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Victoria's POV

"You all should sleep" Matt told us.
Chris and I looked at each other and began laughing hysterically.
we were both drunk off our asses and tired, but apparently laughing helped the sleepiness.

"You two are shit-faced aren't you?" He asked rhetorically, receiving the same laughter as he had before.
"Up, get up, go to bed." He shooed us away.

Chris and I stumbled away and barely got into the bunk.
"We should do this more often," he slurred.
"For sure." I agreed.
I was far more wasted than he was, mostly because it paused all the emotions from Eddie. Yet something bad was bound to happen.

"Hey Chris, you never introduced me to your friend." A new voice said. It wasn't Kim and it surely wasn't Matt.
I turned over to see this guy. Tall, not as tall as Chris though. Shaggy hair, not long though.
"I'm Victoria." I told him.
"Hi Victoria, I'm Ben." He said, then ran off to god knows where.

"He's a bit weird." Chris laughed.
"I sensed that."

"Not tired." I complained. It was hot up in this bunk, and sure, Matt couldn't really tell us what to do, but why should we be bothering them.

The bus door opened, but we couldn't see of course, we were tucked away in the bunk.
"Hey, Stone said Vicky was here." A familiar voice said. But at this level of drunkenness, I couldn't distinguish hardly anything.
Its Eddie.

"She's down in the bunks, drunk as hell." I heard Matt say.
"No no no, uh Chris," I said.
"Huh?" He mumbled, suddenly paying attention to me.
Think, think, think, what will get him to go away!?

As Eddie's footsteps grew closer, I knew exactly what to do.

I grabbed Chris' face and kissed him, willing him not to pull away.
To my surprise, Chris was totally into it.

"V- oh." Eddie turned the other way and was gone.
But Chris and I were far from over.

"What's wrong Eddie?" Matt asked.
"She's uh...with Chris." He answered, then the door shut.

"What's going on? I'm not complaining but," Chris said once he pulled away, out of breath.
I shook my head and pulled his shirt over his head. He just nodded and closed the curtain to the bunk, and the rest was history.


"Jesus you guys smell."
"Wha-" I turned over and saw Kim.
"Thanks Kim." I said lazily.
"No problem. Why don't you take a shower?" He suggested.
"Wow, cutting deep buddy. Well my shit is on the PJ bus." I explained,
"And the buses are in motion." I added.

"Okay no big deal, just steal Chris' clothes. I'm sure you'll have no problem doing that." He said, raising his eyebrows.
"What are you on about," I asked, looking over at Chris who was sleeping peacefully beside me.
Kim just winked and walked away.

I had a shirt on, what's the big deal? I looked at Chris again.
Okay, he's shirtless, but most guys sleep like that anyway.
I bit my lip as I carefully lifted the blankets.
"Oh my god." I muttered. Chris was completely naked.

"Chris," I shook him.
"What?" He groaned.
"Did we uh...." I trailed off.
"What," he lifted the blanket and his lips formed a sheepish smile, "yeah I'm gonna go ahead and say that happened." He confirmed.

"Dear lord." I said, leaning back.
"Hey, its cool, we were totally drunk." He said.
Oh he's fine with this.
Well, I mean why aren't I?
He's not some stranger, and I'm not with Eddie anymore.
"Yeah I suppose." I shrugged.

"I bet it was awesome." He laughed to himself. I pushed him playfully.

"Any clue where my pants are?"

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