Chapter 6: Dread Never Ceases

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I woke up to find that Sqaishey had gone downstairs already. I didn't blame her- it was 10:30, and sleep was calling me back still. I considered giving in, but I couldn't hide forever. No one could, not really.

Stumbling down the stairs, almost as if I was drunk, I found a lingering silence waiting for me. Everyone was gathered around the kitchen table, scrolling through battered magazines, or playing on their phone. There was a mysterious tension in the air.

"Sqaishey, are you ready to tell us now?" Someone asked. Silently, Sqaishey bowed her head; her face had darkened.

"Okay... I think we should gather in the living room."


Moments later, and we were gathered in the main room, nestled on the sofa. No one seemed to be expecting the weight about to be dropped on them, but I knew what was coming.

"Guys... I have an announcement." Sqaishey announced. The room silenced.

"I'm- I... Okay. I'm staying in LA for six months to work with a big music company," she stammered, searching for emotions on everyone's faces. A mixture of shock and sadness filled them, until their human nature came back. They smiled, some mixed with sadness, and some genuinely delighted.

"That's great! You two are going to have an amazing time, I know it," Jimmy exclaimed innocently. My heart sank; I gave Sqaishey a solemn, urging look. Silently, I beckoned.

"You'll have to tell them, Sqaish," I whispered. Reluctantly, she nodded before walking back as quietly as a mouse.

"Actually... Stamps isn't coming with me. He has too many conferences to attend, and my record deal doesn't include an apartment for two."

My friends exchanged worried glances, before giving me pitying (yet almost patronising) smiles.

"I know you'll have fun, Sqaishey. You'll do amazingly!" Martyn reassured.

I nodded in agreement, but inside my stomach churned, "I need some air."

Next thing I knew, I was outside, the sky grey and miserable- it clearly mirrored my mood. My heart was pounding rapidly, and beads of sweat formed on my forehead.

The garden was beautiful: rows of colourful flowers, a perfectly flat lawn, and a pebbled path leading the gazebo in the back. It was my favourite place in Netty's house- it always filled me with peace and tranquility.

The door behind me opened.

"You okay?" Netty asked. Her red hair was tied back in a rare ponytail, and her eyes were free of makeup. As usual, her clothes were dark, but somehow cheerful.

"No. Not at all. But I'll be fine."

"Well, just talk. I'm here to listen, Joseph," she smiled at me comfortingly.

So I confided in her. I told her everything: how I worried about her falling out of love with me, about feeling lonely, and how I just felt empty and anxious.

All through the talk, she listened while nodded her head in understanding. Once I was finished, she enveloped me in a warm hug.

"You'll have us, don't worry."

I wished I could have been reassured.


I joined Sqaishey in our bedroom, where tears filled her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Stampy!" She cried, "I just have to do this."

"I know."

"You're okay?"

"I'll manage. We just have to make this final month count."

Sqaishey nodded, before her face lit up.

"So. We have lots of fun this week, I'll pack next week, and then the week after we'll record. And... on the final week, we'll have the best time!"

"We need to write a list!" I exclaimed, my emotions soaring.

After an hour, we'd pulled together a list of things to do:

Day One: Have a picnic, then go swimming.

Day Two: BBQ with friends!

Day Three: Baking session.

Day Four: Shopping.

Day Five: Cinema!


Day Seven: Sqaishey leaves.

We were going to make this last month count- no matter what.

Thank you so much for 100 reads! You're all amazing! ☺️
-Smiley 💛

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