Chapter 13: Team

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I never expected to be nervous. But as we entered the restaurant, my heart was hammering against its cage, and my legs were jelly.

Issy smiled at the waiter, who nodded, before sashaying to the back. She turned to me and Erin. "We're upstairs in a private section."

Erin raised her eyebrows. She wrapped her arms around her blue duffle coat.

We climbed the stairs, Erin and me fidgeting constantly. She had reason to be nervous: she was new. I squeezed her shoulder comfortingly. She smiled gratefully.

We entered the room to see a long table in the middle. Chattering animatedly were two people. Carla and Tyler.

Carla looked up, saw us, and smiled. Tyler followed suite. Issy continued walking. She gestured to a seat next to Carla.

"Hi," I greeted cheerfully.

"Hey!" Carla said. She had beautiful blonde hair, with a slight curl to it. Her eyes, blue as the ocean, shone with happiness. "Welcome to LA!"

"Hi there," Tyler said... My heart leaped. But... Why? I loved Stampy! I kicked myself, fuming.

"Thanks, Carla." I was distracted. Tyler was attractive: porcelain skin, jet black hair. But I refused to have a crush. I. Was. Happy. My family were waiting for me- Stampy would never fall in love with someone else. I barely knew Tyler anyway. Good looks didn't mean good personality.

"How was your journey?" Carla asked me in her sweet accent. She seemed unfazed by my outbreak.

"Tiring... I'm exhausted right now," I answered honestly. "When did you get here? And you, Tyler. Are you from LA?"

They both tried to answer at the same time, before laughing awkwardly.

"After you- oh." The two said in chorus. Carla giggled. "You answer first, haha," she said.

"I'm from New York. Beautiful city... Remind me to take you both there one time!" Carla's face lit up.

"I'm glad you're all getting on. You will be supporting each other, after all." A voice interrupted. Issy. "Tyler! Good to see you again. I see you've changed a lot. You smile more... And Carla! It's nice to finally meet you!"


"Hmm. Yes. Now, please do order something nice... But nothing messy. Can't have you looking like you're in need of a bib. Okay? Erin! Get off your phone and fill them in."

She sauntered away to answer a call, while Erin joined us at the table.

"Erin, is it? What's Issy like? She seems... I don't know. Strict," Carla asked as Erin placed herself at the table.

"Give her a chance. Her sarcasm is just a hard shell! She's lovely once she warms to you. Trust me."

"But she's harsh with you." Tyler argued.

"She's stressed. This is BIG. The press and other companies are onto her like you've never seen. She gets told off all the time by others. But you guys are going to be great together!" Erin told us passionately. Then her face dropped, and she returned to her phone.

"Together?" We asked in unison.

"Hmm?" Her face flushed with the attention she was receiving. "Oh- you know what I mean. Supporting each other. You three are new soloists. You're in it together." She paused. "Excuse me. I need to take this call."

"Well. Great company for us three this evening." Carla said. "Professional af."

I snorted. "True."

My phone buzzed and my heart skipped a beat.

Netty: He's asleep. Goodnight. Sorry to have bothered you xx

I sighed. My head hurt; Stampy didn't drink... so why?

"Everything okay?" Carla asked. I looked up. Her brows were furrowed with concerned.

"Yeah. Everything's fine," I replied. Although I liked Carla, I wasn't ready to tell her just yet.

She smiled. "If you ever need me, I'm here."

Just as I was about to whisper a sign of gratitude, Issy came over. I thought I saw tears in her eyes.

"I've spoken to the waiters. Apparently they want to surprise us with their special meal. I'm sorry." She shrugged sympathetically. "I'm also sorry for seeming sarcastic and brash. I'm not. Honestly. It's just the media, you know how they are."

"Issy, are you okay?" I asked. She didn't look it- her eyes were weary, and her smile dropped at the ends.

"It's nothing you should worry about-"

"If you're being pushed,'you deserve a break," I snapped. Issy looked at me fondly.

"Thank you... but we need to organise tomorrow."

The three of us straightened eagerly.

"Breakfast at my house, my treat. Is 8:30 okay for you? Then we will be having your photo shoots for your debut singles! (They will be released in three months or so) And finally, you'll be spending the rest of the day with the band!" She looked up, and gave us a genuine smile.

"Now... let's face what the restaurant give us. I kinda dread it." Issy said, pretending to be fearful.

It was then that I realised that Issy wasn't the face behind all the ideas... she was the messenger. Never shoot the messenger.


And there you have it! I really like Issy actually. I know she's harsh, but I think she has a good heart. I think you guys should give her a chance- she'll be showing her nice side a lot in these next chapters.

Thank you for your lovely support! And to the people that the characters are based off (Issy, Carla, Erin), please tell me if you have anything you want changing or added to your character! ☺️

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