Chapter 16: Tyler

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-Sqaishey's POV-

    "So," Tyler started, pushing his black sweep of hair away from his deep eyes, "What do you want to do first?" He gave me a sidelong smile, as if I'd shared a joke with him.
    "Oh! Ummm, burger?" I suggested, ignoring the uncomfortable twisting in my stomach.
    "Sure. I bet you've never tasted anything so heavenly in Britain," he responded. I raised my eyebrows, silently asking if he really believed his words.
"You wish. Have you ever tasted anything as good as Toby Carvery? I think not."
"What's that?" Tyler asked; I'd clearly piqued his interest. I chuckled.
   "It's where you can help yourself to succulent meats, and piles of vegetables. It's so filling and," I lowered my voice and added as much excitement into it as possible, "it's effing amazing!" Tyler raised his thick eyebrows.
    "I take it all back. You Brits have amazing food!" I smiled triumphantly, almost like a smug child receiving their wanted glory. "And, by the way, you can say the actually word."
   Almost with a hint of bitterness, I laughed. "I know, you silly goose! But I simply don't want to. It doesn't sound as... as bad." He stared at my eyes for a moment, something hovering in his emotions. I frowned, and, realising what he'd been doing, recovered himself.
   "Sorry." He mumbled.
   "Oh. It's okay. Is everything alright?" I asked, trying to convince myself it wasn't one of those moments from the movies.
    "Yeah. I was lost in space, hmm. I do that a lot," a nervous laugh escaped him. Due to the sheer horror stirring inside me, I quickly changed the subject. I was desperate to forget this.
    "I do too. It's nice to investigate the power of imagination," I added, smiling to myself.
   "Yeah. It is."
    "Now come on, show me this 'amazing' burger."

I took one look at the burger, and gasped.
"You want me to eat this?" I asked in disbelief. It was packed full: thick meat, two slices of cheese, crunchy lettuce, and all topped off with a heap of tomato ketchup.
"Umm... yes! What else?" Tyler replied, his eyes wide.
"But it's so big!" I protested, a mixture of humour and anxiety filling me. It didn't look all that nice, really.
"Well you could do with putting on some weight!" He remarked with a grin. That hit home. My face clouded over.
"Don't mention my weight, please." I told him quietly. A flicker of confusion faced me, before disappearing quickly.
     "Of course- sorry." He said, catching my gaze. Without any warning, he grabbed my hands. "I'm here if you ever want to talk." My chest rose heavily.
    "I know you are," I replied awkwardly, staring at my hands that were still being clutched. With horror, I realised my cheeks were burning. I returned my gaze to the burger on my lap.
   "Better eat that while it's warm," he remarked. I nodded, looking around at the lush green lawn in front of me. It was peaceful; the city sat behind us, along with the hustle. It calmed me.
    "Gosh, yes!" I exclaimed, feigning my forgetfulness as an excuse to release my hands.
    I took a bite, and it was heavenly, a cocktail of flavours relishing my tongue.
     "You like it?" I nodded, my mouth too full to speak properly.
     "Better than I anticipated," I told him. He smiled.

   "Can you finish it?" I asked Tyler, holding up the burger. My stomach felt as if it was about explode.
    "Sure." He reached to take it off me. His fingers brushed against mine. My heart skipped a beat.
    "You know," Tyler started, in between a mouthful. "You're really nice. So much nicer than the girls from my hometown. Perhaps I should move to England." I laughed.
   "Nah. Unless you want to be heckled by vloggers. They're everywhere."
    "But if you were there..." He looked deeply into my blue eyes, and I noticed his were slightly darker than mine. "I'd like it."
    "I'm sure I can't make you that happy," I pointed out with a nervous chuckle. My heart pounded.
    "Oh, Beth. I think you can." My world seemed to slow down as he smiled and leaned in. His fingers reached out to cup my face gently.
Dun, dun, DUNNNNN!!!

I'd just like to say that at the time of writing WE'RE AT 997 READS! 3 from 1K!!! That is so freaking crazy guys! Thank you!

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