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"Okay, now I really have to go. Nobody is in there, right?" Chris spoke up.
"Not that I know of." I answered.

"Okay great." He said quickly as he ran to the bathroom.
"He's a fucking gazelle." I laughed loudly.
The rest of them laughed with me.
"How tall is he?" I asked Eddie, who looked down for a second.
"Six foot three I think." He finally answered.
"That's a whole foot taller than me!" I said.

"You're 5'3?" Jeff asked.
I nodded.
"Awww you're so tiny!! Can we keep her?" He said, getting up and hugging me.
"I guess so." Eddie joked.

"Can you stand up for a second?" Mike asked.
"Uh, yeah." I said as I stood.
"Great, now that you're up, can you grab me a beer from the fridge pleeaaaase?" He asked.

"Whatever." I smiled, running off to grab him one.

"Whoa whoa, slow down." I saw Chris.
I stopped in my tracks and looked up at him.
"Wow. You're small huh." He teased.
"Shut it, Cornell." I laughed.

"So your name is Vicky?" He asked.
"Yes sir, well Victoria really. And you are Chris." I said.
"Yes ma'am. Well, Christopher really." He mocked me.
"Christopher." I said.
"Don't wear it out,Vicky" he winked. I sat up on the counter and he stood in front of me.

"You have nice hair." I commented.
"Thank you Vicky. You have a beautiful smile." He said back.
"Thaaaanks." I grinned.

"So, you and Vedder?" He said, cocking an eyebrow.
"Wha-nooo. We're not together if that's what you mean." I answered.

"Oh that's good." He said, more to himself then to me.
"How so? I mean it isn't bad but," I said. Now I was confused.
"Because, my oblivious little Vicky, someone already has their eye on you." He said, handing me a beer from the fridge and walking out, leaving me there stunned.

After I recovered from our conversation, I walked back into the living room and handed Mike the beer.
"Thanks Vick." He nodded.

Chris still hadn't returned to his chair, so I took the chance and sat in it.
"That's gonna play out perfectly." Eddie told me.
"Whatever, he can't do a thing." I challenged. He shrugged and went back to the conversation.


Chris came back with damp hair and only some sweat pants on.
"Hey Chris, we have a lady in the house now, shame on you!" Dave joked.
"She's in my seat!" Chris complained.
I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Watch that tongue Victoria." He pointed at me, "also, get up." He said, trying to look serious.

I pulled my feet up into the chair and looked back to him smugly.
"You'll have to make me."

"Fair enough." He mumbled, approaching me.
"Told you." Eddie said just before Chris wrapped his arms around my torso and threw me over his shoulder.

"Who wants it?" He asked, looking at all the guys, while turning around rapidly.
"Hey put me down big foot." I giggled.
"I'm not the only one with big feet." He teased, tickling mine.
"Ah Chris stop!!!" I shouted, hitting his butt, which was quite frankly right in my face.

"Oh kinky are we?" He kept going.

"I'll take her!" Stone raised his hand.
"Oh good, she's feisty, watch it." Chris gave in, tossing me gently onto the couch right next to Stone.

"Thanks Steno." I said out of breath.
"No problem short stuff."

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