Chapter 3

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The day went by in a blur beside seeing Caleb at school. It was during math. When I walked in he was sitting at the teacher's desk and he looked surprised to see me. I was sure surprised to see him.

"Hey Uncle Caleb. What are you doing here?" I ask giving him a hug.

"Oh well Ms. Matthews couldn't make it in today so I am your substitute. And happy birthday. Your mom told me you escaped to Cake to the face morning." he says.

"Yep" I say popping the 'p'. "And I'm very proud of that."

"Well you should be Ashley. Its difficult to out run your father."

A grin spreads over my face and before I can go to my seat he says "Oh and Happy 16th!"

I smile back at him. "Thanks!" And then class started.

*During Lunch*

During lunch I went in the lunch line and got some food and went back to my table. Everyone had evil grins on their faces and I know something is up. I try to get up but someone restrains me from behind. I look up and see my dad. "Surprise!" he says with the evilest face I have ever seen on him. I'm dead.

I see my friends take out silly string and a blow horns. God. No. No. No. No. My mom is behind Katlyn who is across the table from me. She counts down. Everyone at school knows my parents and our ritual. Everyone decides to join in the count down. SIX. FIVE. FOUR. THREE. I quickly slam my elbow into my dad's stomach and grabbed some silly string out of my friends hands. I swiped a good five cans before I started sprinting out.

I go to my locker and get out my all-black outfit. I quickly change in the girls bathroom but before I left, I grabbed my paint ball gun. I know its weird to have at school but I brought it when me and my friends had a paint ball fight at school. Of course they made us clean it up but now I am so happy I left it here. I had ten small boxes of ammo and I stuffed them in my backpack and ran. once I was done changing I run out and watched the halls.

My family wouldn't give up this fast considering this morning. I break to the staircase. I get all the way up to the roof, but not straight from the stairs. I might have had to climb out a window and up to get to it. The door to the roof from the stairs were locked ever since Al, one of my mom's friends, took his life. He didn't take his life off of a roof. More of off the chasm. But everyone realized that there might be more suicidal people so they took precautions.

I reach my place on the roof. I used this as a hiding spot when we played paintball and I won. The best part was that I completely painted part of the school's roof. I'm glad of that too. I painted all of the factions symbols. Abnegation, Erudite, Amity, Candor, and my favorite Dauntless.

I look over the side. This is the tallest building out of the whole school and no one knows where I am. I see figures moving outside on the track. I look through the magnifying scope that is built into the gun. Adjust it. Its my family. And their friends of course. And Mine. They must have been behind it as well. Too bad I am way too Dauntless for any of them. I take aim and fire at Uriah. He is tumbles backwards and falls. everyone looks at him in shock. The paint ball that came out was red so they thought it was blood until he got up and started looking around crazily.

Katlyn starts to talk. Probably reminding them about the paint ball fight. My parents know about the paintball but what they get next is unexpected.

I fire at each one quickly. Mom. Dad. Marlene. Shauna. Zeke. Katlyn. Jakob. Josephine. Rebecca. James. Mason. They all look up, stunned. I laugh and fire at a building much lower than I am. I set up a flag pole that goes up automatically with a push of the bottom. It hits the button right on target and I smile.

They don't see it, until James points it out. Its the flag my dad gave me when I told him I won the paint ball fight. Well technically after I won a capture the flag games with some initiates last year.

Everyone let me play. They thought I couldn't handle it. but were they wrong. While everyone was bickering about what to do, I went into the trees and started my seeking. I finally found them but I don't now where my team is. So I climb a pretty tall tree and since it was dark out no one saw me. I took aim and fired at three of their initiates. They looked shocked and they all retreated into the forest. It seemed like their plan was to ambush. Which it was. I quietly climb down and make my way to the tree line. Their spot was an open space with a tree in the middle. They put the flag on the tree. Since my parents were initiate instructors I was on the other team.

I sprint to the flag and I hear paint ball guns going off but nothing hits me. I grab the flag and my dad steps out from the tree line. Holding up his gun. He fires but I use the flag as a protector and I take off. My parents' team races after me but I get to my team first. As I walk out of the trees everyone is looking at me, stunned. Everyone who was playing were older than me and I got the flag. I won the game. My streak started before that though. My parents started teaching me how to shoot a gun and how to throw a knife at a young age. So I'm practically guaranteed a spot in the top five.

I snap back to reality. Someone taps my shoulder. No one knows about my hide out. Expect me partner during the paintball match.

"CARTER!!" I scream. He's like one of my bestest friends from Dauntless. He has brown hair and eyes. You could say he is handsome but me and him are just friends. Some people say we are dating but we aren't.

"HEY ASH!!!!" he shouts back. We hug and he has his paint ball gun. He kept his in his locker too. We were the winning team but he didn't do Capture the Flag.

He's in his all black outfit. He looks over the edge and sees my flag up.

"So, did you finally escape your parents for your birthday?" he asks with a smile on his face.

"Yes and they got Dauntless cake to the face this morning. And they came to school to get revenge" I say pointing to my family and friends. "I hit them all." An evil smirk finding its way to my face.

"Congrats and happy birthday!" he says, taking a box out from his backpack. A present. I open it quickly and there is a whole outfit. A necklace with the Dauntless sign, parents idea. Arm band that says "I aint no Pansycake!" Obviously Uriah gave his the idea. Combat boots from Zeke and Shauna. Shirt that says "Don't mess with my fashion. Or I'll mess you up", from Christina and Will, of course. And the best of all... A NEW PAINT BALL GUN AND NEON PAINT BALLS!!!!!! FROM CARTER!!!!

"OH MY GOD CARTER! I LOVE IT!!" I practically tackle him because I'm so happy. It has a magnifying scope that adjusts automatically. All black with a blue shine around the end of the gun.

Its amazing! Beautiful and its! I love it. I had to try it out. But first.

"Did my parents tell you to find me?" I ask readying my new gun, pointed at him.

An evil smirk crosses his face. "Yes, but I had to give you your presents. Some were from them" pointing to my parent's friends, "and I'm so sorry. But I have a mission to complete." He says holding up his gun. Before he could get the gun pointed at me, I fire. A bright neon orange blob shows up on his torso.

"And your mission can not be fulfilled anymore. You are dead!" I say. Accomplishment fills me again.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!" he screams. I look over the edge and they are all looking at me. They spotted me! I grab my old gun and my new one and go back down into the building.

I sprint down the hall and think. The pursuit is on. Me against everyone else. Game on. Bring it on!! I can take it!

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