Part 40

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in rajmata's room:
swaragini are sitting on bed and looking at different dresses (mainly lehengas ) kept on the bed while rajmata is staring at them smiling............... " dadisa....hows this....???" ragini asked showing her one...........rajmata was about to reply when swara snatched it from her hand and " what have such a bad choice man..........see this.........." she shows a dress..........ragini snatches back the dress from her hand and says " choice is really good....i am going to wear this only....well your choice isn 't good...." " no , no will wear this........." swara said like a cute child......ragini too nodded in a " no" in the same way.................... " dadisa....see her na........" both together spoke to rajmata poiting at each other..........rajmata smiled and asked........... " you both are not liking each others choices na...........?????" both nod into yes...... " then you both exchange the dresses.....swara , you will wear this and ragini will wear this.................." " but dadisa, thats too old fashioned.." ragini said staring at her choice.........swara laughs and says " oh really, so why were you gonna wear it..............???" ragini stares at her angrily and says " ok, i will wear this but swara won't wear that......" swara nodded smiling while ragini saw a dress kept inside the cupboard which was half opened............" dadisa....its so pretty.........whose dress is that.......i guess you forgot....let me get it..........." ragini said walking up to the cupboard and taking out the dress........... " it will be good for swara na....." she exclaimed trying it on swara..........." is for suwarna........i have kept it for her when she will both see other dresses............." rajmata said taking back the dress from ragini.......ragini realized rajmata's attachement to the dress and nodded while swara to divert the topic said " a dress for me yaar.............." ragini selected a suit out of the bundle for her and said " hows it swara............???" " anything you select for me is pretty for sure but the one you select for yourself...................horrible choice girl....." ragini smiled and nodded......................
" Well dressing session you are a princess so you need to walk with a princess attitude ragini...................with much grace........." rajmata said starting her next session......ragini nodded while rajmata started her lessons with giving her a high heel to walk......................ragini wore the heel and in first move to walk fell badly on the floor , swara rushed to her and helped her stand............... " i am fine swara..........." ragini said smiling................swara nodded staring at her still concerned while ragini again tried..............she who just was treated as a slave from her childhood was now to dawn the attire of a wasn't easy even for a normal girl and she was treated as a servant so it was obvious that she had to face a lot many troubles..........ragini again was about to fell but saved herself in time...............she tried to walk smiling while rajmata stared at her.............ragini was walking when she suddenly looses her balance...........swara runs in nick of time to save her this time..............rajmata stared at her angrily and said " what are you doing know na that after 4 days you are to be introduced as the yuvrani of raigarh.....................however hard i try but you are always disappointing me..................." she goes from frustrated due to the continuous trials of changing rageshwari but she isn't able to ragini...........ragini has tears in her eyes.........swara eyes her and says " ragini.......don't feel bad........she must be frustrated due to our continuous fights.........." " no swara......its my fault.............i am a bad daughter.........thats why god snatched my ma-bauji from me..........dadisa missed 15 years of her life and now too lost her younger because of me ..........she just expects me to fulfil my responsibilities and i am not even able to do that................but i don't want to do it...........however hard i try........... i just can't adjust................" " ragini , its not about adjustment........its about loving the work you should love this work and i can promise you if you do this then you will turn out to be best princess in the whole of the kingdoms.............." ragini doesn't reply and leaves the place while swara keeps staring at ragini going................rajmata is again in her room sitting angrily while a tear escapes her right eye.........................
The episode ends at ragini's crying , swara's sad and rajmata's angry face.
Hope you like it..........


Note : Have updated the next part of this FF on TU , you all can read it if you wish.

Swaragini : A tale...(RagSan-Swalak)( Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now