Amongst the Waves

335 15 1

Eddie's POV

I woke up with less of a headache than before, Stone wasn't here, which was odd.
I got up and looked at myself in the mirror.
I hated the man looking back at me.

I looked out the window of the room and saw the wind blowing the small bushes around.
"Where is everyone?" I asked myself. I put my shoes on and walked outside of my room and knocked on the others' doors. Nobody answered. I went back to my room and checked the time.
1:30? Nobody sleeps in the late.

Isn't there a beach down a ways?
It wouldn't hurt to find out.
I walked to my suitcase and threw things out until I found my black swimming trunks.
I didn't bother going to the bathroom to change, nobody was in here anyway.

After I was changed, I walked out to the parking lot and found our bus. I brought my surf board.
At this point, surfing may not even cheer me up.

I pulled it out of the back and carried it with me, finding a sign near the street that directed me towards the beach.


There weren't many people here, just around 15 if I had to guess. An old couple in the sand, three kids with them, playing near the waters edge, and a group of guys-maybe a girl or two hanging out, playing chicken or whatever that game is where they sit on each others shoulders.

I shook my head, I wish I could be that happy.
Everyone was probably at a bar or something, getting wasted and loving every second of it, every second they got to spend with Victoria. Why.

I spaced myself from everyone else, and sat in the hot sand, looking at the waves, deciding if it was worth while.
After a few minutes they raised, and I dragged my board towards the water.
It was cold on my feet, but I liked the cold. Reminded my that I was still alive.

I pulled my board with me until the water was up past my hips, then I got on and paddled further out.
I lifted myself up onto the board and kinda waited for a good wave to form. I looked on at the group, now just hanging out, enjoying each other's company. Ha. Something I don't have. Company. Why am I so foolish. Why did I do that to Victoria.

A medium sized wave hit me when I wasn't looking, and knocked me off the board. I got agitated, but regardless I got back on the board.

A bigger wave wasn't far behind it, so I went further into the ocean, coming closer to the wave that was gaining height by the second.
I balanced myself and knelt on my board as the water started to push me outwards. Once I was in contact with the wave I stood up and rode it out.

It just wasn't fun. Everyone was watching me now and I felt pressured. Embarrassed.
I sat back down on the board, with no intention on riding a wave again.

I looked back at the group, attention still on me, they seemed on edge too. One guy hitting another.
Bad day for everyone I guess.
I swam back up on shore and let the sun burn me.
I was going to regret it later.

I started thinking up an unfamiliar melody, and worry washed over me. Words were spilling out in my head and I needed to get them out. I looked around for anyone who might have a paper and pen.
The only people I figured that would was the old couple.
I left my surfboard where it was and pushed my wet hair back behind my ears, then ran to them.
"Excuse me," I said out of breath.
"Do you have a pen and paper I could borrow?" I asked.

The lady looked at me for a second, and I grew anxious.
"Let me see." She said, sifting through her purse.
Meanwhile I turned back to look at the group, now beginning to come out of the water.
I can't let them distract me.
Is that Vicky? And Chris? What?
I shook my head quickly and focused on the woman again.

"I don't have paper, but I have a sharpie," she offered, looking sorry that she didn't have what I needed.
"You know what, a sharpie is perfect, thank you." I accepted, putting on a fake smile, then running back to my spot.

As soon as I sat, I wiped my forearm dry and began writing what was spilling out.

Waiting, watching the clock

I scratched my head, thinking of the next word.

Four O'clock
Its got to stop.

I thought again, this time my head went to Vicky, and Chris. They looked like they were together or something.

Tell him, take no more
She practices her speech
As he opens the door

I got more emotional. This was bad. I shouldn't be doing this. This could make a good song though.

She rolls over
Pretends to sleep as he looks her over...

A single tear fell, but I wiped it before it could be noticed.

She lies and says she's in love with him.
Can't find a better man.

I was running out of room on my arm, so I started writing on my legs, and eventually I had a whole song written.

Better man.

Would you all please vote and stuff like that, I love comments and stuff. It means a lot, thank you. Hope you all are liking it so far❤️

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