Chlorinian(the hell)

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I smiled as I leaned in close, still straddling him. My hand began to lightly caress his cheek.

"That does sound like a good idea," I said softly, letting my long hair fall down. He grinned as I gave him a gentle peck on his cheek, his blue eyes looking soft.

The next second, he flipped us over, so he was on top and I was on the bottom. He got me by surprise and gently pinned me to the bed as he began to unzip my jacket.


He chuckled. "You are such a tease!" Peter exclaimed as I slipped out from under him before releasing my energy screen. I sat on the edge of the bed as he rubbed his wrists.

"Why do you worry for me so much?" I asked, looking at Peter. He sat up next to me, his eyes looking into mine.

"What do you mean? I love you!"

"No. Why do you and the rest of the gang care for me? All I do is get hurt." I stated calmly.

Peter started to reply, but then I heard something. I put my finger to his mouth to shush him as I leaned in to the wall.

What I heard terrified me.

Andrew killed Charlie. The one who brought me to my father.

I pulled away from the wall as I felt my skin go deathly pale. Peter rushed to my side and looked into my eyes with worry. That worry quickly turned into confusion.



"Your eyes. The right one is small and the left one is big. Care to explain?"

"I...well." I stammered. "I had an accident years ago. I was in school, and some chemical shit got in my left eye. Now, I am totally blind in the blue eye, which is why the pupil stays big." I finished, sighing. "Congrats on noticing."

"Sorry, Starshine."

"Is that some sort of nickname, Star-Much?"

"Don't call me Star-Much. Also, Gamora wants to go for a walk around the neighborhood with you."

"Oh. Sure." I said, caught off guard by this seemingly random request. I threw on my normal clothes instead of my Ravager ones and left.

The walk was very pleasant, seeing all the other families that call Aululo their home. Many children asked us questions about our adventures and such, hugging us and telling us about them. The entire time, I felt as if I was being watched from a distance. I paid no attention to it.

That was a mistake. That mistake put me in the predicament I am in now.

Ok. Fast forward four days. Since that first walk with Gamora, the stalkers hadn't watched me. So I decided to go for a nice jog before breakfast.

Aululo was dead silent, save for the Delilano birds, which were the size of a mockingbird. Their calls were beautiful but haunting.

I was about halfway done when a large group of shady looking individuals wearing protective fighting gear jumped into my way. I instantly recognized the lead one: David. He was Charlie's little brother, and he looked absolutely pissed at me. I slowed down, forcing a happy smile. "Do you need help?" I asked to David, who all but glared at me.

Someone grabbed me from behind by the shoulders, which I used as balance to curl my leg around his and knock him down on one knee. I turned to another one and broke his arm as something sharp plunged into my side. I froze instantly as I groaned in pain.

David was holding a small knife which he had conjured up. It was a silvery black, and at the moment, was dripping with blood.

My. Blood.

I faked being in more pain than I actually was, making David approach my face. He stroked my cheek gently. "This will all be over soon, love."

I kicked him in between his thighs. He doubled over and fell back. I then got free from the other man, unaware of the knife still lodged in my side.

I managed to run a short distance away before my vision was clouded over by a reddish tint. Someone was trying to temporarily paralyze me. I successfully broke through the screen and began to storm over to my group of attackers.

Then, another color clouded my vision. A mixture of red and white energy finally halted me as I glared at my assailants.

"That's how you're gonna play, huh? You won't see anything coming because after all, you are blind!" David snarled as he twisted his knife, which was still inside my body. I shuddered as my flesh tore even more.

"I. Am. Not. Blind." I said as I gritted my teeth from the pain.

"Then why did dear Peter ask about your eyes? What color was it again? The blue eye is the one that is blind, and the green one is fine?" David asked, pushing more of the blade into my body as I keeled over, my knees about to buckle.

Then I made my worst mistake of my entire life.

I activated my eye wisp.

Which just so happened to be my partial undoing.

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