Like A Stone

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Victoria's POV

After we both put our clothes back on, we walked out, with red faces I'm sure.
Matt gave us a suspicious look. Of course they knew what happened, as drunk as we were we couldn't have been exactly silent.

"'s it going?" Kim asked us.
"Shut up Kim." Chris said jokingly.
"What's on today's schedule?" Chris asked.

"Eh, not much. More traveling. At least we get a break from the stage." The guy who I think is called Ben said.
"Woohoo." Matt said sarcastically.
"How much longer are you gonna stick around Vick?" Kim asked me.
"I don't know, however long you fuckers can handle me." I shrugged. Ben raised his eyebrows at me, I'm not sure why though.

"I bet your friends over there miss you." Ben said.
"Yeah its been a while. You're used to being around them 24/7." Chris added.

It was kind of unfair that I was abandoning the guys who so kindly took me in, but I just really didn't want to see Eddie. I don't think I could face him.

"How about at the next stop we grab a hotel and then we can all hang out together, minus Eddie." Matt suggested.
"I guess, you guys can pull that off." I said.
"Of course we can, in fact, I'll go talk to the driver!" Kim said enthusiastically, hopping off the couch and running up to the front of the bus.
I sighed and sat down where Kim just was.
"Thanks for saving me a seat Vicky." Chris teased.
"No problem." I grinned.

Kim came back in and frowned at me for taking his spot.
"Well, the driver said that's fine, and he's calling the driver of the PJ bus right now." He said.
"Thanks Kim."

"Now give me my seat back." He told me, pulling me off by my feet.

"You guys can go hang out in the back room, just please no more drunk sex." Matt begged.
"Ew." I scrunched up my nose.
"Excuse you?" Chris said, pretending to be mad and putting a hand on his hip.
"You heard me, Cornell." I said, taking the same position.
"Don't pretend you didn't like it." He winked.

"Can you two get a room please thanks." Matt laughed.
"Deal." Chris agreed.
"Whooooa I do not agree."


The bus stopped at a Holiday Inn, and we all tiredly got off. It was around 3am.
In my tired state, I wasn't worried about Eddie. I was worried about getting into a room and sleeping.

"Okay guys. I know you're all tired, I called in and checked us out a few rooms. There's 4 of you, well 5, sorry Vicky," the driver said,
"I got 4 rooms, assuming that you and Chris were close." He told me. I nodded, my eyes halfway shut.

"Lets get inside. Its chilly out here." Chris said, pulling me to his side.
We walked into the hotel and got our room keys, shuffling quietly to our respective rooms. The Pearl Jam guys were right across the hall.

A knock came on Chris and I's door while Chris was brushing his teeth, so I got up to answer.
I opened the door and saw Stone.
"Hey girl." He grinned, it was evident that he was just as tired as the rest of us.
"Hey Steno. I've missed you." I said, pulling him into a hug.
"I missed you too Vicky. So do all the others. But I'm the last one awake so I came to see you." He said.
"Thanks for doing that, Stone. Chris and I were just about to go to bed too." I told him.

"Speaking of that, are you two...." he gave me a knowing look.
"We're not together. But we did, you know." I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh, well okay." He chuckled lowly.
"Stone, you can go to bed. Don't let me stop you."
He sighed, "okay. Nice seeing you Vick. We'll hang out tomorrow." He said, kissing my forehead.
"Night Steno."
"Goodnight Vicky."

Stone left the room and I turned to see that Chris was now in bed, with his hair gathered into a ponytail.
I locked the room door and got into the king sized bed.
"You going to bed?" Chris asked.
"Yeah, are you?"
"Duh." He laughed.
"Okay, well goodnight Chrispy." I said, cuddling up against him.
"Goodnight babe."

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