The Kyln Chronicles Vol. 3

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The next thing I remember is waking up and feeling pain everywhere. I opened my eyes slowly as I looked around me.

I was propped up, leaning against Peter sideways. He was sleeping, his hand on my side opposite of him. I tried to move, but my body wasn't responding. I was then struck with the force of a tidal wave by severe pain which came so swift I groaned and clenched my teeth.

Then Peter woke up and saw that I was conscious.

"Hey, it's gonna be ok!" he said gently as I trembled involuntarily. Seeing that I was trembling again, he sighed. This was not good, considering I had just had an energy loss even worse than before.

"Pe-te..." I managed to whisper almost his entire name before my energy went down lower, my body spasming for a few seconds, then stopping. Peter could do nothing to help ease the pain, so he watched as it came to the point that I lost so much power that I could barely hold my head up on my own.

"Hold on, Desie. I'm just gonna gently lay ya down next to me for a bit," he said as he began carefully lifting me off of his chest and onto my mat. I then noticed Rocket was here as well, watching Peter lay me down next to him. When I was laid down, he looked at my hair. His face told me everything I needed to know.

"Oh, God. Quill, this was happening right before it started," breathed Rocket. Peter shifted his gaze to my hair, which was steadily regaining color. I could feel it, too. I was trying to calm my mind though. It might help the spasms.

Peter looked back into my eyes as I stared into oblivion.

"Desie? Desiree? Come on, look at me!" Peter was getting frantic as my gaze didn't move.

I heard Rocket inhale sharply. The same time I lost control again. My hair immediately lost half of the color, signaling that I was about to have another episode.

I uttered a strangled cry as my body was quickly overwhelmed by the agonizing pain. Peter and Rocket began calling my name, but I barely heard them as I slipped into shock, my body tensing up as I struggled to even breathe. My eyes were wide as I became a prisoner of my ability once again. Peter began cradling me. I sensed I was about to expel my energy, but I couldn't scream, couldn't talk, couldn't warn my friends.

Rocket suddenly backed up, seeing that all-familiar blue haze forming from my hands. But Peter stayed, trying to snap me out of it.

Then, the inevitable happened.

My energy pierced through Peter's arm, blood immediately began gushing out. He groaned and then released his hold on me. I fell back, hitting my head hard against the cold metal floor as Rocket was running forward to try and catch my head.

I jolted awake as Rocket was feeling for a pulse. He jumped slightly, then looked at me with a look I had never seen him put on before.


Then, the memory of my energy piercing through Peter Jason Quill's arm came back.

"Where is he?" I managed to speak. Rocket pointed as he slowly backed away from me. I turned to look as I gasped. Not from pain. From what I had done.

Peter was against the wall nursing his wound. Blood stained his shirt as he applied pressure to the hole I made in his arm. Seeing Rocket backing away from me, he glared up and saw my horrified face. He stared holes into my heart as I strained just to prop myself up.

"Pete? I am so sorry! Can I heal you?" I felt so guilty I started to break down. But he shared no sympathy for me.

"NO!" He snapped, his teeth clenched. "You've done more than enough."

"I won't hurt you! I promise! When I heal, I hurt myself. You won't feel a thing," I cried.

"Fine. Heal me, you fucking whore!"

I stopped in my tracks at that. I tried to not show it, but I felt my heart shatter. A single tear silently rolled down my cheek as I felt another wave of pain come, but I hardly reacted. My energy gained a little as I lowered my gaze slowly.

"N-no Desie! I take that back! I didn't mean it!" Peter tried desperately to take it back.

But the damage was done. I silently went back to my mat, laying down as I cringed as my energy declined slightly. I turned my back to him as he looked at me with regret. I didn't mind if I had to spend the night by myself, too shocked with Peter. He was still there, as far as I knew.

Soon the morning would come, and I would have to face Peter eventually.

I hoped he forgave me for what I had done.

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