Just Breathe

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Victoria's POV

"This was a good idea." Stone nodded, nearly running to the water.
I opted for sitting in the sand, and for the moment, Chris did too.
"Don't like water?" He asked.
"I do, I just like how the sun feels." I told him.
He didn't answer and we watched the guys splash around in the ocean.

Eventually I laid back on the sand.
"Why'd I buy you a bikini if you aren't gonna swim?" Chris asked after a few minutes of silence.
"Good question, curly." I mumbled, still completely dazed by the warmth.
"Will you swim with me?"
"You can go." I told him.
"But I want you to come too." He said.

"Why? I'm fine here, go have fun."
"I don't wanna look like the jerk who left his girlfriend on the beach to hang out with the guys."
I opened my eyes and looked at Chris, who hadn't yet realized what he just said.
"Girlfriend, huh?" I teased.
"Shit, well, I mean.." he trailed off.
"Eh, do you wanna be?" He asked finally.
"Of course I do." I smiled.
"For real?"
"Chris. Yes. Who wouldn't I?" I told him.

"Okay okay, so will you swim with me now?"
"I guess." I sighed, sitting up.
He grinned and stood up, then held his hand out to help me to my feet.
"Race ya," I shouted, running to the water before he had a chance to catch on.
He didn't reply as he made a mad dash towards me.

I was about to jump into the water when Chris grabbed me from behind, lifting me up and throwing us both into the water.
"I win." He declared, wiping his soaked hair from his face.
"Cheater." I accused.
"I would never!" He said, dragging us out to the guys.

"Look who finally made it." Mike said. I hadn't talked to Mike in a while.
"Yeah yeah, shut up." Chris complained.

"Chris!" I yelled at him after feeling his hand travel down my body.
"Whaaaat?" He mocked surprise.
"You know what."

"Lets play Chicken!" Stone requested.
"Yeah!" They shouted.
"What?" I didn't know what that was, but everyone else did, climbing on each others shoulders.
Jeff was on Stone
Mike was on Dave
And Chris abandoned me and was on Kim, Ben had stayed behind at the hotel.

"Quick, Vicky get on." Matt told me, lowering himself.
I scurried onto his back, he helped me climb up to his shoulders. He held my legs and I held onto his neck.

"Ready?" Stone shouted.
"For what!" I asked, I had no clue what to do.
"Just fight with the guys. Try to push them off." Matt explained.
"Go!" Jeff yelled.

I screamed a little, but got into it as Matt ran towards Mike.
I ran into Dave trying to push him off of Mike's shoulders, while Matt was fighting with Mike.
"Matt!" I yelled, feeling myself slip.
"Gotcha!" He replied, pulling me back on by my leg.
I finally pushed Dave off and we moved on. Jeff was just knocked off of Stones shoulders, and now we headed to Chris and Kim, the only survivors.

"Don't let them push me off." I told Matt.
"I'll try."
"Hey Chris." I smiled.
"Hi." He said, before he started shoving me.
I had my legs tucked underneath Matts arms tightly as I tried to brace myself.

Matt and Kim kept struggling to fight, but Chris and I stopped once Chris caught my hands.
"I'm too tall for this." Chris laughed, despite the chaos going on, and the rest of the guys cheering Kim and Matt on.

"I'm too tiny for this." I argued.
"You're too beautiful for this." He flirted.
"What?" I said, caught off guard.
Then Chris' hand began to push me from Matt's shoulders.
"No!" I yelled enthusiastically, but Matt caught me again and pulled me back up.
"Impressive." Chris winked.
"Shut up." I muttered, before bringing Chris forward and kissing him quickly. The guys were now confused, but when I pushed Chris off of Kim they started cheering again.

"Asshole!" Chris yelled with a laugh, spitting water at me.
"You pushed me first!" I said.
"You tricked me." I accused.

"What was that, guys?" Matt asked now.
"Oh yeah, we're together now." Chris told him.
"Oh, okay." He said.

"The wind is picking up." Kim spoke.
"Pretty big waves over there." Stone added.
"You know who would like this." Dave said.
Jeff hit Dave on the arm.
"Dude! What- oh." Dave smiled sheepishly.

"Speak of the Devil." Stone rolled his eyes.
"What are you all on about?" I asked, now confused.
"Don't worry about it." Chris told me, seeming to catch onto it.
"About what?" I said, but then I saw what they were talking about.

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