~Chapter 18~

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A/N : HEEEYYY YA'LL ITS ME TAS grape-monstur THE CO-AUTHOR. I didnt write this chapter thou huihui. Im only updating this chapter haha (while the actual author is dancing -_- jk jk we're in japanese class rip and she has to dance) hope you enjoy this chapter bc i really like it. Bye bye <3


???: Jade?

I looked up and saw the one and only...

Jade: Minhyukie! Yah, you hamster! Why didn't you tell me you came here?

He just laughed and sat beside me. He looked the same since I last saw him. Which was only a year ago. A year ago, I was sent to Korea to undergo some extra music training. While I was there, I volunteered to sing at an orphanage as a part of an assignment. But even after the assignment was finished, I couldn't find myself leaving so I decided to stay for a while longer. That was where I met Minhyuk. He was a volunteer like me. His singing and rapping was really good. He was great with the children too.

Not long after, we became best friends. We hung out a lot at the orphanage. During my training, the manager of the orphanage was very kind and let me stay there for the meantime. Minhyuk was staying there too so that made us closer. He's like a brother to me. An older brother since he treats me like a younger sister. I always feel so small beside him.

Minhyuk: Squirrel, you ok?

I looked at him and smiled. I miss him calling me that weird nickname he gave me. Not that I don't have any others but it feels nice to be called that. It reminds me of how close our friendship is.

Jade: So, why are you here?

Minhyuk: My father works here as a music teacher so I was sent here for further "training". But both of us know better. So I'm technically moving here now.

I squealed and hugged him. I could sense that he was confused but he hugged back. We stayed like this for a while. It felt warm on a night this cold.

I nodded as I told him my address. He accompanied me home and said goodbye. At least I'll get to see him again at school.

€Next day€

All of us gathered in the music room after school. We were practising our music piece that Namjoon composed. It was going quite good but since the song is a duet, it's a little difficult to actually practise the number.

Suddenly, Mr. Lee, our music teacher came in with two boys behind him. There was more people joining us? It's probably a relief for me since I can finally have a partner to sing with.

The two boys appeared behind Mr. Lee and revealed Minhyuk and Ilhoon. Oh.. Wait... So Minhyuk is Mr. Lee's son?! But what was Ilhoon doing here? Maybe he decided to join us seeing that his life is probably boring. Oh yeah, the others told me what happened this morning so I know the drama before all this.

Minhyuk: Yah squirrel! Are you the lead female singer?

I just smiled and nodded. I was more than excited to have him as my partner. Isn't this like the best thing to happen today?! He came up to me and hugged me while I hugged back too.

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder just as I heard Mr. Lee cleared his throat. Quite loudly, if I may say. I realised that it was Jackson that tapped my shoulder and just by his expression, he was literally demanding an answer. An answer that I will give but I was just too happy about singing with Minhyuk now. He is an excellent singer. Both of us performed together in a cafe before during our free time to earn some extra money. It was almost honourable to sing with him.

Jackson: Who's he?

Mr. Lee: He's Minhyuk, my son. From now on, he will be joining as the lead male singer. Oh, and Ilhoon. He'll be one of your composers. You should've seen his face when I forced him to join.

Mr. Lee mumbled the last sentence under his breath but fortunately I heard him. I stiffled a giggle and welcomed both of them with a handshake, which Ilhoon ignored...

Ilhoon: I'm only here because I need credits. Don't have any expectations from me. And wipe that smile off your face.

His tone was harsh. It was obvious that he didn't want to be here but I was determined to make sure he enjoyed his time with us. He was nice to me when I was hurt. I'm sure he's not that bad of a guy.

I guess he proved me wrong. Since he was only participating the band as a composer, he had like nothing to do. He sat there and watch us, which was unnecessary but Mr. Lee forced him to so he could be more involved as a "part" of the group.

Well, he didn't just sit there.

He bottled flipped with the closest bottle, which happened to be Tasnia's so she got pissed, causing the group practice to come to a stop.

Tasnia: What the fuck dude?

He let go of the bottle and continued sitting there doing nothing. We just continued the practice with Namjoon watching us while calling out advices and corrections for us to do it right. I swear he was staring at Tasnia while she was playing the guitar.

Not even 5 minutes went by and Ilhoon caused another trouble by accidentally stepping on the microphone cord and "muted" the microphone. Well, my microphone.

Jade: What the hell, Ilhoon?! Can't you just sit still?

He just rolled his eyes and left the room, slamming the door hard. Instantly, I felt sorry for him. He was probably bored to death just watching us. I left the room to find him.

Tasnia's POV
At first, I thought having Ilhoon here might be a good idea since he can observe our abilities so that he can keep it in mind while composing songs for us. Unfortunately, he was a pain in the neck. I couldn't really focus on playing my guitar since he kept walking and pacing around. I also sensed someone staring at me... Maybe it was just me...

Jackson's POV
When Ilhoon started causing trouble, I got really annoyed. But what was more annoying was that I still have no clue how Jade know Minhyuk. But my thought went into the back of my mind when I noticed Jade running after Ilhoon. What was going on with that two?

Mark's POV
I didn't mind Ilhoon or Minhyuk being there although the new kid sorta get on my nerves. I have an uneasy feeling about him but there was nothing I could do. But when I saw Jade went to find Ilhoon, I felt a sharp pang of jealousy. My expression turned into a straight one as I didn't know what to do about it.

Namjoon's POV
I was focusing on how the song was going until I realised that I was unconsciously staring at Tasnia while doing so. She just looked so beautiful when she was focusing so hard on something. It was almost inspiring. She makes me want to compose another song just for her. Maybe that is a good idea...

Suddenly, I heard her yell so I snapped out of my thoughts and tried to see what was going on. After that, they continued but not long after, I couldn't hear Jade's voice anymore and door slamming. Geez, what was happening? I saw Tasnia annoyed then Jade was already running out the door. I guess this practice will have to be delayed.

Minhyuk's POV
I got a bit irritated after Tasnia stopped the whole practice because someone couldn't keep their hands to themselves. Then in a snap of a finger, Jade's voice was gone and I realised that Ilhoon stepped on the cord. Ugh, why did he even have to be in here anyway?! Then Jade was running after him. Was I missing something?

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