Only my heart talking

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Victoria's POV-one week later

We were back on the road, and I was still staying on the Soundgarden bus. Although at stops I would sometimes go see they guys on the PJ bus, regardless of whether or not Eddie was there.

Right now Pearl Jam was on stage, opening for Soundgarden. Chris and I shared a seat backstage, chatting with the band.
The roadies were asking Chris questions and stuff, and running back and forth.

"Hey Chris," one roadie said, I think his name was Alex.
"Yeah?" Chris replied, facing him.
"Did you have extra strings on the bus? We can't find any in the box, and Pearl Jam doesn't have any we can find." Alex sighed.

"Oh yeah yeah. Hey Vicky, you know where I keep them?" Chris asked me.
"Yeah, I'll run and get them." I told him, running out to the bus quickly. Soundgarden had to go on soon.

I opened the door and ran to Chris' bag, opening the front pocket and pulling out a pack of strings.
I ran back to the venue and spotted Alex, handing him the strings.
"Thanks Victoria."
I was shocked that he knew my name, but I guess I had become a household name now.
"Did ya get em?" Chris asked once I sat back down.
"Yep. You better get ready." I reminded him.

"You're right, I'll see you before I go on." Chris told me, kissing me and then going away.

Chris' POV

I walked into the area where the rest of the band was and we all messed around with our instruments.
"What's goin on?" Kim greeted me.
"Nothing dude." I sighed.
My mind was conflicted.

"Doesn't seem like nothing, what's wrong?" Matt spoke up.
"It's just, ever since Eddie and Vicky broke up and then her and I started dating, Eddie and I have become distant. He's so sad looking, he misses Vicky. He even wrote a song." I explained.

"Oh..." Ben chimed in.
"Well, as always, do what you feel is right. But what are you implying?" Kim asked.
"I don't know dude, like, if I broke it off with her would she get back with Eddie? So they would both be happy?" I said.

"She would be crushed that you broke up with her though." Matt pointed out.
"I'm not so sure, she doesn't seem into it. I think She's just with me to make Eddie understand what he did wrong."

"Don't sell yourself short." Kim said.

"Soundgarden, lets go, we need you on stage." One of the tour managers shouted. We grabbed our stuff and went out to play.

Victoria's POV

"Peel Jam." I said randomly, once the PJ guys came back.
"Oh now we have to change our band name." Dave said, before repeating 'Peel Jam' over and over.
He was drunk.
"I'm counting on it." I replied, even though he was probably not listening.

"I feel like shit." Stone laughed, wiping sweat from his forehead.
"Well if you'd stop wearing those sweatshirts on stage you wouldn't be so sweaty." I told him.
"Its part of the image." He argued.
"Is the scrunchy part of the image as well?" I teased.
"You're just jealous that I can pull it off better than you can."

After about an hour messing around with the now intoxicated members of 'Peel Jam', Soundgarden came off stage. Matt was smiling, as usual. I could always count on him to be happy.
Kim was talking to Ben, but Chris looked deep in thought.

"Noisy garden." A drunk Eddie spoke up, making the rest of the members burst out in laughter.
I giggled silently, shaking my head at them.

"Vick, can I talk to you?" I heard Chris say. My heart dropped.
I nodded and followed him to a quiet hallway.
"What's up?" I asked, keeping calm.
"So, you know Eddie wrote that song for you," he started, running his hands through his hair.
"Yeah." I mumbled, still worried about where this was going.
"I think he still loves you." Chris said.
I didn't have much else to say. It was obvious that Eddie still liked me.
I cocked my eyebrow, waiting to see if he had more to say.

"I think," he sighed,
"I think we would be better off as, you know, friends. I don't know Vick, don't make this hard, Eddie is my best friend and I don't like seeing him upset, but I don't wanna see you upset. We'll stay friends I promise Vicky, I just don't see this working out." He said, with guilty eyes.

"Um, yeah, I guess." I said softly.
"Are you gonna be okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." I nodded, still trying to convince myself that this wasn't gonna affect me.

"Are you gonna stay on the Soundgarden bus?" He asked.
"I think so. As long as you don't mind."
"I like that. Please don't be sad. I can see it in your eyes." Chris told me.
He was right, I could feel the knot in my throat.

Why do people tell you not to cry, or not to be sad, or ask if you're okay? Because every time it just makes you cry, instead of actually solving the problem.

"Oh no, Vicky c'mere, don't worry, it's not your fault. I just can't stand seeing Eddie like that, I'm sorry." Chris said, hugging me.
We just stood there for a while before Matt came in to check on us.

Chris gave me a weak smile before he walked out.
"Did he break it off?" Matt asked, giving me a sympathetic look.
"Yeah, uh speaking of, do you have room for two in your bunk?"

"Yes ma'am. Not going to the Pearl Jam bus?" He wondered.
"No, I don't wanna be near Eddie right now." I told him.
"Understandable, well, lets get going then." Matt said, leading me out to the bus.

Everyone's eyes were on me. Did they all know what happened?
Ugh. I'm gonna be okay. I'll feel better after some sleep.

"Alright let me help you up." Matt said, holding out a hand. Unfortunately his bunk was right across from Chris'. But Matt was kind enough to let me sleep on the inside so I didn't have to see Chris for the time being.
Matt closed the curtain halfway so it was darker.
"Goodnight Vicky." Matt said in a tired voice.
"Goodnight Matt, thanks for letting me crash up here." I laughed.

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