Chapter 1

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I hear a knock on my door. Its pretty quiet but I have great hearing skills. I quickly get up and go to the door. I hear my parents whispering to each other. I hide behind one of my dressers like a little six year old. My door open quietly revealing my mom and dad. They are holding some Dauntless cake, my favorite. They walk in my room leaving the door open.

Today is my birthday, which means I'm sixteen now. They walk over to my bed silently. Thank God I made the pillows under the blankets look like me. They set the Dauntless cake on my bed side table, as well as some silly string and a blow horn. I quietly sneak up behind them and grab the silly string and the blow horn. I slip out of my room and stand on the side of the door. I hear them yell "SURPRISE!" Only to find themselves surprised that I'm not in bed. "That sneaky little girl! Damn it! She took the silly string and the blow horn!" my dad says.

I jump through the door and start spraying my parents with the silly string. Once one of the cans was empty , I take out the blow horn, and blow it.

"Ha Ha I got you guys" I say with a smile going from ear to ear. My mom and dad give me death stares then look at each other and smile. No, smirk. Evil smirk. Oh crap! I run out of the apartment down the halls. I hear my mom and dad running after me. They are screaming stuff like "Get back here", "You are so dead" and "I will get you".

My mom and dad are the most famous people here. Beatrice and Tobias Eaton. My mom, Beatrice, goes by Tris though. They are actually the instructors for the initiates, and so are their friends Christina and Will. They are married too.

I turn another corner before I decide I need to hide somewhere. I would go to Christina and Will's place but they would probably rat me out. And so would Zeke and Shauna, and Uriah and Marlene. Well not really Uriah but he might let it slip. And I don't need that.

Instead I just head to the dining hall. Big mistake. My family are gathered their friends and are waiting for me. I didn't go inside. There were foggy windows that you could look through to see inside the dining hall. When I look through them, I see my parents with their friends asking their kids if they had seen me.

I keep running. I am pretty fast too. I can beat my dad, and that says something. I run back to our apartment and lock the door behind me. I see that they left their keys here. They know I hate being cornered like that but, ha, I tricked them. I search the apartment first, to make sure no one was there to grab me and hand me over to my family. There is no one here but me. I quickly go take a shower when I remember I still have school today.

Once I'm done, I can hear pounding sounds on our door. My dad is screaming through the door. I hope he doesn't break down the door. I speak up, "Dad! Quite it. I'm trying to get dressed. Oh and thanks for the dauntless cake. It was delicious." I smack my lips loud enough for them to hear me.

"Wait!?! You got her Dauntless cake but not me?" I could tell it was Zeke. He loves Dauntless cake. But then again, who doesn't? Well beside people who haven't tried it before.

"Yes Zeke!" I shout through the door while getting on my pants. "Wasn't very smart of you guys to leave your keys here now was it?" I ask my parents.

My mom speaks up, "Ash ,open the door or your dad will break it down." Putting emphasis on 'will'.

" Well at least let me finish getting dressed." I say, making it sound like I give up.

"Fine" says dad. He hates when I beat him. And lately, that's been pretty often.

Once I'm done getting ready I get my backpack and look at the clock. I still have a few minutes left till I have to be eating my breakfast. I reach for the door handle and put my ear to the door.

"Okay, so she should be getting out soon. Once she opens the door we jump on her." Its my mom. She's pretty good at making up plans. She thinks it through before she acts.

A chorus of Okays follow here suggestion and silence follows that. I snicker to myself. Ever since the first year they did this to me, which I was FIVE, I have devised a way to get out of the apartment without going out the front door. Even though most of the time I get caught somewhere else.

There is a vent that is big enough for me to fit through. Sometimes I go through it to relax or to wander the compound without getting really leaving the apartment. I know exactly where to go. I unlatch the pieces that keep the covering in place, get my backpack and put the Cake in the refrigerator. I silently turn the lock on the door to unlocked and start to crawl through to vent. Before I get too deep into it, I yell back "I'm ready" and they all done rushing in. Since the vent is in the wall on the bottom, I just make it look like its still on by tilting it just a little. I crawl silently then hear, "Damn it! That girl has some weird powers!" My dad.

"Well she is your daughter" my mom says.

"Yours too." he says back.

"Then where could she have gone?" asks Christina and Will at the same time.

"I don't know." says my parents.

They actually know about this vent, but they say to be careful in it. They haven't banded me from it, so I use it for a good purpose. Not getting a cake shoved in my face is a pretty good purpose. Yes that is actually what they do to me on my birthday. Because at Dauntless eating cake isn't as fun. We are the only ones who do it for each others birthdays. When I say 'We' I mean my family.

"I know where she is." my mom finally says. She figured it out. Damn it. I crawl a little faster. Take a right, left, left, right and I'm at the dining hall. My family isn't there yet and neither are their friends. I quickly get an apple and a chocolate chip muffin. I have a small build like my mom so I can fit into small spaces. I go and hide between people keeping a watchful eye on the door and the people around me.

Everyone knows about our family ritual so they all ask me why I don't have cake on my face. I just answer with an evil smirk and respond with "I may have escaped their grasp this time." The Dauntless people would give me a thumbs up and keep walking with a smirk on their face too. They know how much it means to my parents that I am good at this. Being brave. But I am also skillful, smart, and sneaky. Sometimes I call it 'B Triple S'.

My parents charge through the door with their friends right behind them. Actually all of their friends. Everyone around me crowds around pretending to talk so I can escape. My family and family friends starts to scour the dining hall. Too late.

I am out of the dining hall when my dad turns his back to me.

I sprint outside to the platform where I wait among the other Dauntless kids who go to school. My family and friends run out of the compound just as the train starts to blare its horn, signalling its coming. I look back at my family in a sprint and they all have Dauntless cake on their face. I laugh and quickly jump onto the train before they could reach me. I hang halfway out of the door, holding onto a railing, and wave back at them. They look hilarious. I wish I could have seen their faces when it happened. They wave back with evil grins on their faces. Not good. But the cake softens the threatening look my family is giving me. I sit down and the feeling of accomplishment runs through me. I just beat my parents at their own game. I am going to rock it at initiation.

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