You wanna WHAT?

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Victoria's POV

The sunlight made its way into Eddie's room, waking me up. I had a slight headache.
I laid completely still, because I could feel Eddie's back against mine and didn't want to wake him up, or ruin the moment.
I could go back to sleep, but once again, he's right against me and it's starting to get a little warm.

Maybe one of the guys will come in and wake him up.
I turned over, it might wake him up, might not.
His shirt had since come off, and I was met with his bare back. He had some freckles dotted around his shoulders.

"Goodmorning sunshine." A voice what wasn't Eddie's said. I looked over Eddie's body and saw Stone at the door.
I put my finger to my lips to tell him to be quiet, but he waved it off.
He walked in and pulled me out of bed.
"He's a heavy sleeper." He told me.
I didn't answer and walked out with Stone.

"I just wanted to see if you were up yet, Jeff successfully made food. And Chris wants to take you shopping." Stone said.
"Oh okay." I nodded, still a bit tired.

I sat down on the couch and laid my head back. I didn't really want to do anything today.

"SHE LOVES YOU YEAH YEAH YEAH!" Chris screamed, running through the house. If Eddie wasn't awake before, he is now.

Also, that headache? Just got worse.
"Christopher please," I said, holding my head.
He ran to the kitchen now quietly singing, and I shook my head. What a strange guy.

Eddie came out from his room, looking around while rubbing his tired eyes. He spotted me and smiled a little before coming towards me.

"Vicky!" I heard Chris sing from the kitchen.
"Yes Chris?" I called back.
He came around the corner and gave me a pill.
"For your headache, m'lady." He grinned, then handing me a bottle of water.

"Thanks Chrispy." I laughed, dismissing him.
Eddie sat down and watched me intently as I took the pain medication.

"Come get some food you nerds." Stone told Eddie and I.

"Feeling better?" I asked Eddie on our way to the kitchen. He nodded and gave me a small smile that made his cheekbones prominent.

We sat down at the table next to all the others, and Jeff happily brought his freshly made food to the table.
"Thanks Jeff." I said. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood. Even Eddie.
We all ate, slowly at that, we were all still a bit tired. But I had to give Jeff credit. He wasn't too bad of a cook, when he didn't burn the food.

"I think I wanna cut my hair." Eddie announced, leaning back in his chair.
"You wanna WHAT?" I exclaimed, making all the guys laugh. I think they understood how much I appreciated Ed's long locks.

"Not all of it." He said, looking at me with a smirk.
"How much?" I asked.
"I dunno, up to my collar bone." He shrugged.
"Oh okay that'll look good." I nodded.

"I'm gonna cut mine too." Chris agreed, but we all knew he was joking.
"Like hell you are." I said, turning to face him. He threw his hands up in defeat.
"Okay mom." He laughed.

"Well are you gonna cut it here or go somewhere to do it?" I asked Eddie.
"I'll cut it." He said.
"Okay, be careful with the scissors." I reminded him.

He ran upstairs after putting his dish in the sink and we all let out a small giggle that we'd been holding in.

"This can't be good."

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