The Visit

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I went to bed around 2 a.m. last night even though I had to get up early to visit Dally. I rolled out of bed strangled by the sheets making me land on the floor with a THUD. I laid there for a few minutes before untangling myself from the sheets.

I put on some shorts that ended 4 inches down my leg. A long Beetles shirt I cut the sleeves off of so you could see the sides of my bra and my body. I applied a little eyeliner and purple eye shadow.

I walked downstairs to the door. Before I left I wrote a note to the guys telling them I went to see Dallas and stuck it on the fridge.

I grabbed my longboard and walked out the door. I jumped on the board and made my way to the jailhouse.

It takes about 15 minutes to get there walking so it should take me about 10 minutes. I passed the Dingo and grabbed a burger to go. I ate as I skated the next 4 blocks.

I got to the front of the office and Sharon was there.

"Hey, sweetie. Y'here to see ol' Dally?" Sharon asked sweetly. She knew how I would visit Dally once a week every time he got jailed.

"Yeah. Where's the sign-in sheet?" I replied. She handed me the sign-in sheet. I handed my board to Sharon cause you can't bring things in the visiting area. I signed in and walked through the door. Sharon called the guards to bring Dally in. They brought him in and he at down in the chair on the other side of the glass.

"Hey Jasmine. How y'doin'?" Dally asked me as if we weren't talking on different sides of the glass.

"How am I doing?" I asked emphasizing 'I'. "I'm gonna turn 15 in 2 days and my brother is in the cooler. How am I supposed to spend my 15th birthday without the only blood family I have left?" I was getting angrier.

"Look I know its your quinceañera, and I'm real sorry I can't be there." He said sincerely.

"Then why did you do it? I'm sorry Dal but I'm gettin' real tired of your act. Mom can't be here. Dad is in Jail, and now you're just like him."

"Jazz I am nothin' like that scum we called a dad!" He yelled.

"Yes, you are! You're in jail on my birthday. That's not the bad part. It's my quinceañera! I wanted my brother to be there"

"I know that but it ain't my fault!"

"Yes it is! You robbed that liquor store. You got caught. And you aren't there for me. EVER!" I started to walk away.

"C'mon Jazz. Don't be like that"

"I'm not comin' back, Dally. I promise you that."

"You know you're comin' back." I could feel the smirk on his face. I ran up to that window and stared into his eyes with hatred.

"I! HATE! YOU!" I screamed, and I meant it. With that I left. I walked through the door got my board and left with hot tears of rage streaming down my face. I skated home but stopped at the park.

I sat on a swing and cried. I didn't even see the red Mustang pull into the parking lot.

"Hey there. What's a pretty broad like you doing alone?" A Soc in a blue sweater vest said mockingly.

"Did your greaser boyfriend dump you?" Another Soc in a red madras shirt said.

"Just leave me alone guys. I'm not in the mood," I said still crying a little.

"C'mon we're just having a little fun," Sweater Vest said. Him and Madras laughed evilly. I got up to walk away but he caught my wrist and turned me around with a blade pointed at my stomach. "Let's have some fun." He put his hand on my waist. I knew what kind of fun he was thinking about and I was sure as hell not doing that.

"Let go of me," I screamed. I hit him in the stomach with my board and ran. I ran until I saw the Curtis house. I ran faster. I was a block away then they Mustang was right next to me. I was pulled backwards to the ground.

"We're now done with you yet." I hit my head and screamed before it all went black.

***Pony POV****

I heard a scream that sounded vaguely familiar.

"Did y'all hear that," I asked everyone. Another scream.

We all knew that sound. We ran out the door to see two Socs jumping a girl. We all ran to them and started beating the crap out of them. They jumped back in their Mustang and drove off yelling "Greaser!". I saw Jazz unconscious on the ground with a bad bruise on her face and a gash on her stomach. I picked her up and ran back to the house.

I lay her down on the couch and brushed the hair of her face. Darry came in and saw her.

"Pony get some ice," Darry ordered. "Soda get the needle and thread. She needs stiches in her stomach. Hurry!"

We all knew Darry was the best doctor out of all of us. Me and Soda got all the things. Darry put the icepack on her face and started stitching up her stomach.

I couldn't stand to see her that way so I sat down in the kitchen. Soda came and sat down with me.

"How you doin'?" He asked me.

"I'm grand. My girlfriend is passed out on my couch getting stiches because I couldn't help her in time. It's all my fault." I started bawlin'.

"Come on, Pone. it ain't yer' fault. It's those dang Socs. Don't beat yourself up about it," he encouraged. Sodapop Curtis could always make you feel better when you are down.

"Thanks Soda."

"No biggy, lil buddy." He messed up my hair.


It's been two hours and Jazz still hasn't woken up. We are all real worried. I found out she went to go see Dally in the cooler from a note I found on the fridge. I wish she would have let me walk with her, this never would have happened.

She started to stir on the couch. We all gathered around her. She opened her eyes and screamed.

"What the hell!" She yelled. "That is not how I want to wake up. With all your damn faces in my face."

"She's back," Two-Bit yelled. We all laughed, even Darry.

"Why is there stiches on my stomach?" Jazz asked confused.

"You got cut by them Socs. Don't you remember?" I asked her.

"He pulled a blade, but I don't remember getting cut." she said. "I also remember getting pulled to the ground. And... seeing Dally," she whispered the last bit.

"What did Dally say?" Steve asked. Leave it to  him not to realize she was sad about it.

"Nothing. I don't wanna talk about it," she shook it off.

****Jazz POV****

I wanted to go to sleep so I brought Pony upstairs. I had gotten so used to him with me I couldn't sleep without him.

"So what did happen with Dally?" Pony asked.

"Nothing. I don't wanna talk about it." I replied. I started to get dressed. I put on my pajamas and laid down next to him. "Tomorrow is the last day we have to be 14."

"Yeah. Wanna do something to celebrate our childhood? 'Cause you know Darry will expect maturity with your womanhood." We laughed. "Either way we need to do something."

"Yeah. Lets talk in the morning. I'm tired."


I wonder what they are gonna do to celebrate their childhood. Any suggestions. I will start writing that later today. Remember to watch the sunset.

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