors as she ate.

She looked over at her desk where the wood a long time ago, she was around 10, she had carved Raleigh's name into the wood, she stood up as she ate some fries and slid her finger over his carved name and blushed.

She thought of him, how he had never noticed her, ever, he knew her name only because there is not a year in school that they don't get a class together And they know each other since they were 6.

She sighed and sat back down. She threw her self back on to the pillow in frustration. "Why?! Why do I have to like him!"

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