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December 21, 2032

It was that time of the year when the ever-smiling old man, with his lovable potbelly and long white beard, descends upon America. It was the only time of the year when Stuart and Michelle shopped together. A time to buy gifts for friends and family.

“It’s perfect for Gordon. He’ll love it,” Michelle said as they stood in front a beautiful mahogany dining table.

“Looks good to me. Let's get it,” said Stuart.

Michelle kept looking at the table for a while and then thrust her lower lip out making a low sound through her nose. 

“I want to make sure we get the best,” she said. “The store near Queens cinema has the best furniture in town. Let’s check that out before we decide.”

“What?” Stuart asked as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “This isn't the right store? Why are we here then? We should have just gone to the other store in the first place.”

“Don’t get mad,” she said. “I told you the plan while we were driving over here. Were you even listening?”

“You did?” said Stuart softly.

“You have been acting so weird lately,” she said as she let out a loud sigh. “You have been distracted and distant,” she paused. “And edgy.”

Stuart sensed that tears were ready to pour out of her eyes any second.

“It’s been hard at work,” he said. “I’ve dealing with a lot of government bureaucratic bullshit. It’s got nothing to do with you babe.”

“It’s not fair,” she said. “You can’t take out your frustration on me. Maybe you need a life coach who can help you manage your workload and organize your life.”

“Give me a break, Michelle. I don’t need a shrink to tell me how to live. You’re an emotional wreck every month when your period hits. Think of this as my period. It’ll be over soon.”

Michelle frowned and tilted her head a little with an expression of surprise on her face and said, “Am I so difficult to be around at that time?”

“It is what it is, but I still love you.” he said.

“I’m sorry,” she said as she moved close to him. “I know how you feel.”

She kissed him as he took her in his arms.

“I love you too,” she said as they kissed.


December 25, 2032

The wood cracked and turned yellow as it burned in the fireplace in the living room of Stuart and Michelle’s house in Hamilton, California. The ocean-front property stood on top of a hill that gradually sloped to meet the beach. The mansion had ten bedrooms, two kitchens, two studies, a small theater, and an infinity edge pool in the back with a grand view of the Pacific Ocean. Stuart’s mother, Linda, sat next to her brother Gordon, who sipped on dark rum while his ten-year-old daughter, Misha, sat on the light-green carpet floor and eagerly unwrapped her present that uncle Stuart had given her a minute ago.

Stuart handed a glass of whiskey to Nick and said, “Uncle Gordon, how was Hawaii? Which island did you go to? You were gone for a while.”

“Kauai,” said Gordon, “I was gone for about a month.”

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