Chapter 4

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I rush over to the window I came through in but I accidentally slip. My foot missed the ledge but I don't scream in desperation. All I do is examine my surroundings and figure how to get down.

By now, Carter has decided that I have gotten far enough away and makes his way to the window as well. Then he sees me dangling there. Nervousness fills his eyes.

I am not scared at all. Actually, I am quite calm. Its weird, I am dangling from the tallest building on the school's campus and I am not scared.

"Ash. Hold on okay!" he says frantically.

I continue looking around. I finally find what I am looking for. About five flights down is a window with a large ledge jutting out. I get myself ready to jump. Carter must have caught on to my plan because I hear him shout at me not to do it and that I might get killed. All I say to myself is "I am Dauntless. I am brave."

I start to swing back and forth. Slightly swinging so I can get the right angle so I don't miss the ledge. Finally, when I have the right angle, I let go.

I feel like I'm flying. I am free. I can do whatever I want. Its a great feeling to have, even if you don't like to be free.

I feel unbeatable. Powerful. Brave. Courageous. And yet at the same time, brutal. I don't know how that feeling comes into play though.

The ground beneath me seems to be growing closer. But so does the ledge. Which ever one comes first will be my faith. I didn't realize this. That if I did miss it, I would end my life.

After a few seconds of falling, my feet hit something. I slightly lose my balance but i quickly regain it. The ledge. I made it. I crouch down and open the window. But before I do, I look up and see a shocked Carter. Its really funny since he didn't expect that.

I'm so happy that its during lunch and most teachers are out in the teachers lounge. I hop through the window and run across the room. Passing rows of desks, teacher's desk and the white board. When I try to open the door, it is locked. At this school, just this one room had its lock put in the wrong way, so it locks from the outside instead of the inside.

Good thing I can fit into tight spaces. I look round for a vent. Found one. Its behind a filing cabinet but that's easy to push away. The difficult part was where to go. I don't know the ducts here like I do at the Dauntless compound.

I just wing it and start to crawl through, until I hear the door open. Thank God I dragged the filing cabinet back to where its supposed to be and put the covering back on.

Since I grew up in Dauntless, I am trained to be ready for anything. Even for a pursue on my birthday.

I hear my mom and dad. And Carter. He must have gotten them while I was figuring out how to get out of here. It could be an option because that boy can run fast.

"Well the door was unlocked when we got here, so she could have left and went to hide somewhere else." my mom says. She knows me so well but when I have to act on Dauntless instincts, they don't take the places I particularly want to go.

I still crawl even though they are still in the room. I don't want them to hear a squeak or something and figure out that I'm still here. I take a left turn and I know exactly where I am. The art room.

Ms. Wu doesn't have a class right know. So its her planning period and she is never there during that.

I lift up the vent and jump down. Since I didn't move the vent that much, it just fell back down to its normal position.

Great. I have escaped them again. But no Dauntless cake to the face. That's the only down side to this. Not that I just could have died or anything like that but because my parents don't get cake smugged into their faces.

I run out of the room and down the hall. The bell rings and that means I have free period and my parents know that. My tricks to get away from them have to be thought out now so I don't get in trouble for interrupting classes.

Students rush out of class rooms. They are the newbies here. I rush into the crowd. Since most of them don't know me, no one will rat me out. I'm proud of that.

I know where to go from here. To the cafeteria.

That's until I see everyone there. All have a slice of Dauntless cake in their hands and they all smirk at me. I smirk back and run away. No one can stop me because I am too quick. Plus my small body adds to help me get away from the cake. My dad gets pretty close and throws his. He misses and it hits the wall next to me. I sprint down the rest of the hall way.

Then something terrible happened...

Dead end...

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