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The next day after school, they both cycled to Nick’s house. The house was built fifty years ago and sat on a three-acre piece of land with lush green yards in the front and back. Grandma Yvette was sitting on the front porch when she saw them cycling up the driveway. On seeing the kids, she made her way inside the house to the kitchen. A while later, as the boys entered the front door, she walked into the living room with a tray in her hands.

“Hey granny,” said Nick. “Meet my friend Stuart.”

“Hello Stuart, I am Yvette.”

Stuart smiled as he saw the short, stocky woman walking quickly across the floor. She was wearing a blue T-shirt, knee-length khaki shorts and flip-flops that made a small flapping sound with each step she took.

“I made some lemonade for you boys,” she said setting the tray on a table in the centre of the room.

“Thanks, Granny, it’s scorching out,” said Nick and poured two glasses. “Stuart and I are going to work on a science project together.”

“What is it about?” she asked.

“The aim of the project is to use human brain waves to control a device—say a computer or a phone,” said Nick as he handed a glass of lemonade to Stuart. “It’s a high aim. Realistically, we won’t achieve it but we’re going to try anyway.”

“Did your teacher put you up to it?” she asked.

“No Granny, it’s a fun research activity we thought of doing,” said Nick. “My science teacher wants us to learn whatever is written in the textbooks. He’s so dumb that he gets excited when he burns paper with a magnifying glass.”

“Don’t badmouth your teacher,” she said.

“Sorry, Granny, but I know more than he does. He’s technically not qualified to be my teacher anymore.”

“Isn’t he such a brat?” said Yvette to Stuart as she laughed.

“This lemonade is amazing,” said Stuart. “Thank you.”

“Isn’t it best lemonade in the state?” asked Nick with a smile.

“It sure is,” said Stuart.

“What good will your research do?” she asked.

“If we’re successful,” said Nick. “The device would help paralyzed people express themselves and operate computers. It’ll improve their quality of life.”

“What a noble cause!” she said. “I’ll pray for your success.”

“Thanks, Granny,” said Nick. “I’m going to show Stuart my gadgets now.”

“Okay, when you boys are done and get hungry, give me a holler and I’ll fix you dinner.”

“Sounds great,” said Nick as they left the living room and made their way to the back porch. 


Stuart was impressed on seeing the remote-controlled lawn mower that Nick had built last summer.

“My latest gadget is a miniature flying machine, and all the material I used in it, I collected from scrap,” Nick said as he took the cover off a miniature airplane. It was about three-feet long and two-feet wide and was largely decorated with small stickers of various brands available easily at the grocery store. Nick brought out a wooden remote the size of a huge encyclopedia.

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