8.9K 394 40


June 15, 2034

The phone ring broke her deep sleep. She woke up to see an incoming call from Stuart. It was eight forty in the morning.

“Hi,” she said.

“Morning,” said Stuart. “Sorry to wake you up but we need to go. The police caught them, one hour south of here. Come to my office as soon as you are ready.”

“Okay,” she said and hung up. 

She felt tired and slowly crawled out of the bed.

I’ll sleep in the car, it’s an hour away, she thought.

Fifteen minutes later, she walked into Stuart’s office to find Nick and Gordon sitting on the chairs in front of the desk. Nick was drinking juice, while Gordon was eating a donut. 

“Let’s get going,” said Stuart before anyone could say a word. “We have bagels, donuts and juice in the car. We’ll eat while we drive. Let’s go, let’s go.”

The next minute, all four of them were walking out of the building. As they were about to leave, they were greeted by Robert Wilson.

“Hey Stuart,” said Robert. “Good to see you all together.”

“Robert,” said Stuart. “Thanks for coming at such short notice. You’ll be interested in what we’re about to go see.”

 An hour later they all entered a hospital room in the city of Wilcox. Paula was sitting on the hospital bed resting her back up against three pillows and John Underwood was sitting to Paula’s right on a grey chair. A half-empty glass of juice was resting on top a small table next to the bed.  

“Good morning guys,” said Nick. “We’re here on behalf of Phoenix Industries. My name is Nick, this is Stuart, Gordon, Robert, and you both already met Michelle last night.”

“Good morning,” said John as he stood up from the chair.

Nick, Michelle and Gordon sat on chairs to Paula’s left while Robert stood next to Stuart, who sat near John.

“How are you Paula?” asked Michelle.

“I feel a little weak, but I’m fine.”

“Would you say you feel the same as you did when you ‘went young’ the last time?” asked Michelle.

“I think so. Last time I rested, this time we were on the run.”

Everyone laughed as Paula said that. 

“Yes, about that,” said Gordon as he looked at John. “We understand that losing your wife was really hard for you. Your actions were criminal, yet humane. We want you to know that our company is willing to not press charges against you as long as you both cooperate with us.”

John and Paula exchanged a quick look and smiled.

“We’ll cooperate,” said John.

“Okay,” said Nick. “Answer me honestly and correctly. What time did you die?”

Stuart smiled at the irony of Nick’s question.

“I think it was mixing of coke and heroin,”said Paula. “Usually, I’m pretty good with the amount I snort, but I overdid it yesterday and fell unconscious at about three in the afternoon.”

“That means you were dead for five hours,” said Nick.

“Did you guys tell anyone about it?” asked Gordon. “Friends, family or anyone?”

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