Part 42- Selfie

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episode 40:
RagSan were walking on the empty road becoming each others SanGini while soon they came across the rajmahal................
" you know what ragini , today i felt like a baby seater..............handling you when your parents aren't around........." sanskar said still in his mood.
" sanskar ..............." ragini again said angrily eyeing him while he laughed.
" you won't improve na.............."
" my love , when you are around then i am better mad only rather than being in senses............"sanskar said sarcastically smiling.
" oh, then i think i should go far away from know helping people is my hobby and believe me i hate to see people out of their senses..........." ragini said smiling while sanskar too smiled and said " just try it Ms ragini , i promise you my charm won't leave you and won't allow you to go........."
Ragini eyed him and smiled............. " whatever........." she said with a smile as she was about to enter..............sanskar stood their , his smiling his face revealing his innocence............ " you said must be right........" ragini slowly whispered turning to him while he laughed................ " my charm can't leave you.........." he said with a smile.........
Ragini blushed hard..............she ran inside with this smile of hers forgetting all her pains...................sanskar stood there rubbing the back of his head..............afterall it was confirmed that his love loved him much more than he did her...........
" dadisa, ragini............" swara said after talking with rajmata for much time as ragini hadn't returned yet................ " swara, i am here......" ragini said from the back with a smile.........
Swara turned and saw her..............a smile slowly climbed her lips and she ran to ragini....... " where were you always scare me.......leaving you alone is liking leaving a baby alone......" swara said trying to hide the fact that till now she was crying for her ragini.........
At swara's words , ragini remembered sanskar's words a few minutes ago...her smile increased with it....... " i am scolding you here and you are smiling..............really dadisa.....scolding her isn't should na give her punishment..........." swara said angrily as her concern for ragini overpowered her love.........
" oh hello, she is my sister..........don't dare touch her......" aniket said joining their fight.............he kept a hand on her shoulder like a protecting shield while seeing it ragini removed his hand and said................ " should care for a girl whom you consider your sister....."
She smiled at swara and said caressing her face.......... " i am sorry.........." she just said as she walked up to rajmata............ " i am sorry dadisa for my irresponsible behaviour.........." rajmata smiled and caressed her face........ " i promise.....i won't ever let this smile leave your face........" she said as she hugged rajmata...........
" ok , ok.....enough of family love and all selfie........." swara said coming between rajmata and ragini........
" selfie...???? your new craze........right............" ragini asked with a " really???" look............. " so what..................actually swara gadodia loves to do what is good , i am not old fashioned like you na.,..........." swara replied with a naughty smile.......
Ragini moved her head in a she can never improve way and then smiled for the pose........ " aray kahan chale.............(where are you going......???" swara asked as she pulled aniket who was going out into the picture............he didn't smile while ragini's smile too faded seeing him..........
" i don't know how i made such antic pieces as my friends.........." swara said as she pulled ragini and aniket's cheeks with both her hands at work to make them smile.............
" click selfie..........." she said as she held their cheeks with a broad smile on her face.......... rajmata clicked a selfie of all four of them....................

Ragini snatched the phone from rajmata and saw her photo as soon as swara left her cheek............... " how bad photo............i am deleting it..........." " ragini , no.........listen please.........nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" swara shouted running behind ragini who was now jumping on the bed............
Swara snatched back the phone from her in seconds......... " i will na put it at my facebook coverpage.......................i am looking so cute........" swara said caressing her phone......
Ragini snatched back the phone and eyed the photo............ " don't dare do it swara...........see how bad i am looking............." " then toi shouldn't post any pic with you....................because you never look good..........." " haaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" " don't open your mouth soooooo long.............if any insect enters , you'll blame me only..........." swara said trying to close ragini's mouth..............
" you both girls will never improve...............right.........???" rajmata asked angrily........................ swaragini smiled and together went to hug rajmata........... " wow............nice formula to cool down my anger..........." " yup dadisa........afterall , your smile is all that matters........." ragini said smiling weaving her mission in her mind..
" ok , so you stay here..............i will call raj...........he'll take me to hostel..........." swara said as she was all ready to depart.......she had an important assignment to be completed and so couldn't stay back..........ragini wanted to stay back due to her own reasons......... " no......i'll come to leave you.........." " then , who'll take you back..........???" swara asked making a face..............
"but raj........he will be disturbed............." dadisa said worried for swaraj " naah..........he will come..........." " you know him very well haan............." ragini said with a smile........

Swara ignored her sarcastic comment and went up to call raj.............. " see dadisa....he agreed...............he'll come.............." she said returning as raj who was awake agreed instantly for coming.
" yaa........he just needs reason......." ragini murmured to herself with a smile.............. " you said something......" swara asked while ragini nodded in a big 'NO' .
Raj soon arrived in his car and eyed swaragini who were already standing outside waiting for him.......... " oh , mother Teresa needs my help.........." raj asked teasing............... " yup, if you don't want to help then no worries.............i'll make some other arrangements for swara.........." ragini replied instantly before swara could reply..........
" you always spoil my plans to tease her........" raj said making a baby face...................... " its my hobby............" ragin i replied with a widened smile...........
" leave it.......swara you come..........." raj said as he fully ignored he saw towards the direction swara was standing........swara was lost.......... " Hehaaaaahahaha........." he heard a scary voice just near his right cheek............he screamed as he was scared............swara who was sitting next to him in the car laughed..........he turned her to her and finding her took a deep breath..................
Swara was laughing seeing his reaction while ragini too joined her............raj smiled seeing her,................... the episode ends here............


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