Chapter 2 (Sorry)

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(Flashback to this morning)
  Mum: Jade! Jacks! Come down!
  I was combing my hair just in time for school. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs to the kitchen where my mum was.
  Jade: Morning mum! Morning Jacks!
  I sat down beside Jackson, my older brother and ate a piece of toast. My mum had a grief expression and I wondered what was up with her. Everything seems off. Jackson was being super quiet, unlike his usual self, when he was hyper and excited for everything.
  Jade: Umm, is everything ok?
  Jackson sighed and turned to look at me with a solemn expression.
  Jackson: We're moving.
  I frozed. This couldn't be happening. It's only the beginning of my last year at high school. I can't just...leave.
  Jade: When?
  Mum: In 2 months. We're leaving to LA because I've been transfered to their headquarters to become their head nurse. I must go, Jade. And I'm definitely not leaving both of you here. Alone.
  I sighed in defeat. There was nothing I can do. Moving is scary. Especially all across the world. That means I have to leave everything behind. My school, my friends, my home, my graduation...
  And Christian.

  Christian pulled away to wipe my tear. He was worried and curious aboit why I cried. I didn't know if I should tell him. Yet. I won't even be able to attend homecoming and I'm leaving the day after Christian's birthday. How can I tell him? He looked so oblivious to everything that's going to happen.
  I forced a smile and stood up.
  Jade: Can I talk to you for a while? Alone?
  Just as he was going to nod, the bell rang.
  Christian: I'll see you later.
  He pecked my lips and went to class.
  What will he do when he knows about it? Will this be the end of our relationship?

Mark My Words (Mark Tuan // Jung Ilhoon Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now