Part 37

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swaragini reached hostel and entered their rooms............................they both were tired by all the activities of the day and so immediately changed up and got into their beds.................ragini smiled as she remembered the events of the day and thought : thanks for this day god.............

she soon fell asleep while swara wasn't able to sleep............though she was tired.............she got up and sat on the bed eyeing a sleeping ragini and thought smiling : my cute angel looks more cute while sleeping................

she then got back and again tried to sleep............................this time too she wasn't able to.............." ok so let me try that old method............" swara thought as she started doing counting" 1...........2...........3.............4.............5.............20............35" she soon fell asleep ....................................

a boy is seen...........he is standing in the middle of a garden while fog is all around him............his backside is only seen ............its night...........................yet we can see his leather jacket and blue jeans................he turns and only his eyes are seen as a dim light is falling on his eyes.....................a girl standing far away was eyeing him............he face could not be seen.............

swara woke up from the dream while the eyes occupied her mind......................she was sweating and continuously thinking about those eyes............." who was he???" swara asked herself sitting up and taking a glass of water kept at side table............she was confused when she saw a blank sheet kept on the side table..................she didn't knew when she had that paper in her hands with a pencil.................soon she started drawing something..........................maybe those intense eyes............................

laksh was usual to sleeping late so he was busy playing games on his smartphone relaxing on his bed when suddenly cool breeze from the open window hit his face.............his face turned towards the window and he kept the phone on the bed moving towards the window.............................................he leaned towards the window and enjoyed the cool breeze for quite some time...........then suddenly he saw something unusual...................a girl was banging the door of his car which was parked in the parking area which was clearly visible from laksh's room......................he was shocked and eyed the girl from quite some time......................" shona ..................??" he automatically spoke seeing the girl....................he closed his eyes in tension and thought " now this is a dream for sure....................." he was really scared and praying that it turn out to be a dream and so after some time he opened one of his eye to see weather it was a his surprise , swara was gone.............he was relieved as he opened both of his eyes and smiled remembering swara....................

he got an idea and ran towards his drawer..................he took out a paper and a pencil and sat near the window pane..................." i know..........i know i am not good at drawing but let me try na..............." he spoke looking towards the sky probably talking to his friend, GOD....................................

swara was an artist from childhood and used to love drawing and so she had a smile on her lips while she was drawing those eyes.................

Ni ni sa sa ni ni sa sa
Ni ni sa sa ni ni sa sa
Ni sa ni sa ni sa ni sa
Ni sa ni sa ni sa ni sa

Laksh too didn't knew when he started enjoying drawing what he was drawing and was smiling continuously while drawing it.........

Ni ni sa sa ni ni sa sa
Ni ni sa sa ni ni sa sa
Ni sa ni sa ni sa ni sa
Ni sa ni sa ni sa ni sa

Swaragini : A tale...(RagSan-Swalak)( Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now