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I began to scream as loud as I could for help, hoping someone would hear. Then, I saw green energy take my voice away.

"Easy there, darling. Don't wake up the neighborhood." David said, wrenching his knife out of me. I opened my mouth in pain as I felt my clothes get damp with blood.

It was then that I completely lost it.

I flexed my hands into a "c" shape and aimed my energy straight at two Chleorians. They immediately got chokers of light blue squeezing the life out of them. I slowly clenched my hands into fists, prolonging their suffering until they both dropped dead. I then summoned throwing stars and killed two more.

Then, I felt David's black energy completely encircle my wisp and my eye. I looked at him in absolute terror as he wrenched me around to face the beautiful view.

"Sweetheart, send this message to Andrew: This is for Charlie."

And with that, a blindfold was put on me and a gag in my mouth. I felt my green eye get completely wrapped in the black veil as something happened.

I was dragged to Andrew's house. At first, I kicked at my captors desperately, trying to get them hurt even more. But I got socked in the face. Then, my body was encased in a screen of energy, which color I do not know. What I do know is that it stopped me from lashing out at them, exhausted and paralyzed once more.

I felt myself get thrown down on a doorstep and the screen of energy dissipate. However, I was too weak to try to move, so I lay there, face down, inhaling my own blood.

I was there for hours. Blindfolded, gagged, and completely helpless.

I was barely conscious by the time someone opened the goddam door.

"Johnson?" Rocket's voice asked. I didn't budge as a small furry hand shook my body. I heard his footsteps race off. They returned seconds later with more footsteps.

"Desiree!" Andrew exclaimed. I heard someone inhale sharply.

"What has happened to the lady?" Drax queried. "Oh, Dessie," Gamora said softly as she quickly rolled me over so I was on my back. I groaned weakly as two someones gently lifted me up and carried me inside. They laid me down on a bed, where I heard Peter cry out.

My gag was carefully removed. "Turn down the lights! She won't like it!" Gamora ordered. I assume the lights were dimmed.

I immediately began to cough, bringing up blood as I felt the bedspread move near my side. "What happened to you, child?" Andrew asked. "Rocket! Get the first aid kit!" He ordered. Scampering feet ensued.

"Dessie, I'm going to slowly take off your blindfold. The lights are at the lowest setting so you don't get blinded," Gamora's gentle voice said as I felt soft hands gingerly remove my blindfold. "Ok. You can open your eyes now, sweetheart." Andrew said.

I opened my eyes to reveal absolutely nothing. I blinked hard as I lifted a hand in front of my eyes. But I couldn't see anything. Only a giant, black void. "Are both of them open?" I asked to everyone in general. Everyone said yes.

"Oh my god." I said, coming to the dreaded realization.

"What is it, sweetie?" Gamora asked.

"I can't see." I said. "Wait. Keep both eyes open, love," Gamora said. "Your pupils should be small right now. I'm shining a light into your eyes."

"I am blind?"

"Yes. What happened?" Andrew asked as I heard footsteps enter the room. "Who's that?" I asked worriedly.

"That's just Shit-Lord." Rocket said.

"So what happened this morning?" Andrew asked. I heard footsteps exiting the room.

"I was jogging. A bunch of creepy looking people got in my way. I didn't know any of them except for David."

"Who?" Peter asked.

"Charlie's little brother. I tried to back up, but someone grabbed me. I may have killed four men, dad."

"In self defense?" Andrew asked as the hand tightened slightly.

"Yes. They threatened my life. Then one of them whose ability was paralyzation got me. That didn't stop me, but another one with the same ability got me. The colors were red and white. Then David stabbed me in the side. Someone took my voice away temporarily so I couldn't scream for help. Then I was blindfolded and gagged as black energy went over my eye wisp. I tried to fight back as they dragged me back here but they beat me up. Then I almost fricking drowned in my own blood for the hour I spent on the doorstep." I stated as I kept my eyes straight. A tiny bit of pain was present, but I paid no attention to it.

"Just checked the security holos. Sweetheart, you've been on that doorstep for the past three hours. It's a miracle you're still alive." Andrew said.


"Why didn't you use your eye wisp?" Andrew queried.

"I dunno."

"Try it." Andrew said gently but firmly. I concentrated as hard as I could, but to no avail.

"It hurts," I said weakly as I sensed the pain, getting worse by the second. "Dad, it hurts!"

"What hurts?"


I shut my eyes as the pain quickly overwhelmed my exhausted brain, my body wilting and my hands beginning to shake. I felt two fingers go to my neck to feel for my pulse.

I woke up with Andrew's hands at my side where the stab wound was. I sensed energy flowing through my body as my tissues healed and my dad gave me some of his life energy. I moved my head slightly so I was facing where Andrew was.

"Dad?" I asked, my voice a hoarse sound.

"Yes, love?"

"David. The message. To you." I said, remembering what the message was. Andrew removed his hand from my side, causing me to wince slightly as the injuries healed a little slower. He placed it on one of mine.

"What did he say?"

"This is for. Charlie." I stated slowly, my sentence cut off by my breathing. I heard Andrew growl slightly as he lifted his hand off of my hand and back onto the wound.

"What were the colors of the power again?" Andrew asked as he finished healing me.

"Red, white, and black." I said.

the Blind Guardian Where stories live. Discover now