Chapter 5: LA Dreams...

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Silently, my heart aching, I took out 5 mugs and fill them with tea bags: 3 English breakfast tea, one green tea, and one Jasmine tea.

"You okay?" Netty asked. My head hurt, and I hesitated.

"I don't know..."

"Do you want to talk upstairs?" Netty suggested, filled with pure concern. I nodded, muted.

We climbed up the stairs, before settling down on the velvet sofa in Netty's office.

"So..." My best friend prompted.

"I received an email." My heart hammering against its cage (AN: got that one from MacBeth 😂).

Netty frowned, and gestured for me to continue.

"From a music company. They want me to go to their recording studios in LA..." I mumbled. Netty's face lit up with astonishment.

"That's amazing!"

"Is it? They want me to stay there for at least six months...that means no YouTube, and no family," I explained.

"Well... Why can't Stampy go with you?" She frowned.

"YouTube, petsitting, and events. He can't miss certain conferences, and Maker Studios can't afford six months without mine and his videos."

I pulled out my phone and showed her the email. I highlighted the words:

You will be staying in a modern, luxury apartment for at least six months. If your career progresses quickly, you will be staying for even more. We are positive that your career in the music industry will soar.

"Oh." Netty's face fell, "Have you made a decision?"

Like a child admitting to being badly behaved, I nodded meekly, "I think I have."

Netty withdrew a sharp, quick breath. She awkwardly pushed a strand of red her behind her ear.

"So, erm, are you going to tell me yet, or wait?"

"I've decided to go."

"Oh. Wow... that's great!" She exclaimed, but I could sense that her spirits were crestfallen.

"I think you should tell Joseph," She whispered. I nodded, then left the room. This was going to be tough.

"Joe? Can we talk?"

We climbed the stairs into our guest room; he was clutching my hand worriedly. I sat him down on the bed, and perched apprehensively next to him.

"I got an email yesterday," I started nervously, "Asking if I'd like to have a record deal with a company working in LA."

He nodded slowly, his curls bobbing in sync, "Go on..."

"I'd be staying in LA for six months at least: they say I'm likely to receive lots of attention leading me to staying for longer..."


My heart throbbed. My vision became blurry with tears.

"I said yes..."

"What?" His eyes bulged with surprise. Tears welled in his eyes and his hands began to tremble uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry... It just felt like the right thing to do...."

I passed him my phone, watching his face distort with mixed feelings. We sat there in silence for a while, before eventually Stampy shuffled towards me.

"Promise me you'll be happy," he whispered, wrapping his arms around me. He looked desperate, and emotional. I stretched my pinkie out, and hooked it onto his.

"I promise..."

"I'll miss you, you know?" He told me between sniffs. I kissed him quickly, before we burst into tears together.

We climbed into bed, despite the early evening hours, and cuddled there, crying and watching TV.


I awoke with a start, surprised to see me in bed wearing yesterday's clothes. My hands were clammy, and a strange bead of sweat lined my forehead. Was the whole record company deal a dream? Relief filled me, but a twinge of sadness bothered me.

At the other side of the bed, nestled into the cream bedsheets, Stampy slept peacefully, positioned in an awkward way.

I tiptoed out of the bedroom, down the stairs, and trudged into the cozy living room. Only Netty was there, sat at the wooden dining table scrolling through Instagram. When she glanced up and saw me, she gently set her phone down.

"How did it go?" She asked softly. Her brown eyes were rimmed red, and covered in a layer of sleep.

"I was hoping it was a dream..."

"How did he react?"

I paused, tears threatening to come, "He cried. I cried."

Her almond face was filled with sympathy. She took a small sip of her coffee, before saying, "He'll be fine, Beth. I'll make sure of it."

I nodded, unconvinced.

"And anyway, we'll be here to look after him. He's just a little surprised, I'm sure. A little bit of Dr Pepper will fix his worries in no time," she joked with a chuckle.

I weakly smiled, but my insides lurched with grief. There was a hollow feeling in my stomach- an irreplaceable feeling of loss. Well... perhaps irreplaceable. Most likely.

One question lingered in my mind... How, and what, would I tell the others?

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