Chapter 4: Breakfast with Nettyn... and Jimmy.

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As I headed down the carpeted stairs, hair partially covering my eyes, the smell of cooking tickled my nose. Excitement bubbled inside of me at the thought of a fried breakfast.

As the kitchen approached me, bubbles of laughter escaped from the door, along with a wisp of smoke.

"Don't burn my breakfast! I was looking forward to it!" I called with a laugh. Sqaishey ran to the door and enveloped me into a hug. Her blonde, fluffy hair smelled of coconut and chocolate.

I loved Netty's kitchen, with its beautiful white glistening walls, and the mini lights built into the ceiling. The kitchen work tops were never dirty, the black marble perpetually shining. It always smelled nice too: some weeks it would be a strong Jasmine and vanilla, other times it would be fresh linen.

You could never say they didn't care about their home.

After waiting half an hour, Martyn finally served up the breakfast. In front of me laid a full plate; it was filled with sausages, bacon, egg, hash browns and beans. My favourite.

As we ate, we exchanged our stories. Jimmy, however, seemed rather reserved- his head was bowed and he was unusually quiet.

"You okay, Jimmy?" I asked, filled with concern.

"Yeah... just a little confused about how I managed to get so drunk last night. I guess Mini gave me too much."

"Don't worry about it, you're here now!"

He nodded appreciatively, before seeing Netty in distress washing up.
With one last nod, he walked off to help her.

Wandering like a zombie with no goal, my feet guided me to the living room. There, Sqaishey was curled into a ball, her eyes shut and squeezing her hands tightly. My pulse quickened- these were her usual worrying symptoms.

"Sqaish?" My voice was a whisper, barely audible. Her head tilted upwards gently.

"Yes?" She replied meekly. I seated myself beside her and wrapped my arm around her in a comforting gesture.

"What's up?"

"I-I... nothing. Nothing's wrong. Gosh, the time! Tom's arriving soon, isn't he? Better do my makeup if we're off into town." She gushed, occasionally stammering. Before I could say any more, she was out of the room.

I contemplated chasing after her, but soon decided it was best for her to be left alone. For now.

My mind filled with questions, I returned to the kitchen, and pulled Netty to one side.

"What's up with Beth?" I asked her. She frowned, her eyes widened in concerned.

"Why? Is she ill? Do I need to call-"

"No, no! She just seemed really distressed and solemn," I interrupted. My sister gave me a pitying look.

"I'll speak to her when I get the chance- don't worry." She patted my arm comfortingly before joining Jimmy and Martyn at the kitchen table.

"Help yourself to a cuppa by the way!" She told me, a mug in her own hand.

It wasn't long before we had to leave to pick up Tom. Sqaishey looked beautiful, but her face was streaked with secret anxiety.

Crammed into one car, we were uncomfortable, but our spirits were high. It was almost like a MAC meet up, just without lots of people. So... maybe not.

Eventually, we pulled up into Bristol Station, everyone chatting hurriedly about train times. We directed ourselves through crowds and eventually found the platform where Tom's train from Huddersfield was arriving. (AN: I was at Huddersfield Station today!)

Tom: Nearly there! At the penultimate station!

Everyone's phone received the same message, and the girls squeaked with excitement.

"I think we might as well get some drinks, right?" Martyn questioned. We nodded and made requests: Netty- Dr Pepper, Jimmy and Martyn- 7Up, me and Sqaishey- tea, and we bought Tom a bottle of Fanta.

We waited in anticipation until...

The violet Northern Rail train pulled up onto the platform, and we huddled, like animals seeking warmth. The doors slid open, and passengers dispersed. Amongst them, of course, was Tom.

As soon as he saw them, his mouth curled into an impish grin.

" 'ELLO!" He called with a chuckle. We all gathered round him, hugging, exclaiming and gushing over how good it was to see him.

We wandered back to the car, chatting away, and then squished ourselves even more into the car. The journey was exciting and the worry on Sqaishey's face eased a little.

Once we had pulled up into Netty and Martyn's drive, we dashed into the living room like excited children. We set up the XBox and played Overwatch together for a few hours, laughing and talking consistently.

Half way through our games, Netty headed into the kitchen to get drinks, calling Sqaishey in to help. My heart skipped a beat. I as finally about to know the truth... but would I like it?

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