Chapter 5

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What the heck. This isn't supposed to be here. I've been down this hallway before and it was never here. Okay, Ash think. You are being pursued and they had all that time to put it up.

I look around and see a little crack in the wall. Yes! They didn't cover up all of their fake wall so I shimmy into the space.  They made the wall about a foot and a half thick so there's enough space for me. I close up the place I came through and then make a hole in the other side. I look through it to determine if there are any people waiting for me. There are. Zeke, Shauna, and their kids.

Lucky I still have my paintball guns. I take out my new one and point it towards Zeke. Fire. I hear him moan and I look through the hole again. I shot him right in the butt. Shauna, Mason and Josephine are all laughing their butts off, so I take the chance.

One. Two. Three.

All made it and all in the butt. I smirk to myself in victory. I oddly hear everyone else with Zeke. Like everyone, so I look through the hole already made for me on the other side and no one is there.

"What the hell Zeke! You were supposed go catch her!" my dad yells.

"Well I'm sorry. These three could have grabbed her because I was too busy getting shot in the ass and laughed at." Zeke counters. Its funny to hear them argue because Zeke is usually the idiot in the conversation.

" Since you guys got shot too, I guess its fair. Besides, Ash doesn't leave things unfinished or unfair." my dad says, probably pointing most of that to Shauna and their kids but the idiocy in his voice is pointed to Zeke.

"Damn it! That's right. Which means she has to hit us all in the ass for everything to be fair!" Carter exaggerates. Its funny because he's right. I will shoot them all in the ass once more so everything could be equal.

When I get home, no one can throw cake in my face because that is only permitted in the morning. So them throwing cake at me wouldn't be anything special.

I dash out of the opening I originally came through and sprint down the hall. There's no one left in the hallways so I keep going. This is my free period which means last class of the day.

Wait. That means I skipped Music. Oh well, I guess. Like its an elective and I'm running for my life. I'd rather run for my life than go to music.

Continue running. Keep running. Dodge a cake. Keep running. Don't look back. Keep running. Repeat.

Then the bell rings that signals the end of the day. 

It's the end of the day? What? I have been running all that time. Well I guess time does fly when you're having fun. And this is fun. I don't know why it is, it just is. I run out to the tracks and I can still hear foot steps behind me. Everyone is running but there are those distinct footsteps that belong to my friends and family. 

The train comes down the tracks and I begin to sprint again. So does everyone else. I join the crowd by hiding behind a huge girl with blonde and hair and in black clothes. Of course.

I jump on the train and help some people in. Once everyone is in, I turn around and regret my moves.

Everyone is inside of the cart with me.

I look back out of the train and grab one of the handles. Keeping my eyes glued to my parents. Holding onto it I swing my self out of the train car and into the next car. I put my foot on the ledge of the car and swing the rest of my body inside. The whole process was difficult because of the wind, pushing me sideways which messes with my balance. When I get into the other car, no one was in there. Weird.

Then I get shoved out of the train.

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