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March 9, 2016

About twenty reporters half-filled the small press conference room. A stocky bald man, wearing a light-blue shirt with PBS printed in large red font on the back, was setting up a video recorder to the left of the stage. PBS was the only television news network covering the event and the rest of the reporters represented newspapers.

Stuart, standing in the corner of the raised stage, mentally went over the list of things that could go wrong. He felt the urge to use the men's room even though he had done so about half a dozen times in the last hour. Gordon sat in the last row of chairs and observed everything like a hawk. He had arranged this press conference by leaking the story through a journalist friend with the hope that at least fifty reporters would show up but, as the clock neared two, he realized it was going to be a low-key affair. He discreetly took a sip of rum from his hip flask and put it away in his trouser pocket before anyone could see it.

Even though Nick was dressed casually in a plain-white shirt, blue denims, and faded-green loafers, his dark-brown eyes and thick black hair slicked back gave him an aura of intensity. With an effortless smile and casually engaging in small talk, he made sure that all the reporters were in the right seat; the important ones in the first row. 

At the stroke of two, Nick addressed the reporters, "Good afternoon, folks! This is not the president’s press conference. He’s not standing backstage waiting to pop out and dazzle you all.”

A light wave of laughter went across the room.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” said Nick. “There are moments in history that are of significant importance to our human race, moments that get etched in minds of generations to come, moments that are fondly talked about across the world. Today, you are about to witness such a moment. We, humans as a species, are about to move into a new realm. Life as we know it, is about to change, and you all will be the first witnesses to this transformation. I welcome you all, and thank you for being with us.”

A few reporters exchanged smiles while some took notes in shorthand. Alex Harding, the senior correspondent from The Chronicle, shot the first question at Nick, “We are all here ‘cause we hear that you boys had a major scientific breakthrough. I heard someone say that Einstein would be proud of you two. So, please tell us, how are you going to change the world?"

A ripple of laughter went across the room.

“Very well, let's get started then. We have a short research documentary we want to show you all,” said Nick. Within a couple of minutes, he and Stuart converted the conference room into a dark room and a projector played a movie on the stage’s white background wall. 

In the first scene, Nick and Stuart introduced themselves to the audience as they stood in front of Hayley’s departmental store in what appeared to be a regular American suburban town.

In the next scene, Nick and Stuart were inside the store. 

“Everybody meet Conrad Hayley,” said Nick as the camera focused on an old, bald man with thick glasses and a big smile on his face. “Mister Hayley is seventy-three, a Vietnam War veteran, and has been living in Newport for the last forty years. He has volunteered to be a part of this scientific experiment. Today’s date is October 27, 2015, and we are going to change Mister Hayley's life. Conrad Hayley, are you ready?” said Nick in a theatrical tone.

The camera zoomed on Hayley's face as he said, “Was born ready, boys.”

The movie jumped to the next scene. Hayley, standing with only a towel wrapped around his waist, seemed in deep thought while he stared away from the camera. He resembled a loony let loose from an asylum.

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