Finally Blending

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He was shushing her and rubbing her back with his hands. She slowly stopped sobbing and looked up at him, her nose, red, and her eyes puffy from crying. He brushed a piece of hair that had slid out of her bun and placed it behind her ear. "Nothing is your fault Victoria."

She half heartedly smiled and straightened herself in the booth, she wiped her face and looked down. "I'm sorry..." Raleigh looked at her and shook his head. "Sorry for what? Feeling sad and showing it?"

"No for crying all over you." Raleigh put his arm around her and pulled her in for a hug. "I was okay with that." Victoria blushed brightly as her head laid against his hard muscles, she had never noticed but he smelled so good. He had this manly scent. She took a breath of it, she was never going to get tired of it. She gently placed her hand on his pecks and grabbed his shirt and shut her eyes. Some how, how his arms curved around hers seemed like they belonged there like he wouldn't let anything happen to her, she could imagine sleeping on his chest like he was. She then felt Raleigh's chest move in a chuckle and she noticed he had let go of her she guessed that for a while now and she sat up, forcing her self off of his and clearing her throat.

She resumed eating and they were silent for a while until she finished and they threw out any left overs and they began to walk out of McDonalds.

Raleigh stared at her, he liked her as a friend, but something was sparking inside of him he felt strange...

Victoria had her arms crossed over her chest and she spoke up she looked at Raleigh noticed he was already looking at her and she blushed. "Uh.... So what time are you going to pick me up?"

Raleigh didn't take his eyes off of her. "Uh... Like 7:30?" Victoria nodded gently and gulped looking away as they walked to his car which seemed like an eternity, she could feel Raleigh staring at her and she took a deep breath.

Raleigh took his eyes off of her and opened the at door for her, she hopped in and sat there bitting her lower lip thinking how could her life change so quickly? In such short time. "Alright then."

He nodded and shut the door and then he went to the drivers side. He got in and began driving to her house. Parked the car and turned it off. He walked to her side of the car and opened the door for her. "There you go." She smiled as she looked at him, and slowly hopped out of the car. She continued to walk to her front door, the lights at her house were off the only thing visible was the light from a television in her parents room. She sighed looking up at it, she heard Raleigh close the car door and as she was about to walk in she felt his arm grab on to her and pulled him into his arms hugging her again.

She stayed there for a while once again the feeling of his chest rising and falling, the sound of his heart beat, the way his arms held her in such a gentle protective way.

Victoria took a deep breath not looking at him her eyes were shut when she spoke. "Want to come inside for some hot chocolate?" She didn't look at him but the sound of a smile in his voice was deafening. "Sure I would love to." This made her smile and step away from him. She made her way into the house and he followed behind her, she lead into the kitchen as she pulled out a sauce pan, filled it with some milk, added the bar of hot chocolate and she just waited sitting on the counter with Raleigh. He was looking around and then he looked back at her. "Where are your parents?"

Victoria looked at him and shrugged gently. "Probably sleeping in their room. They don't really acknowledge that I get home... I could have wild sex right here on this counter and they wouldn't notice." A smile had crept up on Raleigh's face and she rolled her eyes. "Which isn't going to happen." He frowned. "That's sad." She smiled gently as she stood up after a while and she mixed in the milk as it merged with the melted chocolate in a swirling between the brown and the white.

After it was complete and merged she pulled out two mugs from the cabinets, rinsed them and then she began to pour the hot chocolate into them. She grabbed mini marshmallows and looked at him. Raleigh looked at her and lifted 3 fingers and she nodded dropping three mini marshmallow into his cup and none into hers, she grabbed some whip cream and looked at him, he nodded gently as she put whip cream in both the cups, along with some chocolate shavings, she then grabbed both of the mugs putting them on the counter and she turned back around, pulling out some cheddar cheese from the refrigerator and she cut it into small strands and put them on a plate.

She grabbed the plate and the mug. "Let's go to my room, I know if my parents come down they'll ask too many questions but I know they really don't care."

Raleigh raised his eyebrow he doubted that she would have wanted him back into her room after what had happened the last time, but he just decided not to being it up and he grabbed his mug and then walked behind her up the stairs to her room she looked at her desk cleared it out, though once she saw his name that was carved on to her desk she put the plate with cheese on it down pretty quickly and she played it cool and sat down on her bed.

Raleigh had seen her but he ignored it as he walked over to the desk pulled the chair and he sat down. "You have a real nice house you know." He took a sip of the hot chocolate and left a dot of it on his nose. Victoria looked at him and laughed. "Thanks whip nose." He crossed his eyes and saw the whip cream. "Can you lick it off?" She raised her eyebrow at him as she was taking a sip of her hot chocolate. "You wish pretty eyes." He pouted and wiped it with his hands and looked around he put the hot chocolate down wanting it to cool down. "You have an awesome collection of superman things." He said motioning to every framed comic, posters, the action figures, and the binders. She looked at everything and laughed. "Yeah always been a big fan I guess."


She looked at him. "I don't know... I just did. I remember going to the movies to watch Superman Returns, which is in fact considered the worst superman movie made, but I fell in love with it." She smiled gently and looked at him. "Who's your favorite?" She took another sip from the cup and he leaned back taking a deep breath as he leaned on the desk pushing the plate with cheese gently, Victoria saw this and practically freaked out internally. He grabbed a cheese and let out all of his breath. "I have to say I'm really into the Joker." He into the cheese as he leaned back on the chair and looked at her.

"Why so serious?" He grinned and Vitoria couldn't help but grin. After a while Vitoria finished her chocolate and was laying on the bed staring at the ceiling. Raleigh leaning on his chair he looked at the time. "Damn! I should get home." He picked up the plates and the mugs. She sat up to stop him but he had realized his name his eyes were chocked but once he saw the name he looked at her, her face turned red.

They stared at each other for a while and he just bursted out in laughter sitting back down on the chair, Victoria felt so humiliated as she covered her face which felt in fire from how red it had become. "DON'T LAUGH!!"

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