Chapter 7: Sandwiches, Scones and Swimming

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Day One

The weeks flew by, we returned home, and before we knew it, it was our final week together. Guilt left me feeling empty, and every morning I woke with sweat lining my forehead. I didn't sweat. Ever.

With one last week lying ahead, Stampy trudged miserably down the polished oak stairs, his eyes bloodshot and wide.

"Morning," I greeted him, smiling weakly. We both knew inside that this week would be hard. Harder than anything we'd been through previously.

"Morning..." he replied. He wrapped his arms around me, and hesitated. He started, "Can I-"

"Me first," I interrupted, "this will be hard, I know. But it's our final week together for God's sake! We need to remain positive."

He nodded, "yeah. We can't spend this week feeling like shit."

"Now are you ready for Day One?" I asked, my heart rattling excitedly. The sadness seeped out of me.

A smile crept onto Stampy's face.

Together we gathered everything we needed: sandwiches, cake, cookies, cloudy lemonade, tea and crisps. We then pulled on our swimming gear.

After I'd applied my makeup (waterproof mascara and lip balm), we bid farewell to the pets, before jumping into my car.


The sun was beaming down on us as we arrived at the park, and the sky was as brilliant a blue as the pansies in our garden.

The park was beautiful: a lush green stretch of a lawn, flowers lining the paths, and a glistening blue lake with benches scattered around it.

We strolled along to the lake, and spread our checkered picnic blanket out beneath us. With a thump, we dropped the hamper gently.

"Peace at last..."

Stampy smiled before opening the basket. He set out the food, opening plastic boxes and peeling back lids. With a mischievous grin, he passed me a sandwich filled with mayonnaise.

"Hey! They're yours and you know it. Pass me mine, please!" I spluttered through giggles. Stampy pouted playfully, before handing me my English breakfast sandwich. I licked my lips ravenously- the contents were sausage, bacon, egg and tomato ketchup.

Stampy, on the other hand, had chosen something simpler: chicken and stuffing. He flashed an impish grin, before taking a large mouthful. As he chewed, he nodded in satisfaction.

"Swapsies?" I asked through mouthfuls. My other half tilted his head in consideration, then shook his head, whipping his curls around.
"Nah. This one's too nice."

I feigned being offended then ruffled his hair. Today he seemed to have put in effort: his brown mop was tidy (kind of), and his shirt was neatly pressed. My insides churned - it was me who should have been putting in the effort to impress.

"Cake. The cakes please," I said between mouthfuls. My arms reached out in a grabbing motion.

Stampy passed me the cake tins, and I opened the brass lid. My eyes lit up.

Inside, there was an array of cakes and biscuits: shortbread, chocolate cakes, scones, iced buns, donuts, and Victoria sponge cake. A fresh, sweet scent tickled my nose, and my mouth watered hungrily.

After much contemplation, I picked up one of the chocolate cupcakes; it was topped with thick, delectable buttercream and white chocolate sprinkles.

One bite and I was in heaven. Before I knew it, it had disappeared into thin air... oops?


Soon the food had more or less gone, and our heavy lunch had more or less settled. My heart longed to jump into the long spread of water ahead of me... It looked gorgeous.

"How about we go swimming now?" I asked Stampy with an air of nonchalance. He surveyed me, and nodded.

"'Course!" He paused, "first one to get to the other side wins the last cupcake."

I ran for my life, before diving in. Wow...

The water was freezing, but felt clean. I could see my feet in the shallow end, but not for long. I wanted this cupcake. Badly.

Behind me, the thrashing of arms threatened to distract me, but I resisted. This last cupcake meant the world to me... Well, not really but...

Minutes passed, and before I knew the end was near. But I was slowing with fatigue... And that's when I saw it...

A dark figure swiftly moving under the water, coming closer and closer... My heart hammered... It moved even closer....

"Did I really scare you?" A matted mop of hair emerged in front of me. As I smiled sheepishly, he laughed. Yes,
I was gullible and innocent...

"I'm too tired... I surrender," I gasped, panting.

My best friend pouted then grinned. He smiled as if I'd just made his day.
"Thank goodness."

He received a playful punch.


I'm so sorry it took so long to update! I've been soooo busy, but here it is!
As usual, feedback is greatly appreciated 🙂

-Smiley 💛

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