Chapter One: The Incident

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Hello. My name is Desiree Johnson. I am Terran, yet I am not on Terra. I am on Xandar, wandering the streets, looking for nothing in particular. Glancing at the houses with many different peoples inside and out, I felt at home. I'm not from here, though.

Just then, someone grabbed me from behind, causing me to jab my elbow into their gut.

"I've got her! Tell Yondu that we have Desiree Johnson of Terra for him!" one of the apparent bounty hunters shouted.

I struggled, trying to break free, when the bounty hunter behind me switches his hold to around my neck. He squeezed. Hard. I immediately knew I had to change tactics. However, the other hunter I was dealing with knew exactly what I was about to do.

I quickly tried to twist his nearest hand the wrong way when he slipped his arm under mine, grabbed my hand, and began to twist and pull my arm. I made sure that I showed hardly any pain, as my arm was becoming numb.

Then, the unthinkable: he wrenched my arm around as hard as he could.

CRACK. My bone snapped, my arm now free from the socket. My neck was then released as I staggered forward. I inhaled a huge amount of air, my breathing raspy and loud from the airway being closed. I started to wheeze, and nearly collapsed from the lack of air.

Suddenly, all feeling in my dislocated arm came back, and I almost passed out from the pain. This time, my wheezing and the arm were against me, and I fell to the ground, the pain preventing me from letting out a scream. I couldn't move my right arm, the dominant one. As I fell to the ground, it flailed out, and when it made contact with the ground, I felt as if I was being burned alive.

I finally let out a scream, the pain violently coursing through my arm and shoulder.

The scream didn't last long, as the bounty hunter kicked me square in the gut, just below my breasts. I groaned as I doubled over in pain, my good arm wrapping around the impact area.

The bounty hunters then started to congratulate each other, while one of them(who choked me) took from his belt a small communicator. He dialed a sequence of numbers before Yondu Udonta, my kidnapper, picked up.
"What the hell do you want Udraht?" Yondu didn't seem to be in a good mood.
Udraht answered, "Rjizod and me found Desiree like we said we would."
"Good," Yondu paused. Possibly contemplating how to kill me. "What condition she in?"
"Bad right arm, smushed airway, and bruised ribs probably." Udraht and Rjizod snickered to themselves.
"And why is that? What the hell did you do this time?" I could tell Yondu was getting very irritated by these two bozos.
"Well, Udraht squished her throat. She tried to use her hand to hurt him so Rjizod parried and grabbed her hand and twisted her arm until it cracked. Then she fell down and Udraht kicked her right in the ribs!"
"I swear to god. I asked you two goons to catch her, and bring her to me. Not beat the living shit out of her!"
"HAH! I told you, Rjizod! I-"

I heard a large roar, then Rjizod whisper something along the lines of "Holy shit."

I dared to glance over to my left, and I was shocked.

A Flora Colossus, a species long believed to be extinct, was attacking my captors, Udraht and Rjizod. He grew out his arm, and wrapped it around Udraht's throat. Udraht was completely helpless as he strained to pry the tree off his neck.

Rjizod saw this, and attempted to cut off the other arm. Said bounty hunter did not last long. The tree man then released Udraht, who crumpled into a lifeless pile on the ground, dead.

The large tree man then looked over at me, and I gasped as I felt another wave of pain hit me, both from my dislocated arm and my chest. I clenched my teeth as I tried to get up, but the pain I experienced in that moment was like nothing I had ever felt before, hitting me with the force of a tidal wave, it seemed. I felt extremely weak as I collapsed again. I was afraid, but I wasn't going to show it.

I was afraid because I thought the Flora Colossus was mad at me. I tried to push myself away from it, but as I looked closer at the way it was looking at me, I slowed down.

Then, the large tree man started to approach me. He uttered a three word sentence:

"I am Groot."

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