Part 28

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The episode starts with swara staring at the moon when suddenly she hears a scream from back.
She turns to find ragini sitting on her bed almost in a shocked condition.
Swara runs to her and sits beside her tensed and says : what happened ragini???
Ragini is still in shock and says stammering : i...ii.....s...saw a drea.....dream.............
Swara takes a deep breath and says: oh , so bad dream??
Ragini crying hugs swara and says : no swara , not bad dream but the worst truth of my life , ma....bauji ................
She stops and swara breaks the hug and says caressing her face : you saw their death in your dream..??

Ragini nods in yes and says : you know , i was really happy that day , we were going on a picnic and suddenly all that happened..........................i wish they were here with me................we would have been a complete ji chachi ji ....bhaiyaa .....................we would have been so happy na...... but now there is nobody , only i , dadisa and bhaiyaa and i and bhaiyaa are also not in good terms ..................our family has been broken swara completely................people from outside see the palace and think that we live in so much luxury but nobody knows that these luxuries are just to show, from inside our palace's wall are hollow...................
Swara sees her and says :ragini ,why are you saying this........................ your parents are here around us..........................we can't see them but we can feel them.................i can't say anything about your chacha , chachi because they are wrong and i can never forgive such people but you can can forgive aniket bhaiya and the three of you can start a new life together........................
Ragini eyes her while still crying and swara understands that she doesn't want to forgive him.
Swara wiping ragini's tears : ragini , its totally your decision but i promise you one thing and that is that no matter what happens but i'll be always by your side.....................i will never let you be alone , even if the whole world is against you(she herself has tears in her eyes) ragini....................we are not real sisters but the love you gave to me is even more than what my real sister would have given me......................relations don't form by blood .............

Swara stops as she sees a small smile on ragini's lips among the tears which are flowing , swara eyes her questionably while ragini says : swara , remember what you told me that day ..........................(swara is confused) you don't believe in any other relation except for blood relation.....................
Swara remembers the incident when she saved ragini and their conversation after that.
To lighten the mood swara smiled and said : yah madam , i guess you changed me but i was not successful , you are still that crying baby..................
Ragini smiled as she saw swara and wiped swara's tears and says : swara , when you are there to give me shoulder then why would i will not cry........................i will surely cry.............

Both swaragini smiled at each other when swara said : ok madam , now sleep or else i'll be late and this time only i will be aginst you not the whole world......................(ragini smiled and swara said with a pause) and yaa , don't see these types of dreams'll make me your naany , always wiping your tears.............
This time ragini laughed and said : ok sorry , it was my mistake i saw such dream.....
This time swara laughed and both sisters went to sleep happily.
The sisters bonding was eternal without even knowing their real relation so what will happen when they'll know it????
Next day at collage canteen:
Swaragini and sanskar are sitting.

Sanskar yawning : you know in got such a funny incident of my brother' s life yesterday...................i was laughing whole night at his foolishness.......
Ragini eyeing him angrily : thats why you are yawning???
Sanskar smiles and says no , i was lost in someone's dreams...........
Swara eyed him with a " good going " look while ragini yes him more angrily and says: your girlfriend..........................?? by the way i want to meet her , you told me that you'll make me meet her....
Sanskar was shell shocked while swara started laughing.
Ragini : swara , what is to laugh.....

Swara tried to control her laugh and says : i remembered a joke ragini...............
Sanskar eyes swara with a please look while swara eyes him confused.
Sanskar sends a message to swara : please act as my girlfriend....
Swara eyes him angrily and passes him a " dare not " look.
Sanskar is tensed while ragini says : sanskar.....what happened??
Sanskar in a hurry : i broke up with her....
Ragini is shocked and says : what!!!!
Sanskar : so what, yesterday only i broke up....
Ragini in mind : thank god( someone was jealous)

Ragini faking anger : sanskar , its really wrong , love is not a game.....
Swara passed ragini a "oh really look " while ragini ignored it.
Suddenly ragini receives a call from rajmata.
Rajmata : ragini , beta come home , i have some important work , bring swara too...................wait , wait being sanskar too....
Ragini confused : but....
She sees the call already being cut.
Swara : what happened??
Ragini tensed : dadisa called , she asked us to come home soon ........................i hope everything is fine....??
Sanskar : yaa , everything will be fine , you go now(in mind : thanks dadisa for saving me)
Ragini angrily : listen sanskar , i am not talking to you.....................
Sanskar nods in an ok.(lost in thoughts)

Ragini eyes him shocked and says angrily : dadisa called you home.....
Sanskar : ok........(still lost in thoughts)
Ragini eyes him angrily while she holds swara's arm and takes her from there.
In rajmahal:
Swaragini enter while rajmata sees them and says : rageshwari , after one week i have kept a party for introducing the new yuvrani to the world so..............
Ragini cuts in between and says : ok dadisa , i'll do all the arrangements.........
Rajmata eyes her with a hopeless look and says : beta , you are yuvrani , why will you do the work , you just have to prepare for being introduced.

Ragini bites her tongue and says : sorry dadisa , but dadisa , what i have to prepare??i mean i am already prepared na.........
Rajmata smiles and says : beta , you are yuvrani.................see your dresses............your style of walking.......eating,.........these are the not the way of a princess..................i'll train you now.....
Swara smiles and says : dadisa , why you called me here??
Rajmata was about to reply when sanskar enters hurriedly and says : sorry dadisa , i was in a lecture so came late..........
Ragini angrily : liar , you were in canteen....
Sanskar rubs the back of his hair being tensed and then passes ragini a " you will never change " look.
Ragini smiles while rajmata says : sanskar , very wrong...................i just wanted to talk to you thats why i called you but now you'll do all the arrangements for the party which is gonna be held next week for introduction of rageshwari..............................
Sanskar shocked : i am decoration................??
Rajmata nods and says : ya, if you have any problem with staff , i'll give them leave and you can do it all alone................
Sanskar like a child : dadisa..................

Rajmata : you'll have to do sanskar.....
Swaragini laugh while rajmata says : swara , this girl is really very shaitan (naughty) so you'll have to take care of her , i trust you..............
Swara goes near rajmata and hugs her from back and says : dadisa , she and shaitan..................just see her face , innocence second name is your granddaughters name.............
Ragini passes her a deadly look while this time swasan laugh together.
In Kolkata :
A jail is seen and the camara moves through the various sections of the jail and then stops at a room , a man is sitting at a corner ,his face is not shown while the camara rolls over the wall on which various drawings are shown , one among them being of a man running out from a similar palace as that of rajmata's Mumbai palace....

Precap : harshagini first date................
So guys be happy...............

Swaragini : A tale...(RagSan-Swalak)( Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now