Chapter 12

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I wake up to my parents' faces in mine.

I jump a little but I don't shriek like most people would do.

"You know what, if you would just get scared like everyone else in this world, that would have been a lot funnier." my dad says.

My mom laughs at what he says. "I guess she's way too Dauntless for us." my mom says.

"Yep" I say popping the 'P'.

I love it when someone says I'm too Dauntless for my parents. Its makes me feel accomplished considering I'm like a prodigy here. Born from two transfer that placed first in their initiation.

I quickly kick them out, which was literal with my dad. My mom left when I asked but my dad, being the stubborn self he is, stood his ground. I literally kicked him out of my room. I pretty sure he fell but I closed to door and locked it so he couldn't come back in.

I take a shower and get dressed. No makeup for me today. I brush my hair then I am off to the dining hall. I get some waffles and drench them in syrup.

I practically inhale it all. After that I look at my watch and I have half an hour till the train comes to being us to the Choosing Ceremony.

I decide to go to the workout room and run on the treadmill. After twenty minutes of running, I have run three miles and I haven't even broken a sweat.

I run to the other side of the compound, where the train tracks are. I get there in the nick of time because the train just signalled its coming.

I sprint to the tracks and get there in time to see my parents. I walk over to them then start to run. We lift ourselves into the car and help others in. We stand off to the side and talk about initiation.

"So we did discuss who you are training with right? You are going to be with the transfers while me and your dad here train the Dauntless-born. You will be with Zeke and Shauna." my mom says.

"What? I thought it was Christina and Will?" I ask.

"Yes it is, its just that they requested this year off." my dad explains.

"Oh. Okay. I'll be the teacher's pet and bring him some Dauntless cake." I say smiling.

"You are already the teacher's pet," my mom reminds me. "Prodigy."

I grin at this comment. Everyone at the compound is very surprised at my skills.

The train slightly slows down and we all jump off. We run into the building and up the stairs. I don't really acknowledge my surrounds except for the shouts from my Dauntless people.

I love their chaos so much.

We all socialize with the our faction but I go over to the Erudite section when I spot Caleb. All of the Erudite I pass give me ugly faces.

When I reach him, I give him a huge embrace.

" Can't....Breath....Ash" he says and I let go.

"sorry" I say.

"Its okay." he says giving me a understanding smile. "Your mother almost broke my back last time she hugged me. I guess you get your strength from both of them, don't you?" he says and I smirk as an answer.

He nods and I go to find my seat. Its right next to Carter. We sit in silence for a while until I break the ice.

"Aren't you excited for initiation?" I ask in a very excited voice.

He just nods. His whole body is shaking and he looks so uncertain. I hate seeing him like this. I lean over and give him a hug. He hugs back and I'm happy of that.

"What's wrong?" I ask as we pull away.

"Just....really nervous about initiation." he says hesitantly.

"Okay." I sigh in defeat. Something is really bothering him, but I know he won't tell me. I guess I'll ask him later when we get back to the compound.

"Excuse me. Please everyone take your seats." says Marcus Eaton. My mom told me that he is my grandfather but after I heard what he did to my dad, I wish I was never related to him. Of course everyone just thinks they are rumors, but I have seen the scars left on my dad's back.

And the speech begins...

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