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I finished healing and stood up. I went over to Keith and extended an arm towards him. He took it and I carefully pulled him up, guiding his hand to my shoulder for support.

I walked him to our room, where I carefully seated him on his bed. After laying him down, I sat down on the edge of his bed and hesitated.

"Which ribs hurt the most?" I asked. "Move your hands near them."

He repositioned his hands to where they hurt. I felt my way down his arm to his hands. I gently pushed them away, and moved my hands to the sore spot.

"This won't hurt as much. The way my healing factor works for others is I take their pain away, and feel it for them. Then, I heal them." I said as I readied myself.

I began to heal him as I shuddered. I could feel the pain setting in, causing a tiny whimper to escape my throat. My stomach was beginning to hurt, but I pushed the thought of pain out of my mind to focus entirely on Keith's broken ribs. I heard the bone shift back in place as I began to pull my hands away.

I finished healing him and fell off his bed, the pain causing me to lose my balance. I went down on my side, but managed to haul myself up and onto Keith's bed, despite the pain.

"Are you okay?" I asked, exhausted by both healing him and the pain. I was still feeling pain from my midsection, but that was to be expected.

"I'm fine, but are you?" he asked as I felt an arm carefully wrap around my back.

"Yeah. I'm a little sore, but that's normal," I replied as I laid back. "I'm just gonna have to lay down for about ten minutes and it'll be gone."

"I'll stay with you," he said as he gently pulled me closer to his body.

After a little bit, my midsection wasn't hurting anymore. First, he got up. Then I followed.

Dinner was very awkward, with Peter still not having a clue about what he had done to us.

After I went through my nighttime routine of showering, brushing my teeth, and getting my pajamas, I slipped into bed. Keith was already in his bed.

"Hey, Dess?"

"Yeah, Keith?" I answered quietly, as it was late.

"Would you mind if I slept with you tonight?"

"No, not at all," I replied as I chuckled slightly. I moved over as Keith then got up and went into my bed with me.

"Good night, Dessie," Keith said as he laid down.

"See ya sometime tonight," I muttered as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Around one in the morning, I woke up to searing pain in my middle. I tried to wrap my arms around it, but it stung at my touch. I rolled over so I was facing Keith.

"Keith," I said weakly as I gently shook him. He stirred and yawned. A wave of pain suddenly struck without any precursor, causing me to let out a soft cry as I slowly doubled over.

"Dessie? What's wrong?" Keith asked, now awake. He tried to bring me closer to him, but he was touching my stomach. I let out a muffled scream as I trembled, unable to voice what hurt. He didn't pull away or move his hands from my middle, instead vying to slightly tighten his arms around me.

By this time, I was beginning to fade out of consciousness, the pain easily overwhelming my sleep-deprived mind and causing me to cease my shaking. Finally, after about two minutes of this hell, blissful unconsciousness came to the rescue.

When I came to, I heard someone getting a foot in between their thighs. I cringed, as I was still in pain, and also because the impact sounded extremely painful. I moved my head slightly, listening intently to the pair of heartbeats, one pained and fast, the other smooth and steady.

Peter and Keith. You probably know whose heartbeat was Keith's.

"Peter," I said softly, hearing Keith crumple to the floor. Peter was at my side in an instant.

"Hey, babe, I'm gonna take you to my room for the rest of the night." Peter said quietly, especially so that Keith couldn't hear him call me "babe". I nodded, and subsequently felt an arm carefully curl around my back, then under my knees.

He carried me to his room and, after getting me situated, was silent, although I already knew what he was doing. He was checking me out. Of course.

"So how much does it hurt?"

"It hurts most when I touch my stomach area. But right now, not touching my stomach at all, it's about a 7 on the scale of pain and misery," I said as I gritted my teeth from another tiny prick of pain. Peter laid down next to me and sighed.

"I might be awake for a while, since it hasn't wound down," I added as Peter sneezed. "Cover your mouth, moron."



I will publish it soon!!!!

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