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Eddie's POV


I jumped on instinct as I heard the thunder.

"What's wrong, scared?" Jeff laughed at me.
"No, asshole." I scoffed. Although deep inside, I had always been scared of storms.

I laid spread out on the floor, since Stone, Mike and Jeff had taken the couch from me.

The rain pounded on the old roof of the little house. I'm not sure how this place has held up, as many storms as there are in Seattle.

Mike touched my shoulder, but I got scared and jumped again, making all the boys erupt in laughter, except Stone, who shrugged.
"I'm gonna go for a walk." I mumbled.  Not a bright idea, you know, because the rain. But I spoke before I had a chance to think about it. I walked to my room and grabbed a heavy coat and pulled on my boots.

"Don't be gone too long." Stone said to me as I opened the door. I just nodded and walked out.
I stood on the front steps which were shielded a little from the rain and sighed. I make the dumbest decisions.

I shook my head at myself and walked on, going towards the little park, which had a pavilion.
I hummed to myself and stepped to the beat of this made up melody.

The park was in sight as I walked a bit faster. The ends of my long hair were now damp, which was less favorable.

As I walked up on the pavilion I noticed a little lump, whatever it was, in the corner. And I knew for sure I'd never seen it before. Was it just some garbage that someone dropped off? Is it a blanket? I asked myself as I got closer.
Its got hair.
I thought to myself.

Please don't be a dead body, I begged.
There was no visible movement and I almost turned to walk away.

"Uh...hello?" I whispered, surely it couldn't be heard over the sound of the storms.

"Hey." I said a little louder, in a firm voice.
I was not a scary guy. I stood at 5'7 and had long brown hair. I was embarrassed of my smile and my fashion wasn't up to date. I couldn't muster anger if I tried.

Still nothing. I swear this better not be a dead body.
I pondered on whether I should poke it or not.
This plus a raging storm? Give me a break.

"Please be alive." I muttered as I squatted down and carefully poked the lump.

I fell back on my ass when a head popped up.
A human head that is. They're alive.
"Who are you?" They demanded.
"Whoa hey I'm not here to hurt you." I said in a shaky voice.

"Who are you?" They asked again.
"Uh my name is Edward, what's yours?" I said now slightly calmer.

"Victoria." She said, brushing her brown hair back.
"W-what're you doing out here in this weather?" I asked her.

"I don't have anywhere else to go. This is the best I've got, yeah?"
"Uh," I didn't have much to say.
I could bring her home with the guys, but they would torment her, and then me. But is that better than her current situation? What if she's a murderer? She could kill us in the middle of the night.

"You could come back with me, even if it's just for the night." I offered.
Fuck. I really need to sort out my brain.

"Really? I mean I'm fine here but," she asked
"Really, cmon I'll help you up." I smiled for the first time, holding my hand out. She grinned a little and took my hand, pulling herself up.

"you're gonna freeze." I told her, pulling off my coat.
"So are you." She argued.
"No, I've got this hoodie on." I said.

She thanked me and put on my coat. I put my arm around her shoulders and led her back to the house.


"There's four other guys in there. Don't listen to a word they say, they're assholes. Except Stone. Stone is nice." I warned.
She laughed a little and nodded.

I opened the door and all heads turned to me and Victoria.

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