Chapter 2: Leaving with a Song...

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The bags were packed: yellow and orange suitcases embellished with Sqampy love hearts. Sqaishey's bag was filled to the brim with clothes, makeup and gifts. Mine was...slightly emptier to say the least.

We filled the car, before setting off to Bristol.

Music blared from the stereo, and inside I winced. My Chemical Romance was not my thing. However, I put up with it- anything for Sqaish.

"Do you want me to turn it over? I know you don't like these," Sqaishey asked me softly.

"No, no! It's fine, honestly..." I raised my hands in protest. She was so sweet; everyday I fell in love with her even more.

"So... I have some news..." Sqaishey whispered, her eyes blank and looking straight forward onto the road. I looked at her expectantly, prompting her to continue.
"I uploaded another song today!"

"That's great, ducky. I'm so proud of you!" I exclaimed, happiness bubbling in my stomach.

"Would you like to hear it?"

"Yes! Of course!"

"Well then! I announce Quacktopia Rhythm!"

She started pressing some buttons on the car's screen, and within moments, the song began to play.

The song left me feeling elated, and I couldn't have been prouder. At the next stop, I gave her a small peck on the cheek, before whispering,
"You are so amazing."

And she was.


The car pulled over outside of Netty's house, and as fast as a clap of thunder, Netty bolted out of the front door. Behind her, Martyn lingered, with an easy grin fixed onto his face. As we carefully left the car, they waved in unison.

"Nettyn!" Sqaishey and I called.

"Sqampy petals!" Netty and Martyn returned. They ran over and helped us carry our bags, before giving us brief hugs.

Slowly, with the weight of our bags dragging us behind, we headed into the house.

"So how are things for you, Stamps?" Martyn asked in his usual friendly, positive manner. He was perpetually cheerful- it would have been refreshing if it wasn't for me and Sqaish being lively, young people.

"Great! We have our own little family now, and it just... Well, it feels great," I chided thoughtfully. Martyn nodded and smiled.

"And you?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. A pink tinge coloured Martyn's cheeks, and he scratched his head bashfully.

"Great! Yeah... She loves the cats, and we really get on. Her cooking's not too bad either!" He teased, followed by a playful wink. With an air of questioning, Netty walked over, and carefully eyed us both.

"What's going on here?" Netty interrogated with a sly grin. Her hands slotted into Martyn's- she was the only one without a heavy bag (strangely...).

"Leave the boys to it, Netty!" Sqaishey said with an exasperated sigh, "They'll never stop teasing- even if we try." She gave me a sidelong glance with a wink.

Sqaish looked beautiful in the winter day: her brown hair perfectly straightened, and her eyes were filled with joy. She couldn't stop beaming, even when the suitcase hauling was a struggle.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, we pulled our bags to a stop and heaved them over the door step.
Their home awaited us, and the scent of chamomile greeted us, assisted by hints of lavender. The porch's walls illustrated this: a mixture of purple and white paint. I caught the sight of my mass of curls in a mirror surrounded by glistening, fascinating jewels, and laughed to myself. My hair was truly ridiculous.

By the time we'd finished packing, the clock had ticked away to 7:00pm, to our bewilderment. We ordered pizza (BBQ for me) and chilled, watching Friends and other comedy shows.

"Have you checked social media since uploading 'Quacktopia Rhythm', Sqaishey?" Martyn asked, "It was a great song- you shouldn't be afraid of the feedback."

Sqaishey, who was nestling next to me, tensed. Her hands had a slight tremble. I tapped her gently, in a comforting way.

"No..." She whispered.

"Beth, what's there to fear? I loved it, and I can tell that my brother is so proud of you with it! There's no need to hide from praise," Netty gushed, with her brows furrowed. The worrying woman sighed sadly.

"I know..." She pulled her phone out, and pressed the Twitter icon. A smile began to appear on her face as she read the tower of compliments on her page. I received a joyful smile from her, and then a kiss, "Thank you!"

"Good feedback, then?" Netty asked. Sqaish nodded.

Netty was a wise, kind woman, indeed.

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